Ultimate Blitz Basic 2.1
Ultimate Blitz Basic 2.1 (1997)(Acid Software).iso
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Text File
13,801 lines
Thank you for purchasing Blitz Basic 2.1 We at Acid Software hope that it
provides you with an environment, that gives you the total freedom you need
to explore your ideas on the Amiga computer.
Blitz Basic 2.1 gives you the power to make commercial quality games such as
Super Skidmarks or BlitzBombers and the flexibility to create applications
such as paint packages and spreadsheets.
This disk is installed with a limited Workbench 1.3 environment so that
floppy disk users can boot straight from this disk. It contains six main
Acidlibs The standard Blitz2 commands.
Blitz2 The compiler
Deflibs The additional commands created from third party
Help The on-line help program.
Help.dat The data file for the on-line help program.
Ted The editor.
This disk is full of demos and examples written in BlitzBasic 2.1 They
provide a wealth of information for Blitz Basic 2.1 programmers to advance
their skills. The examples have been placed into seven separate directories:
Amigamode:- Applications related examples on gadgets, windows,
arexx, etc.
AndrewsDemos:- Games/graphics related examples by Andrew Blackbourne.
Blitzmode:- Game/graphics related examples on scrolling, blitting,
animation, etc.
MarksDemos:- Applications related examples by Mark Sibly.
SimonsDemos:- Games related examples by Simon Armstrong.
TedsDemos:- Demo/graphics related examples by Ted Bailey.
Tools:- Application and games related tools and source code.
This disk is full of additional utilities and programs for users with more
than 1 Mb of memory and a hard drive. To squeeze as much as possible onto
the disk, the files have been compressed using an 'archiver' called Lha.
The evaluation version of this program is required so that you can unpack
the files. This disk contains five archives:
BigDeflibs.lha:- All the amigalibs and third party libraries compiled into
one file.
Blitzlibs.lha:- All the object code for amigalibs and the third party
libraries and the Blitz resident files and utilities.
LibsDev.lha:- An archive for advanced users wanting to create their
own libraries. It contains documentation, example
library source code and test example code for the
third party libraries.
NewDebugger.lha:- An advanced debugging utility that allows you to
view copperlists, memory etc.
NewTeditor.lha:- An Amiga style guide compliant editor that requires
Workbench 2.0 or greater.
This manual contains detailed descriptions of all the standard commands
found in Acidlibs. It also contains some helpful examples and hints on how
to get the best performance from Blitz.
Please fill out this card and mail it back to your Acid Software
Distribution Centre. Once we have received your card, you will be allocated
a Blitz User number, please quote it in all subsequent communications. You
will not be eligible for any support, bug fixes and updates without
registering yourself as a Blitz Basic 2.1 user.
NB: Please make backup copies of all your disks before using Blitz.
Floppy disk users
You can start using Blitz Basic 2.1 straight away. Insert the program disk
and switch on your Amiga. Double-click on the Blitz2 icon and after a short
pause an 'okee dokee' requester will appear. Click on this and you are now
ready to start. Please refer to chapter one 'Getting Started' for
instructions on how to load the examples.
Hard disk users
1. Create a new directory on your hard disk. Blitz is a good name to
2. Copy the following files from your Blitz Program floppy disk into
the new directory on your hard disk:
3. Create two new sub-directories in your blitz directory:
4. Add the following two assigns to your start-up sequence:
Assign Blitz2: <hard drive>:<new directory>
Assign Blitzlibs: <hard drive>:<new directory>/<new
e.g: Assign Blitz2: DH1 :Blitz
Assign Blitzlibs: DH1 :Blitz/Blitzlibs
5. Restart your Amiga and you are ready to run Blitz from your hard disk
You do not need to install the additional utilities and extras in order to
use Blitz.
You can simply boot from your Blitz Program disk and start writing your
The extras disk is provided for users with more memory and hard disk drives
and for the more advanced programmers out there.
All the additional files will need to be un-archived before they can be
installed or used. In order to do this you will need the evaluation version
of Lha by Stefan Boberg, which unfortunately wouldn't fit on the disk. It
is available from most Public Domain software suppliers, Aminet and most
magazine coverdisks.
One way to extract the files from the archives once you have the Lha
program, is:
1. Load up Workbench.
2. Copy the Lha program file into your Workbench:C drawer.
3. Open a shell by double-clicking on the shell icon in the system drawer.
4. Type: Lha x
e.g: Lha x Extras:BigDeflibs.lha Ram:
5. Copy the un-archived file into its correct place
e.g: copy deflibs DH1 :Blitz
What's in the archives and where do the files go?
This contains a single 1 59K deflibs file that is a direct
replacement for the small 55K deflibs file in your Blitz drawer. Floppy
disk users do not have enough room on their program disk to install this
This contains two directories and several resident files and
utilities. Floppy disk users should format a blank disk and rename it
Blitzlibs and then un-archive the file onto this disk. Hard disk users
should un-archive this file into the Blitzlibs drawer they created when
installing Blitz.
This contains six directories and a documentation file. Floppy
disk users should format a blank disk and un-archive the file onto this
disk. Hard disk users should create a new sub-directory in their Blitz
drawer (a good name would be developers) and then un-archive this file into
the new directory.
This contains the new 1 52K defaultdbug file,
documentation on its use and an example directory containing test programs.
The file is a direct replacement for the small 33K defaultdbug in your
Blitz drawer. The examples and documentation can be installed in any
suitable directory. Floppy disk users will not be able to install this file
as there is not enough room on their program disk. NB: The big 159K deflibs
file must be installed to use the advanced debugging utility.
This contains the new 57K Ted file and some documentation on its use. The
file is a direct replacement for the 59K Ted file in your Blitz drawer. The
documentation can be installed in any suitable directory. Floppy disk users
will not be able to install this file and the additional libraries it
requires as there is not enough room on their program disk. NB: The new
editor requires Workbench 2.0 or greater.
Directory Tree for Hard Disk users
DH1:-Blitz ------------------------------------------program files
--------- Blitzlibs --------------------------- resident files
| |
| |
| |--- amigalibs amiga libraries
| --- otherlibs third party libraries
---- Developers----------------------------- documentation
| |
| |
| |--- acidlibsrc acid library source code
| |--- amigaincludes system includes
| |--- toolsource developer toolsource code
| |--- userlibdocs does for third party fibs
| |--- userlibprogs test programs for third party fibs
| --- Userlibsource source code for third party fibs
|--- Examples
| |
| |--- amigamode
| |--- andrewsdemos
| |--- blitzmode
| |--- marksdemos ;example code
| |--- simonsdemos
| |--- tedsdemos
| --- tools
--- Userlibs
NB: The developers and examples directories are optional. Blitzlibs is
mainly required for the resident files that some programs use. Userlibs is
only required for testing beta-versions of your own libraries.
If you want to receive the latest additions, fixes and example code, you can
subscribe to the Blitz User Magazine currently at issue eight. We are
hoping to have BUM9 ready shortly after Christmas 1995 and it will consist
of two disks that will unpack onto four disks (this is the standard BUM
format). For 10.00, registered users can have the next two issues of BUM
delivered to their door. Please note, existing BUM subscribers have already
paid for the next two issues.
UK and European registered users should contact:
Acid Software
c/o Guildhall Leisure Services
Unit 15, Guildhall Industrial Estate
Kirk Sandall
Blitz Installation Support
Tel 01429 266413 Mon - Fri 9Am - 5Pm (** UK ONLY **)
EMail:- kevv@Globalnet.co.uk
US and Australasian registered users should contact:
Email: acid@iconz.co.nz
Error Type Explanation and Solution
Can't compile the program, there are ??????'s instead of Blitz commands:
The program may be using a Blitz command from the third party libraries.
you got the large deflibs installed in your Blitz drawer ? NB: Floppy users
cannot install the large deflibs file as there isn't enough room on their
program disk
Can't load resident :A few programs use resident files which are contained
in the blitzlibs archive. Floppy users have you named a blank disk
Blitzlibs un-archived the file blitzlibs.lha onto it? Hard Disk users have
you un-archived the blitzlibs.lha file into the correct drawer on your hard
drive ? Have you added the assign for Blitzlibs: to your startup sequence ?
Please insert volume Blitzlibs: See above explanation and is your
deflibs file in the same drawer as the Blitz2 program file ?.
Can't load graphic/shape/sound/include Blitz can't find the file to be
loaded. Have you used the Change Directory gadget on the file requester ?
Installing Blitz 1
Registration Card 1
OkeeDokee? 1
Running the Examples 1
Current Directories 2
Using Ted the Blitz2 Editor 2
Entering Text 3
Highlighting blocks of text 3
The Editor Menus 4
The Blitz File Requester 7
The Compiler Menu 8
Compiler Options 9
Keyboard Shortcuts 10
My First Program 11
The Print Command 11
Formatted Printing 12
A Simple Variable 12
Blitz2 Operators 12
Boolean Operators 14
Binary Operators 14
Multiple Commands 14
A Simple Loop 14
Nested Loops 15
While..Wend and Repeat..Until 15
Endless Loops 16
Using String Variables 16
Program Flow 17
Jumpin' Around 17
Getting Input from the User 18
Arrays 19
Numeric Types 21
Default Types 22
The Data Statement 22
Numeric Overflows 23
String Types 23
System Constants 23
Primitive Types Summary 23
NewTypes 24
Arrays inside NewTypes 25
The UsePath Directive 26
Dimming Lists 28
Adding items to a list 28
Processing Lists 29
Removing Items From a List 30
List Structure 30
The Pointer Type 30
Introduction 31
Statements 31
Functions 32
Recursion 33
Accessing Global Variables 33
Procedures Summary 33
Assembler in Blitz Procedures 34
Compile Time Errors 35
The CERR Directive 36
Runtime Errors 36
The Blitz Debugger 37
The Debugger Gadgets 38
Tracing program execution 38
Resuming Normal Execution 39
Viewing command history 39
Direct Mode 39
Debugger Errors 40
Blitz2 Objects Overview 41
Object Similarities 41
Object Maximums 42
Using an Object 42
Input/Ouput Objects 43
Object structures 43
The Blitz Objects 44
Screens 44
Windows 44
Gadget and Menu lists 44
Palettes 44
BitMaps 45
Shapes 45
Sprites 45
Slices 45
Files 46
Objects Summary 46
Introduction to Blitz Mode 47
Slice Maoic 47
Smooth Scrolling 48
Dual-Playfield 48
Copper Control 48
The Blitter 49
QAmiga Mode 50
Summary 52
Resident Files 53
Operating System Calls 54
Operating System Libraries 54
Accessing OS Structures 55
Locating Variables & Labels 55
Constants 56
Conditional Compiling 57
Macros 58
Macro Parameters 59
The '0 Parameter 60
Recursive Macros 60
Replacing Functions with Macros 61
The CMake Character 61
Inline Assembler 62
GetReg & PutReg 62
Assembler in Procedures 63
Label and Variable Names 65
Style 65
Naming related problems 66
Remarks and Comments 66
Structured programming 67
Keeping things modular 67
Along the way... 68
Keeping your code readable 68
Optimising Code 69
Algorithms 69
Loops 69
Lookup tables 70
Using Pointers 70
Testing Performance 70
Optimising Games 71
Number Guessing 73
Standalone WorkBench progs 74
A Graphic Example 75
Using Menus & File Requesters 76
String Gadgets 77
Prop Gadgets 78
Database Type Aplication 79
List Processor for Exec 82
Prime Number Generator 83
Clipped Blits 84
Dual Playtield Slice 85
Double Buffering 86
Smooth Scrolling 87
Introduction 89
Initialising 89
Flags used with InitCopList 90
Colors 90
SmoothScrolling 90
DualPlayfield 91
Sprites 91
FetchMode 91
Multiple Displays 91
Advanced Copper Control 92
Display Example 1 93
Display Example 2 94
Installing Blitz
There are two install programs included on Diskl of the Blitz disks,
HDInstall and Floppyinstall. From Workbench click on the one that is
applicable. Those installing onto harddisk will want to make sure they have
at least 4 megs free in the partition they are installing to while floppy
users will be informed by the Floppyinstall program of the number of blank
disks they will need to unpack all the data onto.
Registration Card
Please fill out this card and mail it back to Acid Software. You will not
be eligible for any support, bug fixes and updates without registering
yourself as a Blitz2 user. We would also like to here about what you want
to use Blitz2 for and any things you think need adding to Blitz2.
Once you have a working backup of the disks or have installed Blitz 2 onto
your harddisk its time to take your new programming language for a spin:
Double click the Blitz2 icon to run the editor/compiler. The editor screen
should appear with a copyright notice (which should NOT be ignored!). Click
on OkeeDokee and you're up and running.
Running the Examples
Okee dokee, if you have got this far without any problems you're ready to
drive the speed machine (thats the Blitz 2 editor/compiler we're talking
Select the LOAD menu item, insert the examples disk or select the
Blitz2:Examples drawer on your harddisk and load in one of the examples.
Any file ending with the suffix .bb2 is a source file able to be loaded
into the Blitz2 editor/compiler. Once you have loaded a .bb2 file have a
read, guess what it's going to do then select compile and run from the
compiler menu.
The only problem you should have with running the examples is to do with
'Current Directories'.
Page 1
Current Directories
If you changed the pathname in the file-requester to locate the example you
loaded you will usually need to click on the CD gadget before selecting OK
on the file- requester. This changes the current directory to that which
you loaded the example.
By changing the current directory. any files the program attempts to use
will be loaded from the same directory as that from which the source code
was loaded.
This means that when the program is executed (run) and attempts t`' load
any data or graphics from disk, the default path (directory it looks for
files) will be set to, the same directory as where the program itself was
If the example comes up with a runtime error "Couldn't Load Shape" or the
like it will be because the current directory has not been to set. Hit
Escape to exit the debugger and return to the editor.
If the example crashes the machine, it its because the same error
occurred but error checking was disabled on the compiler options menu.
Using Ted the Blitz2 Editor
To enter and compile your programs you need an editor. Blitz2 comes with a
text editor that acts both as an interface to the Blitz2 compiler as well
as a standalone ascii editor (ascii is the computer standard for normal
The horizontal and vertical bars are called 'scroll bars'. when the file
you are editing is longer or wider than the screen you can position your
view of the file by dragging these bars inside their boxes with the left
mouse button.
At the bottom of the screen is information about the cursor position r
elative to the start of the file you are editing as well as a memory
monitor that lets you know the largest block of memory available in your
Amiga system.
Using the left mouse button you can drag the Blitz2 screen up and down just
like any other Amiga screen as well as place it to the back with the front
to back gadgets at the top right of the screen.
Entering Text
The editor can be treated just like a standard typewriter, just go ahead
and type, using the return key to start a new line.
The small box that moves across the screen as you type is called the
cursor. Where the cursor is positioned on the screen is where the letters
will appear when you type.
By using the arrow keys you can move the cursor around your document,
herein to be known as the file.
If you place the cursor in the middle of text you have already typed you
can insert letters just by typing, the editor will move all the characters
under and to the right of the cursor along one and insert the key you
pressed into the space created.
The DEL key will remove the character directly under the cursor and move the
remaining text on the line left one character to cover up the gap.
The key to the left of the DEL key will also remove a character but unlike
the DEL key it removes the character to the left of the cursor moving the
cursor and the rest of the line to the left.
The TAB key works similar to a typewriter moving the cursor and any text to
the right of the cursor right by so many columns.
The RETURN key as mentioned allows you to start a new line. If you are in
the middle of a line of text and want to move all text to the right of the
cursor down to a new line use shift RETURN, this is known as inserting a
carriage return.
To join two lines of text use the Amiga keyboard combination.
Using the shift keys in combination with the arrow keys you can move the
cursor to the very start or end of a line and up and down a whole page of
the document.
By pointing with the mouse to a position on the screen you can move the
cursor there by clicking the left mouse button.
See keyboard shortcuts at the end of this chapter for other important keys
used with the Blitz2 editor.
Highlighting blocks of text
When editing text, especially programs you often need to operate on a block
of text. Position the mouse at the start or end of the block, hold down the
left mouse button and drag the mouse to highlight the area you wish to
copy, delete, save or indent. While holding down the button you can scroll
the display by moving the pointer to the very top or bottom of the display.
You can also select a block with the keyboard, position the cursor at the
start of the block of text, hit the Fl key then position the cursor at the
end of the text and hit F2.
Page 3
A special feature for structured programmers is the Amiga-A key
combination, this automatically highlights the current line and any above
or below that are indented the same number of spaces.
The Editor Menus
Using the right mouse button you can access the menu system of the Blitz2
editor. The following is a list of the features accessible from these menus
in order from left to right.
Kills the file you are editing from the Amiga's memory. If the file has
been changed since it was last saved to disk a requester will ask you if
you really wish to NEW the file.
Reads a file from disk. A file requester appears when you select LOAD which
enables you to easily select the file you wish to edit. See later in this
chapter for a full description of using the file requester.
Writes your file to disk. A file requester appears when you select SAVE
which enables you to easily select the file name you wish to save your file
as. See later in this chapter for a full description of using the file
Changes the look of the Blitz2 editor. You can edit the palette, select the
size of font and tell the system if you wish icons to be created when your
files are saved. The scroll margins dictate how far from the edge of the
screen your cursor needs to be before Blitz scrolls the text.
ABOUT Displays version number and credits concerning Blitz2.
Sends your file to an output device usually PRT: the printer device.
Launches a command line interface from the editor, use the
ENDCLI command to close this CLI and return to the Blitz2 editor.
Closes WorkBench if it is currently open. This option should only be used
if you are running very short on memory as closing WorkBench can free about
40K of valuable ChipMem.
Close the Blitz2 editor and returns you to workbench or CLI.
Page 4
The EDITMenu
Copies a block of text that is highlighted with the mouse or fl-f2 key
combination to the current cursor position. The F4 key is another keyboard
shortcut for COPY. KILL
Deletes a highlighted block of text (same as shift F3 key). BLOCKTODISK
Saves a highlighted block of text to disk in ascii format.
Loads a file from disk and inserts it into the file you are editing at the
current cursor position.
De-selects a block of text that is selected (highlighted). INSERTLINE
Breaks the line into two lines at the current cursor position. DELETE LINE
Deletes the line of text the cursor is currently located on.
Deletes all text on the line to the right of the cursor. JOIN
Places the text on the line below the cursor at the end of the current line.
BLOCK TAB Shifts all highlighted text to the right by one tab margin.
BLOCK UNTAB Shifts all highlighted text to the left by one tab margin.
TOP Moves the cursor to the top of the file
BOTTOM Moves the cursor to the last line of the file.
GOTO LINE Moves the cursor to the line number of your choice.
Page 5
FIND Will search the file for a string of characters.
NEXT Positions the curosr at the next occurrence of the Find-String
entered using the FIND menu option (as below).
Will position the curosr at the last occurrence of the Find: String entered
using the FIND menu option (as below).
REPLACE Will carry out the same function as discussed in the FIND
requester below.
After selecting FIND in the SEARCH menu the following requester will appear:
Type the string that you wish to search for into the top string gadget and
click on NEXT. This will position the cursor at the next occurrence of the
string, if there is no such string the screen will flash.
Use the PREVIOUS icon to search backwards from the current cursor position.
The CASE SENSITIVE option will only find strings that have the same letters
capitalized, default is that the search will ignore whether letters are
caps or not.
To replace the find string with an alternate string click on the box next
to REPLACE: and type the alternate string. REPLACE will search for the next
occurrence of the Find: string, delete it, and insert the Replace: string
in it's place.
REPLACE ALL will carry on through the file doing replaces on all
occurrences of the Find: string.
Page 6
The Blitz File Requester
When you select load or save, Blitz2 places a file requester on the screen.
With the file requester you can quickly and easily find the file on a disk.
Clicking on the top left of the window or on the CANCEL gadget at the
bottom right will cancel the file requester returning you to the editor.
The slider at the right enables you to scroll up and down through the files
in the currently selected directory (drawer).
Double clicking on a file name (pointing to the name and pressing the left
mouse button twice) will select that file name.
Clicking on a <DIR> will change to that directory and list the files
contained in it.
Clicking on PARENT will return you to the parent directory.
Clicking on drives adds a list of all drives, volumes and assigned devices
to the top of the file list so you can move into their directories.
You can also enter path and file names with the keyboard by clicking on the
boxes next to PATH: and FILE: and entering the suitable text. Then Click on
the OK gadget.
CD is a special command used when programming in Blitz2 to change the
editors current directory to that specified in the path name. This means
that when you select CLI or launch a task from the editor its root
directory will be that selected by the CD gadget.
The last feature of the Blitz2 FileRequester is the ability to size its
window, h dragging the bottom right of the window with the left mouse
button you can see m more files at one time.
Page 7
The Compiler Menu
The following is a discussion of the extra options and commands available
with Ted when used in Blitz2 programming mode. The Compiler menu includes
all the commands needed to control the Blitz2 compiler.
COMPILE/RUN Compiles your Blitz2 program to memory and if there are no
errors run the program.
RUN Runs the program if it has already been successfully
compiled to memory.
CREATE FILE Compile your Blitz2 program to disk as an executable
OPTIONS See next page for details about Blitz2 compiler options.
Will create a 'resident file' from the current file. A resident is a file
including all constants and macro definitions as well as newtype
definitions. By removing large chunks of these definitions from your code
and creating a resident (pre- compiled) file a dramatic increase in compile
speed can be attained.
Allows you to view all currently resident types. Click on the type name and
its definition will be shown. Subtypes can be viewed from this expansion
Enables you to pass parameters to your program when executing it from the
Blitz2 editor environment just as if you had run the program from the CLI.
Allows you do to calculations in base 2, 10 and 16. Precede hex values with
$ and binary with %. It also supports multi levels of parenthesis.
Will read all files from BLITZLIBS: back into the Blitz2 compiler
environment. This is useful when writing your own Blitz2 libraries and wish
to test them without having to re-run Blitz2.
Page 8
Compiler Options
The following is a discussion of the Options requester found in the
Compiler menu.
Create Icons for Executable Files: if on, the compiler creates an icon to
accompany the file created with the CREATE FTLE option. This means the
program will be accessible from the WorkBench. Note: for the program to
execute correctly when run from workbench the WBStartUp command should be
included at the top of the source code.
Enable Runtime Errors:when on will trap runtime errors and invoke the Blitz2
debugger. See Chapter 5 for a thorough discussion of runtime errors in
Make Smallest Code: selects two pass compile mode, which always calculates
the minimum amount of memory required for the object code. Make Smallest is
automatically selected when creating executable files. Unselected, programs
will compile quicker.
Debug Info: creates a symbols table during CREATE FILE so executable can be
debugged more easily with debuggers such as Metadigm's excellent MetaScope.
Buffer Sizes: allows different buffers to be altered when using Blitz2 as a
one pass compiler. These buffers are automatically optimized when using
MakeSmallest (two pass compile). The one exception is the string buffer
setting, if using large strings (such as reading entire files into one
string) the string workspace buffer should be increased in size to handle
the largest string used.
Object Maximums: allows setting of maximum number of Blitz2 objects such as
screens, shapes etc. See Chapter 6 for a thorough explanation of Blitz2
objects and their maximum settings.
Resident: adds precompiled resident files to the Blitz2 environment. Click
in the box and type in the resident file name.
Page 9
Keyboard Shortcuts
Having to reach for the mouse to execute some of the editor commands can be
a nuisance. The following is a list of keyboard shortcuts that execute the
same options that are available in the menus.
The right Amiga key is just to the right of the space bar and should be
used like the shift key in combination with the stated keys to execute the
following commands:
Amiga A SELECTs all text that is indented the same amount as the current
line (strictly for structured programming housekeeping)
Amiga B BOTTOM will position cursor on last line of file
Amiga D DELETE LINE removes the line of text on which the cursor is
currently positioned
Amiga F FIND/REPLACE executes the FIND command in the SEARCH menu
Amiga G GOTO LINE moves cursor to specific line of file
Amiga I INSERT LINE moves all text at and below the cursor down one line
Amiga J JOIN LINE adjoins next line with current line
Amiga L LOAD reads a file from disk
Amiga N NEXT searches for the next occurrence of the 'find string'
Amiga P PREVIOUS searched for previous occurrence of the 'find string'
Amiga Q QUIT will exit the Blitz2 editor
Amiga R REPLACE will replace text at cursor (if same as find string) with
the alternate string specified with the Find command.
Amiga S SAVE writes a file to disk
Amiga T TOP moves the cursor to the top of the file
Amiga W FORGET will unhighlight a selected block of text
Amiga Y DELETE TO RIGHT of cursor
Amiga Z CLI
Amiga ? DEFAULTS allows the user to change the look and feel of the Blitz2
Amiga ] BLOCK TAB moves whole block right one tab
Amiga [ BLOCK UNTAB moves whole block left one tab
Page 10
My First Program
Type in the following two lines:
Print "This is my first program written in Blitz2!"
Then using the right button select COMPILE&RUN from the top right menu.
If you have typed the program in correctly a Blitz2 CLI Window will appear
with the message, click the mouse button to return to the editor Thats all
there is to it!
The Print Command
Position the cursor on the Print statement and press the HELP key, the
syntax for the Print command appears at the top of the screen. It should
Print Expression[,Expression...]
The square brackets mean that the Print command will accept any number of
expressions separated by commas. An expression can be any number, string
(text in "quotes"), variable or BASIC calculation. The following is an
example of all these.
Don't forget to include the MouseWait command when you test this, otherwise
Blitz2 will print the message and return you to the editor before you even
have time to read it.
Print 3,"CARS",a,a*7+3
The following should be printed out on the CLI window:
If we add some spacing between each expression like so:
Print 3," CARS ",a," ",a*7+3
The result will be the line:
3 CARS O 3
Page 11
Formatted Printing
We can change the way Blitz2 prints numbers using the Format command, this
is useful if want to print a list of numbers, in a column.
The NPrint command is used to move the cursor to a newline after printing
the expressions.
Format "###.00"
Nprint 23.5
Nprint 10
Nprint .5
Nprint 0
A Simple Variable
The main power of a programming language lies in it's ability to manipulate
numbers and text. Variables are used to store these pieces of information.
The following line will store the value 5 in the variable a:
The variable a now holds the value 5. We can tell the computer to add I to
the value of a making it 6 using the following expression:
An expression can contain more than one operation, brackets can be used to
make one operation be evaluated before the others:
Blitz2 Operators
An evaluation is a collection of variables, constants, functions and operators.
Examples of operators are the plus and minus signs.
An operator will generate an outcome using either the variable on it's
a=NOT 5
or from the variables on it's left and right:
An evaluation can include multiple operators:
Page 12
As in mathematics the order the operators are evaluated will affect the
outcome, if the multiply is done first in the above example the result is
33, if the addition was done first, 5*(6+3), the result will be 40.
When Blitz performs an evaluation some operators have precedence over
others and will be evaluated first, the following two evaluations will have
the same result because Blitz2 will always evaluate multiplication before
a=5*6+3 is the same as a=3+5*6
To override the order which Blitz2 evaluates the above, parenthesis can be
added, operations enclosed in parenthesis will be evaluated first:
The following table lists the Blitz2 operators grouped in order of priority
(LHS=lett hand side, RHS=right hand side). Operators in the same box have
the same priority.
NOT RHS logically NOTted
RHS arithmetically negated
BITSET LHS with RHS bit set
BITCLR LHS with RHS bit cleared
BITCHG LHS with RHS bit changed
BITTST true if LHS bit of RHS is set
/\ LHS to the power of RHS
LSL LHS logically shifted left RHS times
ASL LHS arithmetically shifted left RHS times
LSR LHS logically shifted right RHS times
ASR LHS arithmetically shifted right RHS times
& LHS logically ANDed with RHS
| LHS logically ORed with RHS
* LHS multiplied by RHS
/ LHS divided by RHS
+ LHS added to RHS
- RHS subtracted from LHS
= true if LHS is equal to RHS
<> true if LHS is not equal to RHS
< true if LHS is less than RHS
> true if LHS is greater than RHS
<= true if LHS is less than or equal to RHS
>= true if LHS is greater than or equal to RHS
AND LHS logically ANDed with RHS
OR LHS logically ORed with RHS
Page 13
Boolean Operators
The boolean system can only operate with two values, true and false. In
Blitz2 false is represented by the value (), true with the value -1. The
operators =, <>, <=, =>, > and < all generate a boolean result (true or
NPrint 2=2 will print the value - I as the result of the operation 2=2 is
true. The operators OR, AND and NOT can be used as boolean operators,
Nprint 2=2 AND 5=6 will print () as the result is false. The OR operator
will return true if either the left or the right hand side is true. The NOT
operator returns false if the following operand is true and true if the
operand is false.
Binary Operators
Many of the Blitz2 operators perform binary type arithmetic. These
operations are very fast as they directly correspond to instructions built
into the computer's microprocessor.
The binary system means that all numbers are represented by a series of I s
and 0s. A byte is made up of X such bits, a word 16 and a long word 32.
Further discussion of the binary operators in Blitz2 can be tound in any
text covering the 68000 microprocessor.
Multiple Commands
The following program starts a with a value of 0, it then proceeds to add
12 to the value of a and print the result 4 times.
a=a+12:Nprint a
a=a+12:Nprint a
a=a+12:Nprint a
a=a+12:Nprint a
Note how we can put two commands on the same line by separating each command
with a colon character. Also, the first line a=0 is not needed as variables
in Blitz2 always start out with a value of 0 anyway.
A Simple Loop
The following program prints out the 12 times table. Instead of typing in
12 lines to do this we use a For..Next loop. A loop is where the program is
told to repeat a section of program many times.
For i=1 To 12..Next will execute the commands between the For and Next 12
times, the variable i is used to keep count.
The asterisk * means multiply, a=i*12 means the variable a now equals 12 x
Page 14
variable i. Because i is counting up from 1 to 12 the variable a is assigned the values 12, 24, 36,4X.. as the program loops.
For i=1 To 12
a=i*1 2
NPrint i,"*",12,"=",a
Note how the 2 lines inside the loop are indented across the page. This
practice makes it easy to see which bits of the program are inside loops
and which are not.
The Tab key can be used to move the cursor across the page so many spaces
when typing in lines that are indented.
Now try changing the first line to For i=l To 100, as you can see the
computer has no problem what so ever doing it's 12 times table!
We could also change the number 12 in the first 3 lines to any other number
to generate an alternative times table.
Nested Loops
The following program is an example of nesting loops, a term that refers to
having loops inside of loops. By indenting the code that is inside the
inner loop even further we can keep a check to make sure each For statement
lines up with each Next statement.
For y=1 To 12
For x=1 To 12
NPrint y,"*",x,"=",x*y
The nesting of the For x=1 To 12 inside the For y=1 To 12 means the line
inside the For x will be executed 12 x 12 times, each time with a new
combination of x and y.
While..Wend and Repeat..Until
There are two other simple ways to program loops in Blitz2 besides using
While..Wend and Repeat..Until loops are used as follows:
While a<20
Nprint a
Page 15
Nprint a
Until a>=20
As with a lot of BASIC commands they are pretty much self explanatory, the
inside of a While..Wend will be repeated while the condition remains true.
a Repeat..Until will loop until the condition is true.
A condition can be any evaluation such as While a+l0<SO, While f=0, While
b<>x*2 and so on.
The difference between the two loops above is that if a was greater than 20
to start with, the Repeat..Until would still execute the code inside the
loop once, where as the While..Wend would not.
Endless Loops
When a program gets into the situation of repeating a loop for ever it is
called an endless loop. In this situation the programmer must be able to
override the program and tell it to stop.
To interrupt a program the Ctrl/Alt C keyboard sequence must be used.
Holding down the Ctrl key and the LeftAlt key press C, this will stop the
program and the debugger screen will appear. To exit from the debugger and
return to the editor use the Esc key (top left of the keyboard). The
debugger is covered in detail in Chapter 5.
Using String Variables
Variables that contain text not numbers are called string variables. String
variables require the $ signs after their names. The following shows a
simple example of a string variable:
Nprint a$
Similar to numeric variables the = sign is used to assign the string
variable a value. The + sign can be used to add strings together
a$="Simon ": b$="Armstrong" :c$=a$+b$
The variable c$ will now contain the string "SimonArmstrong". Other
functions that manipulate strings are detailed in the reference section of
this manual.
Page 16
Program Flow
Often a program will have to decide to do either one thing or another, this
is called prograzn flow. The If Then commands are used to tell the program
to do something only If some condition is true. The following will only
print "Hello" if the variable a has the value 5:
If a=5 Then Print "Hello"
The above line could be changed to do a section of commands if a was equal
to 5 using the IF..Endif structure:
If a=5
Print "Hello"
The Else command is used to execute an alternative section if the condition
is not true:
If a=5
Print "Hello"
Print "GoodBye"
Note how we indent code inside conditional blocks just like we did with
loops. This makes the code more readable, it is easier to see which lines
of code will be executed when the condition is true etc.
The condition after the If command can be any complex expression, the
following are some examples of possible test conditions:
If a=1 OR b=2
If a>b+5
If (a+10)*50 <> b/7-3
An appendix at the end of this manual contains a complete description of
using multiple operators and their precedence.
Jumpin' Around
Often the program will need to jump to a different section of the code. The
Goto and Gosub routines are used for this. The location that the program is
jumping to needs a label so that Goto and Gosub can reference the location
they are jumping to. The following uses the label start:
Goto start
Page 17
Because the Goto statement makes the program jump to the label start, "Hi
There" is never printed.
The Gosub comn1and is used to jump to a subroutine, a subroutine is a piece
of code terminated with a Return statement. This means that after executing
the subroutine, the program flow returns to where the Gosub command was
executed and carries on.
Gosub message
Gosub message
Gosub message
NPrint "Hello"
Note how the labels are preceded with a period This makes them mousable
labels which appear in a list on the right of the editor screen. We can
make the cursor jump to a label by clicking it in this list. This is
extremely useful for finding your way around when editing large programs.
Getting Input from the User
A program will often require input from the user when it is running either
via the keyboard or mouse. For instance, the MouseWait command will stop
the program until the user clicks the left mouse button.
Keyboard input can be obtained using the Edit and Edit$ functions which is
the same as the Input command in other languages.
The following asks the user for their name, and places what they type into
a string variable:
Print "What is your name?"
NPrint "Hello ",a$
The number 80 in Edit$(80) refers to the maximum number of characters the
user can type.
To input numbers from the user the Edit function is used, a=Edit(80) will
let the user type in any number up to 80 digits long and will place it in
the variable a.
Page 18
Often a program will need to manipulate groups of numbers or strings. An
array is able to hold such groups. If we needed to keep track of ten
numbers that were all related, instead of using ten different variables we
can define an array to hold them.
The Dim statement is used to define an array:
Dim a(10)
The variable a can now hold 10 (actually 11) numbers, to access them we
place an index number inside brackets after the variable name:
a(1 )=5
NPrint a(9)
NPrint a(1)
The power of an array is that the index number can be a variable, if i=2
then a(i) refers to the same variable ,IS a(2).
The following inputs 5 strings fron1 the user using a For..Next loop,
because the strings are placed in an an-ay they can be printed back out:
Dim a$(20)
NPrint "Type in 5 names"
Fori=1 To5
a$ ( i) = Ed it$ (80)
NPrint "The names you typed were"
For i=1 To 5
NPrint a$(i)
MouseWait Next
Page 19
Numeric Types
Blitz2 supports 6 different types of variables There are 5 numeric types
for storing numeric values with differing ranges and accuracies as well as
a string type used to store strings of characters (text)
The following table describes each Blitz2 numeric variable type with
details on its range and accuracy and how many bytes of memory each requires
Type Suffix Range Accuracy Bytes
Byte .b +-129 integer 1
Word .w +//-32768 integer 2
Long .l +/-2147483648 integer 4
Quick .q +/-32768.0000 1/65536 2
Float .f +/-9*10/\18 1/10/\18 4
The Quick type is a fixed point type, less accurate than floating point but
The Float type is the Floating Point type supported by the Amiga last
Floating Point libraries.
A variable is assigned a certain type by adding the relevant suffix to it's
name After the first reference to a variable, its type is assigned and any
future references do not require the suffix unless it is a string variable.
The following are some examples of typical numeric variables with their
relevant sutfix.
mychar b=127
chip.l=$dffOOO ;$ denotes a hex value
speed3.q=500/7 ;a quick has 3 d.p. accuracy
light_speed.f=3e8 ;e is exponent i.e. 3X10A8
Page 21
Default Types
If no suffix is used in the first reference of a variable, Blitz2 will
assign that variable with the default type. This is initially the Quick
There are two forms of the DefType command, one which changes the default
type the other which defines the type of a list of variables supplied but
which does not affect the default type.
The following code illustrates both uses of DEFTYPE:
a=20 ;a will be a quick
DEFTYPE .f ;vars without suffix will now default to float
b=20 ;b will be a float
DEFTYPE .w c,d ;c & d are words, default still float
Note: the second instance of DEFTYPE should be read define type rather than
its first use which stands for change default type. The default type can
also be set to a newtype (see following section).
Other Blitz2 structures that work with a certain type such as data
statements, functions, peeks and pokes will also all use the default type
if no type suffix is included.
The Data Statement
The Data statement is used-to hold a list of values that can be read into
variables. The Restore command is used to point the data pointer at a
certain Data statement.
A.type suffix is added to the data statement to define what type the values
listed are.
The following is an example of using Data in Blitz2:
Read a,b,c
Restore myfloats
Read d.f
Restore mystrings
Read e$,f$,g$
Data 20,30,40
Data.f 20.345,10.7,90.111
Data$ "Hello","There","Simon"
Note: if the data pointer is pointing to a different type than the variable
listed in the Read statement a Mismatched Types runume error occurs.
Page 22
Numeric Overflow & Unsigned Integers
When a variable is assigned a value outside of it's range (too large), an
overflow error will occur. The following code will cause an overflow error
when it is executed:
a.w=32767 ;a is a word containing the number 32767
a=a+1 ;ovefflow occurs as result is out of range
Overflow checking is optional and can be enabled/ disabled in the RunTime
errors options of the Compiler Configuration. The default setting is off
meaning the above code will not generate a runtime error. In some
instances, the integer types will be required to represent unsigned
(positive only) numbers. For example, a byte variable will be required to
hold values between O and 255 rather than -127 to 128. Overflow checking
has to be disabled in the Error Checking requester of the Compiler Options
window to use unsigned ranges such as this.
String Types
A string is a variable that is used to store a string of characters,
usually text. The suffix for a string variable is either a .s or the
traditional $ character.
Unlike numeric variables the suffix must always be included with the name.
Also, string variable names MAY be re-used as numeric variable names.
The following is quite legal:
NPrint a,a$
System Constants
Blitz2 reserves a few variables that hold special values known as system
constants. The following variables are reserved and contain the listed
Pi = 3.1415
0n = -1
0ff = 0
True = -1
False = 0
Primitive Types Summary
Blitz2 currently supports 6 primitive types. Byte, Word and Long are signed
8, 16 and 32 hit variable types. The Quick type is a fixed point type, less
accurate than floating point but t:aster. The Float type is the Floating
Point type supported by the Amiga Fast Floating Point libraries.
The String type is a standard BASIC implementation of string' variable
Page 23
Using the DetType directive. variables can be defined as certain types
without adding the relevant suffix. Once a variable is defined as a certain
type the suffix is not necessary except in the case of string variables
when the suffix must always be included.
A variable can only be of one type throughout the program and cannot be
defined as any other except again in the case of strings where the variable
name can ALSO be used for a numeric type.
In addition to the 6 primitive types available in Blitz2, programmers also
have available the facility to create their own custom types.
A NewType is a collection of fields, similar to a record in a database or a
C structure. This enables the programmer to group together relevant fields
in one variable type.
The following code shows how fields holding a person's name, age and height
can be assigned to one variable:
a.Person\name= "Harry",20,2.1
NPrint a\height
Once a NewType is defined, variables are assigned the new type by using a
suffix of .NewTypename for example a.Person
Individual fields within a NewType variable are accessed and assigned with
the backslash character "\" for example: a\height=a\height+1.
When defining a NewType structure, field names without a suffix will be
assigned the type of the previous field. More than one field can be listed
per line of a NewType definition, they must however be separated by colons.
The following is another example of a NewType definition:
NewType .nme
x.w:y:z ;y & z are also words (see above)
End NewType
References to string fields when using NewTypes do',at require the $ or .s
suffix as normal string variables do, including the suffix will cause a
Garbage at End of Line compile time error.
Page 24
From the first example:
a\name="Jimi Hendrix" ;this is cool
a\name$="Bob Dylan" ;this is uncool!
Previously defined NewTypes can be used within subsequent NewType
definitions. The following is an example of a NewType which itself includes
another NewType:
NewType .vector
End NewType
NewType .object
End NewType
DefType .object myship ;see following paragraph!
Note how we now need to use two backslashes to access the fields in myship
just like a pathname in DOS.
A NewType, once defined, can be used in combination with both forms of the
DetType command just as though it was a another primitive type.
Arrays inside NewTypes
Besides including primitives and other newtypes within newtypes, it is also
possible to include arrays inside NewTypes The square brackets [ & ] are
used when defining arrays inside newtypes.
Unlike normal arrays, arrays in newtypes are limited to a single dimension
and their size must be dimensioned by a constant not a variable. However
the array may be of any type including newtypes.
Also unlike arrays. the dimension size between the square brackets is the
size of the array so addess.s[4] allocates 4 strings indexed 0..3.
The following is an example of using an array inside a newtype:
NEWTYPE .record
address.s[4] ,same as address$[4]
Page 25
DEFTYPE .record p
p\address[0]="10 St Kevins Arcade"
p\address[1]="Karangahape Road"
p\address[3]="New Zealand"
For i=0 To 3
NPrint p\address[i]
The [index] can be omitted in which case the first item (item 0) will be
Defining an array inside a newtype with 0 elements creates a union with the
following field (both fields occupy the same memory in the NewType).
The UsePath Directive
Often when using complex NewTypes, pathnames to access fields within fields
can become very long.
Often a routine wil1 be dealing only with one particular field within a
newtype. By using the UsePath directive large pathnames can be avoided.
When a backslash precedes a variable or field name Blitz2 will insert the
UsePath path definition when it compiles the program.
The following code:
UsePath shapes(i)\pos
For i=0 To 9
\x+1 0
is expanded internally by the compiler to read:
For i=0 To 9
shapes(i)\pos\x+1 0
shapes(i)\pos\z-1 0
The UsePath directive can help to make routines a lot more readable and can
save a lot of typing!
Note that UsePath is a compiler directive, this means that it affects the
compiler as it reads through your program top to bottom not the processor
when it runs your
Page 26
This means that if a routine jumps to somewhere else in the program the
UsePath in effect will be governed by the closest previous usepath in the
Arrays in Blitz2 follow normal BASIC conventions. All Arrays MUST be
dimensioned before use, may be of any type (primitive or NewType) and may
be any number of dimensions.
All arrays are indexed from 0..n where n is the size. As with most BASIC's
an array such as a(50) can actually hold 51 elements indexed 0..50
As with all variable definitions an array will be of default type unless a
.type suffix is added to the array name:
Dim a.w(50) fan array of words
The ability to use arrays of NewTypes often reduces the number of arrays a
BASIC program requires.
The following:
Dim Alienflags(1OO),Alienx(1OO),Alieny(100)
can be implemented with the following code:
Dim Aliens.Alien(100)
You may now access all of the required alien data using just one array.
To set up all of the aliens x and y entries with random coordinates
For k=1 To 100
This also makes it much easier to expand the amount of information for the
aliens simply by adding more entries to the NewType definition, no new
arrays are required.
Note: unlike most compilers, Blitz2 DOES allow the dimensioning of arrays
with a variable number of elements for example: Dim a(n). Also strings in
arrays do not require a maximum length setting as is the case with some
other languages.
Page 27
Blitz2 also supports an advanced form of the array known as the List. Lists
are arrays, but with slightly different characteristics.
Often only a portion of the elements in an array will be used and the
programmer will keep a count in a separate variable of how many elements
are currently stored in the array. In this situation the array should be
replaced with a list which will make things both simpler and faster for
managing the array.
Dimming Lists
A list is dimensioned similar to an array except the word List is inserted
after the word Dim. Lists are currently limited to one dimension.
Here is an example of setting up a list:
Dim List Aliens.Alien(100)
The difference between a list and an array is that Blitz2 will keep an
internal count of how many elements are stored in the list (reset to zero
after a Dim List) and an internal pointer to the current element within the
list (cleared after a Dim List).
Adding items to a list
A list starts out as empty, items can be added using the AddItem and AddLast
functions. Because the list might be full both commands return a true or
false to indicate whether they succeeded.
The following adds one alien to the previously dimmed list:
If Additem(Aliens())
Note how there is no index variable inside the brackets in either use of
Aliens(). Although Blitz2 will not flag an error when an index is used,
indexes should never be used with list arrays. The empty brackets represent
the current item in the list, in this case, the newly added item.
Because AddItem returns false when the list is full we can use a
While..Wend loop to fill an entire list with aliens (then kill 'em off
While Additem(Aliens())
Page 28
The above loops until the list is full. IS we wanted to add 20 aliens to a
list we could use a For..Next but would still need to check if the list was
full each time we added an alien:
For i=1 To 20
If Additem(Aliens())
Note that lists can be dimensioned to hold any type not just aliens!
(They're not just for games that is.)
Processing Lists
As mentioned, when an item is successfully added, that item becomes the
current item. This current item may then be referenced by specifying the
list array name followed by empty brackets ( ).
To process a list (loop through all the items added to a list), we reset
the list pointer to the beginning using ResetList and then use the NextItem
command to step the pointer through the items in the list. This internal
pointer points to the current item.
The following moves all the aliens in the list in a rather ineffective
manner (towards the middle of the screen I suspect):
USEPATH Aliens()
ResetList Aliens()
While Nextitem(Aliens())
If \x>160 Then \x-1 Else \x+1
If \y>100 Then \y-1 Else \y+1
The While Nextitem(Aliens())..Wend structure loops until each item in the
list has been the current item. This means that any alien that has been
added to the list will be processed by the loop.
The function NextItem returns false if the loop comes to the end of thr
Again, NextItem returns a true or false depending on whether there actually
is a next item to be processed. This example illustrates the convenience
lists offer over normal arrays, no "for i= I to num" to step through arrays
using the old index method, instead a clean While..Wend with a system that
is faster than normal arrays!
PAge 29
Removing Items From a List
It is often necessary to remove an item from a list while you are
processing it. This may be achieved with Kililtem. This example again works
with the Aliens list:
ResetList Aliens()
While Nextitem(Aliens())
If Aliens()\flags=-1 ;if flag=-1
Killtem Aliens() ;remove item from list
Note: after a Killtem, the current item is set to the previous item. This
means the While Nextitem() loop will not miss an item if an item is removed.
List Structure
Although it is possible to access items in a list by treating them as
normal arrays with an index variable it should never be attempted.
The order of items in a list is not always the same as the order they are
in memory. Each item contains a pointer to the item before and the item
after. When Blitz2 looks for a next item it just looks at the pointer
attached to the current item, its physical memory location is NOT
important. When an item is added to a list, an arbitrary memory location is
used, the current item's NextItem pointer is changed to point to the new
item and its old value is given the new items Nextitem pointer.
Confused? Well don't worry, just don't ever treat lists as normal arrays by
trying to access items with the index method.
The Pointer Type
The pointer type in Blitz2 is a complex beast. When you define a variable
as a pointer type you also state what type it is pointing to. The following
defines biggest as a pointer to type Customer.
DefType *biggest.Customer
The variable biggest is just a long word that holds a memory location where
some other Customer variable is located.
As an example we may have a large list of customers, our routine goes
through them one by one, if the turnover of a customer is larger than the
one pointed to by Biggest then we point Biggest towards the current
customer: *biggest=CustomerArray()
Once we have looped through the list we could print out the Biggest data
just as if it was type Customer when it is actually only a pointer to a
variable with type customer with Print *biggest\name.
Page 30
A procedure is a way of 'packaging' routines into self contained modules.
Once a routine is packaged into a procedure, it can be 'called' from your
main code, parameters can be passed, and an optional value returned to your
main code.
Because a procedure contains its own 'local' variable space, you can be
sure that none of your main or 'global' variables will be changed by the
calling of the procedure. This feature means procedures are very portable,
in effect they can be ported to other programs with out conflicting
variable name hassles.
Procedures that return a result are called functions in Blitz2, ones that
do not are known as statements.
Functions and Statements in Blitz2 have the following characteristics:
. the number of parameters is limited to 6
. gosubs and gotos to labels outside a procedure's code is strictly illegal
. any variables used inside a procedure will be initialized with every call
A procedure that does not return a value is called a Statement in Blitz2.
Here is an example of a statement type procedure which prints out the
factorial of a number:
Statement fact{n}
For k=2 To n
NPrint a
End Statement
For k=1 To5
Note the use of curly brackets { and } to both define parameters for the
procedure, and in calling the procedure. These are necessary even if the
procedure requires no parameters.
If you type in this program, compile and run it, you will see that it
prints out the
Page 31
factorials of the numbers from I to 5. You may have noticed that the
variable k has been used in both the procedure and the main code. This is
allowable because the k in the procedure is local to the fact procedure,
and is completely separate from the k in the main program. The k in the
main program is known as a global variable.
You may use up to six variables to pass parameters to a procedure If you
require more than this, extra parameters may be placed in special shared
global variables (see Shared below).
Also, variables used to pass parameters may only be of primitive types, you
cannot pass a NewType variable to a procedure however you can pass pointer
In Blitz2, you may also create procedures which return a value, known as
functions. The following is the same fact procedure implemented as a
Function fact{n}
For k=2 To n
Function Return a
End Function
For k=1 To5
NPrint fact{k}
Note how Function Return is used to return the result of the function. This
is much more useful than the previous factorial procedure, as we may use
the result in any expression we want. For example:
A function may return a result of any of the 6 primitive types. To inform a
procedure what type of result you are wanting to return, the type
descriptor may be appended to the Function command. If this is omitted, the
current default type will be used (normally .q):
The following is an example of a string function:
Function$ spc{n}
For k=1 To n
a$=a$+" "
Function Return a$
End Function
Print spc{20},"0ver Here!"
Page 32
The memory used by a procedure's local variables is unique not only to the
actual procedure, but to each calling of the procedure. Each time a
procedure is called a new block of memory is allocated and treed only when
the procedure ends.
The implications of this are that a procedure may call itself without
corrupting it's own local variables. This allows for a phenomenon known as
recursion. Here is another version of the factorial procedure which uses
Function fact{n}
If n>2 Then n=n*fact{n-1 }
Function Return n
End Function
For n=1 To 5
NPrint fact{n}
This example relies on the concept that the factorial of a number is
actually the number multiplied by the factorial of one less than the number.
Accessing Global Variables
Sometimes it is necessary for a procedure to access one or more of a
programs global variables. For this purpose, the Shared command allows
certain variables inside a procedure to be treated as global variables.
Statement example{}
Shared k
NPrint k
End Statement
For k=1 To5
The Shared command tells Blitz2 that the procedure should use the global
variable k instead of creating a local variable k. Try the same program
with the Shared removed. Now, the k inside the procedure is a local
variable, and will therefore be O each time the procedure is called.
Procedures Summary
Blitz2 supports two sorts of procedures, the function and the statement.
Both are able to have their own local variables as well as access to global
variables through the use of the Shared statement.
Page 33
Up to six values can be passed to a Blitz2 procedure.
A Blitz2 function can return any primitive type using the Function Return
Using Assembler in Blitz Procedures
Procedures also offer an excellent method of incorporating assembly language
routines into Blitz programs.
The Statement or Function is defined as usual with a list of parameters
enclosed in curly brackets. When using assembler, the parameters passed to
the procedure are loaded in data registers DO..DS.
Care must be taken to ensure that address registers A4-A6 are restored to
their initial state before the code exits from the procedure using the
AsmExit command.
To set the return value in assembler for Functions simply load the register
DO with the value before the AsmExit command.
For an example of an assembler procedure in Blitz, turn to page 63.
Page 34
Compile Time Errors
Blitz2 reports two types of errors. Compile time errors are those found
when Blitz attempts to compile your code, runtime errors occur when your
program is being executed.
The first type, compile time errors, cause a message to appear on the
editor screen. When OK is selected you are returned to the offending line
of code in your program.
Appendix 2 of the Blitz2 Reference Manual contains a description of all the
possible errors at compile time. The following list repeats some Blitz2
rules that have to be abided by for your program to be successfully
1. Any Blitz 2 functions (commands that return a value) must have their
parameters inside brackets:
If ReadFile(0,"ram:test")
2. Blitz2 commands that are not functions must not have their parameters
in brackets:
BitMap 0,320,256,3
3. Using a .type suffix when referring to items in a NewType will cause a
garbage at end of line error:
person\name$="Harry" ;(drop the $)
4. A numeric variable can only be one .type, a MisMatched Type error will
occur if you attempt to use a different .type suffix further down the
program with the same variable name (with the exception of string
Of course there are many hundreds of mistakes that can cause your program
to fail to compile, most will require a quick look in the Blitz2 Reference
Manual to check syntax of a command and maybe cross reference your code
with one of the examples.
Don't forget the Help key to quickly check the syntax of a command.
Page 35
The CERR Directive
When using macros and conditional compiling you may wish to generate your
own compile time errors.
The CERR directive is used to generate user defined compile-time errors. The
following will halt the compiler and generate the message "Should Have 3
CERR "Should Have 3 Parameters!"
See conditional compiling in Chapter 9 for more information on CERR.
Runtime Errors
Errors that occur while your program is executing are called runtime errors.
When developing programs in Blitz2, the Runtime Error Debugger should
always be enabled on the Compiler Options window. If it is not and an error
occurs the system will crash.
If you need to run your program without runtime errors enabled for speed
purposes a SetErr directive should be included to stop the system crashing,
the system will then jump to the code listed after the SetErr.
The following line included at the top of your program is suggested:
SetErr:End:End SetErr
Any programs that use filehandling should always include some sort of error
trapping to handle situations where the program cannot locate a file, or
the file is the wrong type.
Any operating system based software should also always include error
checking as Screens and Windows may fail to open due to low memory.
You may also setup an error handler just for one section of code. The
SetErr..errorhandler..End SetErr should be at the start of the section and
a ClrErr at the end of the section.
The following will flash the screen and end if LoadShapes fails:
DisplayBeep_ 0
End SetErr
LoadShapes 0,"filename"
Page 36
The Blitz Debugger
If a runtime error occurs when a program is run from the editor the Blitz2
debugger will be activated. Of course RuntimeErrors must also be enahleL1
in the compiler options requester.
The debugger will not be activated it there is an error-handler already
enabled h1 the program using the SetErr command.
The debugger can also be activated by using the CTRL/ALT C keyboard
combination, clicking on the "BRK gadget of the debugger window or
including a STOP command h1 your program.
The debugger is a powerful tool in finding out causes of errors and
locating bugs. The ability to step back through code executed prior to the
break gives the prograrmmer an excellent understanding of how an error has
occurred. The follwing is a screenshot of the debugger after the program
encountered a STOP command.
Note that by making the debugger window larger more of the program can be
Page 37
The Debugger Gadgets
The following is a description of the debugger gadgets:
Click on this to stop a program running and enable the Blitz debugger.
STP Use this to stop a program during Trace mode.
Skip causes the debugger to skip a command, program execution
will continue from the next command when then RUN.
Trace mode allows the programmer to single step through their code, by
increasing the size of the debugger window program flow can be viewed.
RUN RUN causes program execution to resume after being stopped.
View previous command history allows the programmer to review the commands
that were executed prior to the program being stopped.
View forward allows the user to forward through the command history after
using the view previous gadget.
Execute allows the programmer to manually enter a Blitz command to be
executed by the debugger.
Evaluate allows the programmer to view any variable simply by entering it's
name after clicking on EVL.
Tracing program execution
The debugger allows the user to single step through or trace program
execution, displaying in it's window which command is currently being
Step is used to single step through your program, each time you click on
STP the debugger will execute the command pointed to by the arrow and stop.
Trace steps continuously through the code displaying each command as it
goes. To stop the Trace use the STP gadget.
Level is used to change the trace level, if Level is toggled on, the
debugger will not trace or single step through the inside of For..Next
loops but execute normally until the loop exits.
It will also not trace the execution of any procedures or subroutines
called, this is most useful for watching the program's main loop while not
having to sit through the trace of each subroutine when called.
Page 38
Resuming Normal Execution
Program execution can return normally after the debugger is activated using
the Run gadget.
If the debugger was activated using the STOP command the arrow will be
pointing to the STOP, before continuing the command must be skipped over
using the Ignore command. This is true for any command that has caused a
RunTime error and invoked the debugger.
To return to the editor from the debugger either hit the Escape key or
click on the close window gadget of the debugger Window.
Viewing command history
The debugger keeps a record of the commands executed before the program is
stopped in a large buffer.
The Back-up command will step backwards from where the program halted,
allowing the programmer to view the previous commands executed by the
computer. A hollow arrow marks the current position in the history buffer.
The Forward command is used to step forwards through the history buffer,
attempting to step past where the program was stopped will produce a AT END
OF BUFFER error.
These features are invaluable to following through program execution up to
where the program was halted. If a program halted in the middle of a
subroutine or procedure you can step backwards to find where the routine
was called from.
Direct Mode
While the debugger is activated the programmer has two tools available to
examine the internal state of the program.
To find out the value of any variables the EVaLuate command can be used. A
prompt will appear, after typing the name of the variable and hitting
return the value will be printed on the debugger display.
The EXeCute command is used to run a Blitz2 command. A prompt will appear
and the programmer can then type in any Blitz2 command such as CLS or n=2().
Page 39
Debugger Errors
The following errors may occur when using the direct mode commands Evaluate
and eXecute:
Can't Create in Direct Mode
Occurs if you try and Evaluate a variable that does not exist (hasn't been
created) in the program.
Library Not Available in Direct Mode
Occurs when a Blitz2 command is eXecuted and is from a command library not
used by the program. If the program does not use strings for instance, the
string command library will not be part of the object code and so any
string type commands will not be able to be eXecuted.
Not Enough Room in Direct Mode Buffer
This error should never occur. if it does the object butter size in the
Compiler Options requester should be increased.
Occurs if the programmer tries to view Forward of where the program stopped
(see viewing command history).
Page 40
Blitz2 Objects Overview
This chapter covers the use and handling of Blitz2 objects, structures
designed to control multiple system elements such as graphics, files,
screens etc.
Blitz2 looks after all memory requirements for objects including freeing it
up when the program ends.
Although most objects have their own specific commands, the standard way
they are handled in Blitz2 means the programmer is never faced with unusual
syntax. Instead they can depend on a standard modular way of programming
the multitude o elements available in Blitz2.
The following is a list of the main Blitz2 objects:
Files for sequential and random access DOS file handling
Modules soundtracker compatible music objects
Blitzfonts 8x8 fonts for fast BitMap text output
IntuiFonts any size fonts for Window text output
Shapes standard Blitz2 graphics element
Palettes colour palette structure
BitMaps standard Blitz2 display element
Sounds digitised sound sample element
Sprites Blitz mode hardware sprite element
Screens standard Intuition type screens
Windows standard Inuition type windows
Gadgets standard Intuition type gadgets
Menus standard Intuition type menus
Object Similarities
Blitz2 objects all have a set of commands allowing the program to create or
define them, manipulate and of course destroy them.
Most objects have a chapter in the Blitz2 reference manual devoted to them,
outlining all the special commands used to create and manipulate the object.
All Blitz2 objects can be destroyed using the Free command. If an object
has not been destroyed when a program ends, Blitz2 will automatically Free
that object.
Free BitMap 0 will free up all memory allocated for object BitMap 0, this
is useful when using objects temporarily and will need the memory later in
the program, otherwise it is usual to let Blitz2 free up all objects
automatically when the program
Page 41
Object Maximums
Each object has its own maximum. this number defines how many of one type of
object can be created and manipulated by the program. The maximum can be
changed for each object in the Compiler Options window of the editor.
The runtime error Value Out Of Maximum Range means you have tried to use an
object number greater than that set in the maximums window of the Compiler
Using an Object
Many commands need previously created objects present to operate properly.
For example, the Blit command, which is used to place a shape onto a
bitmap, needs both a previously created shape object and a bitmap object.
When you use the Blit command, you specify the shape object to be blitted
and Blitz will blit that shape onto the currently used bitmap.
Use BitMap 0 ;make bitmap the currently used bitmap
Blit 3,10,10 ;blit shape 3 onto currently used bitmap
The Use command in the previous example makes BitMap 0 the currently used
bitmap. Screens, Windows and Palettes are three other Blitz2 objects that
often need to be currently used, for commands to work properly.
It should also be noted that when an object is created, it also becomes the
currently used object of it's class.
Blitz2 makes extensive use of this currently used object idea. It's
advantages include faster program execution, less complex looking commands,
and greater program modularity.
Page 42
Input/Ouput Objects
BitMap, File and Window objects can all operate as 1/0 devices. The
ObjectInput and ObjectOutput commands allow the user to channel input and
output to different places.
The Print command will always write to the current output object, edit and
inkey$ will always attempt to read from the current input object.
WindowOutput 2; window 2 is the current output object
Print "HELLO"
BitMapinput 1 ;make bitmap 1 the current input object
Object structures (for advanced users)
Appendix I of the Blitz2 reference manual contains descriptions of each of
the Blitz2 object's structures. The Addr command is used to find the
location in memory of a particular objects structure.
Advanced users can use the Addr command with peek and poke and inline
assembler routines to access important values in an object's structure.
This is often helpful with system type objects such as Screens and Windows
that contain pointers to their Intuition counterparts.
The following calls the system command ScreenToFront_ obtaining the
location of the Inuition Screen structure from the Blitz2 Screen object in
ScreenToFront_ Peek.l(Addr Screen(0))
This next listing illustrates obtaining a Window's system structure and
assigning it to a pointer type .Window. AmigaLibs.Res should be resident
before running this example.
FindScreen 0
Window 0,10,10,100,100,9,"SIZE ME!",1,2
*w.Window=Peek. I(Addr Window(0))
WindowOutput 0
WLocate 0,0
NPrint *w\Width
NPrint *w\Height
Until ev=$200
Note: the NewType.Window refers to the system (Intuition) window structure
where as the NewType .window refers to the Blitz2 window structure.
Page 43
Overview of the primary Blitz2 Objects
Screens are created using the Screen and FindScreen commands. The first
will open a new screen while the second will make an existing Screen
(usually the WorkBench screen) a Blitz2 Screen.
Free Screen n should only be attempted after any Windows open on the Screen
are closed (freed) first.
Screen objects both configure the resolution of the display and its palette
as well as being the place where Windows are opened. Any Windows opened,
RGB or UsePalette commands will use the currently used screen.
The function Peek.l(addr Screen(n)) can be used to obtain the location of
the system .Screen structure when calling system routines.
Windows are created with the Window command. Gadgets and menus are always
added to the currently used window while the drawing commands WPlot,
WCircle, WLine and WBox all render to the currently used Window.
Window objects can be used for input/output using the WindowInput and
WindowOuput commands. The cursor position for input/ouput can be controlled
with the WLocate command.
Windows can be freed without the worry of freeing any attached gadget or
Gadget and Menu lists
Gadgets and menus must be grouped together in Blitz objects known as. yes
you guessed it, gadgetlists and menulists. These lists are attached to a
Window when the window is first created (opened). This means that gadgets
and menus should all be pre-defined in their lists at the start of the
A palette object contains RGB information for each of the colours in a
display. Palettes are a little different to regular Blitz objects in the
following ways.
Use Palette will set the current screen or slice to the colours in the
The RGB command as well as the Red(), Green() and Blue() functions apply to
the colours in the current Slice or Screen NOT in the current palette.
There is no create palette command, they are either created when loaded
from an IFF file or when using PalRGB, if no palette object exists with
either command Blitz2 will create one.
Page 44
A bitmap refers to the array of pixels that make up the display. A bitmap
can either be created with the BitMap command, loaded from disk or fetched
from a Screen using the ScreensBitMap command.
A Bitmap command can be freed using the Free BitMap n command, you can not
free bitmaps created with the ScreensBitMap command.
As with windows, bitmaps can be used as input/ output devices with the
BitMapInput and BitMapOutput commands. These are used primarily in
In BlitzMode the keyboard should be enabled with BlitzKeys On before
attempting to use BitMapInput.
When using BitMapOutput the Locate command can be used to position the
Shapes are used to contain graphic images. They can be initialized by
either loading them from disk or being clipped from a bitmap object using
the GetAShape command.
Shapes are freed using the standard Free Shape n syntax. Shapes should not
be freed if they are used with gadgets or menu items until the relevant
gadget or menulist is freed first.
There are many powerful commands in Blitz2 to manipulate shapes including
rotation and scaling.
Sprites are initialized by either loading them from disk or converting a
shape object to a sprite object using GetaSprite. The shape object can be
freed once it has been converted to a sprite.
Free Sprite n will free a sprite
Sprites can currently only be used in Blitz mode however in Amiga mode, the
pointer can be assigned to a single sprite object.
A slice is used to configure a display in Blitz mode. They are initialised
with the Slice command.
Unlike other objects, single slices cannot be freed. FreeSlices is used to
free all slices currently initialised.
The commands Show, ShowF, ShowB and ShowSprite all use the currently used
Page 45
slice. The RGB command also affects the colour registers in the currently
used slice as does the Use Palette command.
Unlike other Blitz2 objects files are opened and closed rather than
initialised and killed.
Files are initialised with the OpenFile(), ReadFile() and WriteFile()
functions. Unlike other Blitz2 objects a function is used so the program
can tell if the file was successfully opened.
The CloseFile n command is used to 'free' a file object. The command Free
File n may also be used, unlike other objects it is best to close all files
yourself rather than rely on Blitz2 to close them when the program exits.
A file is of course an input/output object, the commands FileInput and
FileOutput are used to direct input and output to files.
Get, Put, ReadMem and WriteMem require file# parameters and so do not
require the use of FileInput and FileOutput commands.
Objects Summary
Blitz2's objects are custom data structures used by the libraries to handle
a whole assortment of entities. Blitz2 manages the memory required by these
structures, freeing them automatically when a program ends.
They provide a simple interface to many of the more complex Blitz2 commands.
Parameter passing is minimised as many of the Blitz2 commands take
advantage of the currently used object.
As libraries are upgraded and added to Blitz2, more objects will be added
and versatility and functionality of existing objects will be increased.
Page 46
Introduction to Blitz Mode
Although the Amiga's operating system is very powerful, it's ability to
take full advantage of the graphics capacity of the machine is limited.
Blitz mode is for programmers wanting to produce smooth animated graphics
for games and the like.
The command Blitz puts your program in Blitz mode. When this happens the
operating system is disabled and your program takes over the whole machine.
This means that it will not multi-task and file access is no longer
The benefits of Blitz mode are that programs run a lot quicker and display
options such as smooth scrolling and dual-playfield are possible.
Blitz mode is not a permanent state, when your program re-enters Amiga mode
or exits, the operating system is brought back to life as though nothing
Careful attention must be payed regarding entering Blitz mode, version 1.3
and older of the operating system can take up to 2 seconds to flush any
buffers after a file is closed. You should always ensure that absolutely no
disk or file access is taking place before entering Blitz mode. At the time
of this writing, no software method of achieving this has yet been
discovered. The best we can suggest is that a VWAIT 100 should always be
executed before using Blitz mode.
Slice Magic
The designers of the Amiga hardware have implemented many features for
acheiving smooth, fast graphics. After entering Blitz mode the display is
controlled using Slices. Slices are much more flexible than the operating
system's Screens, they allow features such as smooth scrolling, double
buffered displays and much more.
The ability to have more than one slice means that the display can be split
into different regions each with their own resolution.
The following is a description of the main display features accessible with
Page 47
Smooth Scrolling
Smooth scrolling is acheived by displaying only a portion of a large
bitmap. The Amiga hardware enables us to move the display window around the
inside of a large bitmap as the following diagram shows:
The display window represents what is shown on the monitor, as we move the
display window across the bitmap to the right the image we see on the
screen scrolls smoothly to the left.
The Blitz commands Show, ShowF and ShowB allow us to set the position of the
display window inside the bitmap.
The above diagram limits the amount we can scroll to the size of the
bitmap. By duplicating the left portion of the bitmap on the right we can
smoothly scroll the display across, and when it reaches the right, reset it
back to the far left. As there is no change when the display is reset to
the left the illusion of continuous scrolling is created.
The above left right scenario also applys to vertical scrolling (up and
In some situations, the display will be made up of a background and a
foreground. The Amiga has the ability to display one bitmap on top of the
other called dual- playfield mode to achieve this effect.
In a dual-playfield display, two 8 colour bitmaps can be displayed, one
infront of the
Page 48
other, any pixels set to colour zero in the front playfield will be
transparent letting the back playfield show through. Each playfield can
have its own colours.
Copper Control
Smooth animation is acheived by moving graphics in sync with the video
display. The display is created by a video beam that redraws the screen
line by line every 50th of a second. Often, it is useful to sync things to
the vertical position of the vertical beam. This is acheived using the
Amiga graphics co-processor known as the Copper.
Blitz2 offers several ways of taking advantage of the copper hardware. The
most popular is to change the colour of the background colour to produce
rainbow type effects on the display. This is acheived using the ColSplit
Those with a good knowledge of the Amiga hardware may wish to program the
copper to make other changes at different vertical places, this can be
acheived using the CustomCop command.
The Blitter
The Amiga has custom hardware specifically to transfer graphic images onto
bitmaps known as the glitter. Blitz2 offers several ways of blitting shapes
onto a bitmap and a special Scroll command to shift areas of a bitmap
around using the blister.
The following is a brief overview of the various blister based commands in
Blit used to put shapes onto bitmaps.
same as Blit but Blitz2 remembers where the shape was put and will erase it
when it is time to move the shape somewhere else on the bitmap.
same as QBlit but when it is time to move the shape, instead of erasing the
shape, Blitz2 replaces what was on the bitmap previous to the BBlit.
sames as Blit but with a stencil feature which protects certain areas of the
bitmap from being blitted on.
fast version of Blit that works only with rectangular shapes a multiple of
16 pixels wide.
Page 49
ClipBlit Slow version of Blit which will clip the shape to fit inside the bimap.
Scroll used to copy sections of a bitmap from one position to another.
QAmiga Mode
It is also possible to jump out of Blitz mode and back into Amiga mode.
This can done using either the QAmiga or Amiga statement.
Using Amiga to go back into Amiga mode will fully return you to the Amiga's
normal display, complete with mouse pointer.
Using QAmiga will return you to Amiga mode, but will not affect the display
at all. This allows your Blitz mode programs to jump into Amiga mode for
operations such as file I/O, then to jump back to Blitz mode without having
to destroy a Blitz mode display.
An Important note!!!!!
You should always ensure that absolutely no disk or file access is taking
place before entering Blitz mode. At the time of this writing, no software
method of achieving this has yet been discovered.
By following these guidelines using Blitz mode should be pretty safe:
. Always wait for the floppy drive light to go out if you have saved some
source code before Compiling/Running a program which launces straight into
Blitz mode.
. A590 Hard drive users - always wait for the second blink of the drive
light when using Workbench 1.3, 2.0 users have there buffers flushed in one
. If you use the QAmiga statement for the purpose of writing data to disk,
it's a good idea to execute a delay before going back to Blitz mode - In
effect, simulating the above. Executing a VWait 250 will provide a delay of
about five seconds - a safe delay to use. After reading data use a VWait 50.
Another important thing to remember about Blitz mode is that any commands
requiring the presence of the operating system become unavailable while
you're in Blitz mode. For example, if you attempt to open a Window in Blitz
mode, you will be greeted with an 'Only available in Amiga Mode' error at
compile time. For this reason, the Reference Guide clearly states which
commands are available in which mode.
The Blitz, Amiga, and QAmiga statements are all compiler directives. This
means they must appear in applicable order in your source code.
Page 50
Blitz2 provides two environments for your programs to execute in. Amiga mode
should be used for any applications software and whenever your game needs
to load data from disk. Blitz mode is for programs that need to take
advantage of the special display modes we have provided in Blitz2. These
provide performance that is just not available in Amiga mode but will halt
the Amiga's operating system.
To conclude, the only time it is acceptable to close down the Amiga's multi
tasking environment is when the software is dedicated to entertainment. any
applications software that uses Blitz mode will NOT be welcomed by the
Amiga community.
Page 51
Resident Files
To make writing programs which manipulate large number of NewTypes, macros
or constants easier, Blitz2 includes a feature known as resirlentfiles.
A resident file contains a pre-compiled list of NewTypes, macros and
constants. By creating resident files, all these definitions can be dropped
from the main code making it smaller and taster to compile.
To create a resident file you will need a program which contains all the
NewTypes. macros and constants you want to convert to resident file format.
The following is an example of a such a program:
Macro mac
NPrint "Hello"
End Macro
xconst= 1 0
Now, to convert these definitions to a resident file, all you need to do is
COMPILE&RUN the program, then select CREATE RESIDENT from the COMPILER menu.
At this point, you will be presented with a file requester into which you
enter the name of the resident file you wish to create. That's all there is
to creating a resident file!
Once created, a resident file may be installed in any program simply by
entering the name of the resident file into one of the 'RESIDENT' fields of
the compiler options requester. Once this is done, all NewType, macro and
constant definitions contained in the resident file will automatically be
The resident file AMIGALIBS.RES contains all the structures, constants and
macros associated with the Amiga operating system. Those familiar with
programming the operating system will find not having to include all the
usual library header files will save minutes every compile time.
Page 53
Operating System Calls
Much effort has been made to let the Blitz2 programmer make the most of the
Amiga's powerful operating system.
Calling Operating System Libraries
Often the programmer with a good knowledge of the Operating System will
want to access routines that have not been supported by the 'internal'
Blitz2 command set. All routines in the Exec, Intuition, DOS and Graphics
libraries are accessible from Blitz2 (see appendix 5 in the Blitz2
Reference Manual).
Support for other Amiga standard libraries is available by purchasing the
Blitz2 advanced programmers pack from Acid Software.
The following is an example of calling routines in the Amiga ROM's graphics
and intuition libraries:
FindScreen 0 ;use workbench screen
;open gimmezerozero window
Window 0,0,10,320,180,$408,"",1,2
rp.l=RastPort(0) ;get rastport for window
win.l=Peek.l(Addr Window(0)) ;find window structure
DrawEllipse_rp, 100,100 ,-50,50 ;graphics library
MoveWindow_win,8,0 ;intuition library
BitMap 1,320,200,2 ;setup work bitmap
Circlef 160,100,100,1 ;draw something
;then transfer it to window
BltBitMapRastPort_ Addr BitMap(1),0,0, rp,0,0, 1 0O, 1 00,$c0
The final command BltBitMapRastPort_ is very useful for transferring
graphics drawn with the faster bitmap based Blitz2 commands onto a Window.
This is a very system friendly way of acheiving this objective.
Page 54
Accessing Operating System structures
With the file AMIGALIBS.RES resident (see start of chapter) even more
control of the operating system is possible. The following is an example of
accessing operating system structures.
;variable *exec points to the ExecBase struct
;variable *mylist points to a List type
;variable *mynode points to a system node
*mylist. List=*exec\LibList
a$=Peek$(*mynode\1n_Name);print node name
NPrint a$
*mvnode=*mvnode\ln_Succ:qo to next node
The use of the asterisk in *variablename.type means that instead of Blitz2
creating a variable of a certain type it actually just creates a 'pointer'
to that type. The type (structure) can then be accessed just like it was an
internal Blitz2 variable.
The command Peek$ is an excellent way of retrieving text from operating
system structures, it reads memory directly into a Blitz2 string variable
until it hits a null (chr$(0)).
Locating Variables and Labels in Memory
The ampersand ('&') character can be used to find the address of a variable
in the Amiga's memory. For example:
; An example of using '&' to find the address of a var.
Poke. I &Var, 10
NPrint Var
This is similar to the VarPtr function supplied in other BASIC's.
When asking for the address of a string variable, the returned value will
point to the first character of the string. The length of the string is a 4
byte value, located at the address-4.
The '?' character can be used to find the address of a program label in the
Page 55
memory. For example:
;An example of finding the address of a program label
MOVE #1 0,There ;wo! assembly code on this line
NPrint Peek.w(?There)
There:Dc.w 0 ;wo! and again here
These features are really only of use to programmers with some assembly
language experience who need unconventional means for their ends.
A 'constant', in BASIC programming terms, is a value which does not change
throughout the execution of a program. The 5 in a=5 is a constant.
A hash sign (#) before a variable name means that it is a constant (no
longer a variable!) and cannot change in value when the program is running.
#width=320 means the variable #width is a constant and will always be equal
to 320.
Constants have the following properties:
. are faster than variables and do not require any memory
. make programs more readable than using numbers
. can be used in assembler
. can be used with conditional compiling evaluations
. can only hold integer values
. make it easier to change a constant amount used throughout a program
. can be altered through the source at compile time but NOT at runtime
The most important aspect of constants from a BASIC programmers point of
view is that any 'magic numbers' that appear throughout their code can be
replaced by meaningful words such as #width.
If the program ever has to be modified to work with a new width, instead of
going through all the source changing any mention of the numbers '320', the
programmer can just change the constant equate at the top of the program
#width=320 to #width=640 etc.
Page 56
Conditional Compiling
Conditional compiling allows the programmer to switch the compiler on and
off as it reads through the source code, controlling which parts of the
program are compiled and which are not.
Conditional compiling is useful for producing different versions of the
same software without using two different source codes. It can also be used
to cripple a demo version of the software or produce different programs for
different hardware configurations.
Tracking down bugs can also involve the use of conditional compiling, by
turning off any unnecessary parts of the code it becomes easier to pinpoint
where exactly the error is occurring. However we hope the Blitz2 debugger
will make this practice obsolete.
The conditional compiler directives are as follows:
CNIF -compiler on if numeric comparison is true, off otherwise
CSIF -compiler on if string comparison is true, off otherwise
CELSE -switch compiler from previous state on=>off off=>on
CEND -end of conditional block (restores previous state)
The compiler has an internal on/off switch, after a CNIF or CSIF comparison
the compiler switches on for true, off for false. A CELSE will toggle the
compiler switch and the CEND will restore the on/off state to that of the
previous CNIF/CSIF.
CNIF/CEND blocks can be nested.
It is important to remember that the CNIF directive only works with constant
parameters - for example, '5', '#test' - and not with variables. This is
because Blitz2 must be able to evaluate the comparison when it is actually
compiling, and variables are not determined until a program is actually run.
The following code illustrates using conditional compiling:
#crippled=] ;is a crippled version
NPrint "Goo Goo Software (c)1993"
CNIF #crippled=]
; and later on in the program...
CNIF #crippled=0;only if not crippled
;do save routine
Page 57
The benefit over using a straight If crippled=O..EndIf is that the crippled
version of the above code will not contain the saveroutine in the object
code so that there is no way it can be un-crippled by hackers.
The conditional compiler directives however come into their own when doing
macro programming.
Macros are a feature usually only found in Assemblers or lower level
programming languages. They can be used to save typing, to replace simple
procedures with faster 'inline' versions, or at their most powerful to
generate code that would be impractical to represent with normal code.
A macro is defined in a Macro name..End Macro structure. The code between
these two commands is not compiled but placed in the compiler's memory.
When the compiler reaches a !macroname it then inserts the code defined in
the macro at this point of the source code.
The following code:
Macro mymacro
NPrint "Good Luck"
End Macro
NPrint "Silly Example v1.0"
is expanded internally by the the compiler to read:
NPrint "Silly Example v1.0"
NPrint "Good Luck"
NPrint "Good Luck"
Page 58
Macro Parameters
To make things a little more useful, parameters can be passed in a macro
call using the squigly brackets { and ). These parameters, are firstly
inserted into the macro text, then the macro text is inserted into the main
When a macro is defined the use of the back apostrophe (above the TAB key
on the Amiga keyboard) before a digit or letter ( 1-9, a-z) marks the point
where a parameter will be inserted
The following illustrates passing two parameters to a macro:
Macro distance
Sqr('1 *'1 +'2*'2)
End Macro
NPrint !distance{20,30}
the compiler expands the nprint line to read:
NPrint Sqr(20*20+30*30)
replacing every 'I with the first parameter and '2 with the second etc.
If there are more than 9 parameters letters are used: 'a signifying the
tenth parameter 'b the eleventh and so on.
Parameters can be any text, the { 20,30 } could just as easily been { x,y )
in the previous example.
Note: when passing complex expressions as parameters care should be taken
to make sure parenthesis are correct:
!distance{x*1 0+20,(y*1 0+20)}
will expand to
Sqr(x*1 0+20*x*1 0+20+(y*1 0+20)*(y*10+20)}
The above does not expand correctly for the first half. Due to the
parenthesis around the second parameter the second half does expand
Page 59
The 'O Parameter
The 'O parameter is special, it returns the number of parameters passed to
the macro. This is useful for both checking to see that the correct number
of parameters was passed as well as generating macros that can handle
different numbers of parameters.
The following macro checks to see if two parameters were passed and
generates a compile time error if there was not:
Macro Vadd
CNIF '0=2
CERR "Illegal number of '!Vadd' Parameters"
End Macro
If you compile and run this program, you will see that it generates an
appropriate error message when '!Vadd{a)' is encountered. The CERR compiler
directive is a special directive used to generate a custom error message
when a program is compiled.
Recursive Macros
Macros are recursive and can call themselves, the following macro prints
the first parameter and then calls itself, minus the first parameter,
effectively stepping through the list of parameters passed until a null
character (no parameter) is reached.
Macro dolist ;list upto 16 variables
NPrint '1
CSIF "'2">""
End Macro
!dolist {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i}
Page 60
Replacing Functions with Macros
Macros are an excellent replacement for functions that do not use any local
variables but need to generate more than one return variable. The following
macro project takes x, y, z coordinates and projects them onto a 2D x,y
plane. It can then be used to generate x,y projections for drawing.
Macro project #xm+'I *9-'2*6,#ym+'1 *3+'2*(i-'3*7:End Macro
Screen 0,28:ScreensBitMap 0,0
For z=-1 5 To 1 5
For y=-15 To 15
Circlef !project{x,y,z},3,x&y&z
The CMake Character
A special character known as the cmake character can be used to evaluate
constant expressions and insert the literal result into your code. This can
be very useful for generating label and variable names when a combination
of macro parameters and constant settings are needed to generate the right
Macro Ivar
NPrint var~'1~
End Macro
!Ivar(2+1 }
The above example without the cmake characters ~ would print the value 21
as Blitz2 would expand the the code after the NPrint to read var2+1,
instead it evaluates the expression between the cmake characters and
generates a 3 which it then inserts into the macro text.
Page 61
Inline Assembler
It is possible to include 68000 machine code inside Blitz2 programs using
the inline assembler. This offers the experienced programmer a way of
speeding up their programs by replacing certain routines with faster
machine code equivalents.
There are three methods of including assembler in Blitz2:
. in line using the GetReg and PutReg commands to access variables
. inside statements and functions
. developing custom Blitz2 libraries
GetReg & PutReg
The GetReg and PutReg commands allow the assembly programmer access to the
BASIC variables in the program. The following listing illustrates the use
of GetReg and PutReg:
a.w=5 ;use words
GetReg dO,a ;value of a=>dO
GetReg d1 ,b ;value of b=>dl
MULU dO,d1
PutReg dl ,c.w ; value of dl=>c
NPrint c
The next example inverts the first bitplane of bitmap 0. Note how any
complex expression can be used after a GetReg command. Because GetReg can
only use data
registers, we place the location of the bitmap structure in dO and then move it to aO.
Screen 0,3
ScreensBitMap 0,0
While Joyb(O)=0
VWait 1 5
Gosub inverse
inverse: ;memory location of bitmap struct=>dO
GetReg dO,Addr BitMap(O)
MOVEM (aO),dO-d1
MULU dO,d1
LSR. 1#2,d 1
MOVE.I 8(aO),aO
NOT.I (aO)+
DBRA d1,loop
Page 62
Using Assembler with Procedures
A more efficient method of using assembler in Blitz2 is to put machine code
routines inside functions and statements. Parameters are automatically
placed in d0-d5 and if using functions, the value in register dO will be
returned to the calling routine.
The following listing illustrates the use of assembler in a statement
qplot{} which sets a pixel on the first bitplane of the bitmap supplied.
Note how more than one assembly instruction can be used per line of source
Statement qplot{bmap.l,x.w,y.w}
MOVE.I dO,aO:MULU (aO),d2
MOVE.I 8(aO),aO:ADD.I d2,aO
MOVE dl,d2:LSR#3,d2:ADD d2,aO:BSET.b d1,(aO)
End Statement
Screen 0,1
ScreensBitMap 0,0
bp.l=Addr BitMap(O)
For y.w=0 To 199
For x.w=0 To 319
Programmers wanting to develop their own libraries of machine code routines
should purchase the Blitz2 advanced programmers pack from Acid Software.
Blitz2 contains an extremely powerful library system giving the experienced
machine code programmer a highly productive and powerful environment to
develop advanced software.
Page 63
Label and Variable Names
The following are rules that must be conformed to when using variable and
label names in Blitz2.
. names can be of any length
. they must start with a letter (a..z, A..Z) or an underscore
. must only contain alphanumeric chars and underscores
. must not start with the same letters as any Blitz2 command
Also, label and variable names in Blitz2 are always treated as case-
sensitive, this means that the variables myship and MyShip are entirely
There are many variable and label naming approaches that can make
programming much easier. The following are a few guidelines that can help
keep things in control as your program grows in size and more and more
variables and labels are in use.
Consistency is essential, if you use any of the following styles, stick to
By separating different groups of variables and labels with the following
methods, names can have added meaning.
. full caps "NAME", inital cap "Name" and lower case "name"
. letters "l", words "Loop" and double words "MainLoop"
. initial underscore "_loop" and mid underscores "main_loop"
. numeric suffixes such as "loop!", "loop2" etc.
Nomenclature is a personal this by sticking to a certain style with
variable and label names many problems with debugging can be avoided. Using
good names for everything can make your program far more readable and wild
greatly aid in finding mistakes.
Page 65
Common naming related problems
The following is a summary of certain problems that can arise when variable
and label names become messy.
Using the wrong variable name will often not flag an error. If it has not
previously been assigned, Blitz2 will create a new variable with a default
value of zero. Avoiding a mix of different naming styles will greatly
reduce these mistakes.
Forgetting variable names can slow program development, by using logical
names and keeping a list of your main variables on a scrap of paper next to
your keyboard helps keep things organised.
Using lengthy names can aid readability, however it will also increase
incidents of typing errors and slow development.
Use of rude or obscene labels can make programming a little more enjoyable,
however it should be avoided if your source code will be read by others.
Remarks and Comments
Unlike other BASIC's that use the REM statement, Blitz2 uses the semicolon
character. Any text after a semicolon on a line will be ignored by the
Blitz2 compiler. This feature is used to document programs.
Adding remarks, the programmer can document each routine in a program for
future reference. One of the main curses of programming is having to return
to a section of code developed earlier only to find you can not make head
or tail of its logic.
Although it can seem a little tedious, adding accurate explanations of each
routine as you write it will save many headaches later.
A section of documentation at the top of programs is also useful, copyright
information, lists of bugs fixed and when as well as full descriptions of
all main variables should all be maintained at the top of your program.
Page 66
Structured programming techniques
The main technique in developing structured programs is a method known as
indenting. Indenting means that instead of each line being flush with the
left margin, spacing is inserted at the start of the line to 'indent' it
across the page.
Indenting lines of code that are 'nested' inside loops or other program
flow structures creates a useful aid in visualizing the structure of your
source code.
The Blitz2 editor has several features for indenting code. The tab key is
used to move the cursor across the page. By changing the tab setting in
Ted's defaults requester the size of indent can be altered.
By highlighting a block of code, block tab and untab (Amiga [ and Amiga ])
will move the whole block left or right.
Shift cursor left will move the cursor to the same indent as the line above.
Keeping things modular
There is nothing more valuable than good initial planning when it comes to
developing software. Breaking down your project into modular pieces before
you start is a must to avoid the creation of huge spaghetti nightmares.
After deciding on how each section of the program is going to function it
is usually best to start with the most difficult sections. Getting the
hardest bits going first while the program is small can save a lot of
headaches in the long run.
Time spent waiting for your program to compile & initialize compounds
itself when you are bug hunting or making small adjustments to a certain
section of code. In these situations it is usually best to remove the code
from the main program, spend an hour writing a shell that you can test it
in and then set about making it bullet proof.
A few things to keep in mind when developing routines:
. snake sure it will handle all possible situations called for
. convince yourself you are using the most efficient method
. keep it modular i.e. the routine must return to where it was called
. keep it well documented
. include comments regarding global variables and arrays it uses
. make sure it's bullet proof (won't fall over with bad parameters)
. indent nested code and limit lengths of lines to aid readability
Page 67
Along the way...
Besides keeping routines well documented it is always a good idea to keep a
piece of paper handy to jot down the important bits. Lists of variables
that are common between routines as well as things still 'to do' in
unfinished routines should always be written down.
The 'to do' list is always a good way of thinking out all the problems in
advance. Always keep in mind what extra routines will be needed to
implement the next one on the list.
One of the biggest mistakes a programmer can make is to start a routine
that needs all sorts of other routines to function. By starting with the
standalone/ independent bits you can make sure they are working. This keeps
you well clear of the headaches caused where you have just added 5
routines, tested none of them and are trying to find a bug which could be
located in any one of them. Developing a modular approach to programming is
definately the most effective way of finishing a piece of software.
Keeping your code readable.
Keeping your code readable is next on the list of requirements that will
aid in the completion of a piece of software.
The two main keys to readability are indenting nested code and keeping the
amount of code on one line to a minimum.
The following is an illustration of indenting nested code:
If ReadFile (0,"phonebook.data")
Filelnput 0
While NOT Eof(0)
If Additem(people())
For i=0 To #num-1
\info[i]=Edit$(1 28)
This method means that it is very easy to see at a glance what code is
being executed inside each structure. Using this method it is very
difficult to make a mistake like leaving out the terminating EndIf or
Wend's as just by finding the line above at the same level of indentation
we can match up each Wend with it's corresponding While etc.
Page 68
Optimising Code
It is always important to have a firm grasp on how much time is being taken
by certain routines to do certain things. The following are a few things to
keep in mind when trying to get the best performance from your Blitz2
Performance is most Important with arcade type games where a sluggish
program will invariably destroy the playability of the game. However, it is
also important in applications and other types of software to keep things
as efficient as possible. Anything that makes the user wait will detract
from the productivity of the package in general.
The most Important key to optimising different routines is the overall
approach taken to implementing them in the first place. There will always
be half a dozen ways of approaching a problem giving half a dozen possible
solutions. In programming, it is usually best to pick the solution that
will produce the result in the quickest time.
When looking for ways to optimise a routine the best place to start is to
examine the loops (for..next, while..wend etc.). The time it takes to
perform the code inside a loop is multiplied by the number of times it
loops. This may seem rather logical but often programmers will equate the
number of lines of code in a routine to the time taken to execute it.
The code:
For i=1 to 100
Nprint "hello"
Will take exactly the same amount of time as typing:
For i=1 to 1
Nprint "hello"
one hundred times, which will equate to 300 lines of code!
Once one can visualize loops expanded out, the notion that if anything can
be removed from inside a loop to before or after the loop then DO IT!
Page 69
Lookup tables
Replacing numeric functions with look up tables is an effective way of
gaining excellent speed increases. A look up table or LUT for short, is an
array that contains all the possible solutions that the numeric function
would be expected to provide.
The most common example of using LUPs for healthy speed increases is when
using trig functions such as Sine or Cosine. Instead of calling the Sin
function, an array containing a sine wave is created, the size of the array
depends on the accuracy of the angle parameter in your program.
If a was an integer variable containing an angle between 0 and 360 we could
replace any Sin functions such as x=Sin(a* I t3()/pi) with x=siniup(a)
which will of course be more than 10 times as quick. The array would be
setup in the program initialisation as follows:
Dim siniup(360)
For i=0 To 360
sin|up(i)=Sin(i*1 80/pi)
Using Pointers
When doing many operations on a particular subfield in a NewType a temporary
pointer variable of the same subfield type can be created and that used
instead of the larger (and slower) path name:
UsePath a(i)\alien\pos
replaced by:
UsePath *a
Testing Performance
Often it is important to test two different routines to see which offers
the faster solution. The easiest way is to call each of them 5000 times or
so and time which is quicker by hand.
When writing arcade games that will be performing a main loop each frame,
it is useful to poke the background colour register before and after a
specific routine to see how much of the frame it is using.
Page 70
The following will show how much of a frame it takes to clear a bitmap:
While JoyB(0)=0
move #$fOO,$dff180 ;poke background colour red
Different colours can be used for different parts of the main loop.
Remember that at the top of each slice the background colour will be reset.
Optimising Games
A quality arcade game should always run to a 50th, meaning the main loop
always takes less than a frame to execute and so animation etc. are changed
every frame giving the game that smooth professional feel.
This time frame means the programmer will often have to sacrifice certain
elements in the game and maybe reduce colours and size of shapes to get the
main loop fast enough.
The following are several methods for optimising code main loops in games:
Disable Runtime Errors in the compiler options when testing speed of code as
the error checker slows code dramatically.
Poke the background colour register with different values between main
routines to work out which ones are taking too long:
Gosub movealiens
move.w #$f00,$dff180 ;turn background red
Gosub drawaliens
move.w #$f00,$dff180 ;turn background green
. Use QBlits if possible as they are the fastest way of implementing
animated graphics in Blitz2.
. If aliens change direction using complex routines, split up the aliens
into groups and every frame select a different group to have their
directions changed, the others can move in the same direction until it is
their turn. This method applies to any routines that do not have to happen
every frame but can be spread across several frames in tidy chunks.
. Decrease the size of the display. During a frame, the display slows down
the processor and blister. A smaller display increases the amount of time
given to the processor and blister.
There is an infinite number of ways to increase the speed of Blitz2 code.
subscribing to Blitz User Magazine is one of the best ways of speeding up
your code!
Page 71
Those developing games on machines with fast mem and faster processors
should remember that most people do not have either! It is a good idea to
disable fastmem when testing the speed of your code.
Page 72
Number Guessing
The following is a small program where the computer guesses a random number
and you have to guess it in less than ten turns.
NPrint "I just picked a number from O to 100"
NPrint "I'll give you ten turns to guess it:"
a=Rnd(1 00)
Print "Attempt #",n," ?"
b=Edit(1 O)
If b=a Then NPrint "Lucky Guess":Goto finish
If b<a Then NPrint "Too Small"
If b>a Then NPrint "Too Large"
Until n=11
NPrint "Out of turns!"
NPrint "Press mouse button to exit."
First up, you'll find it pretty hard to guess the number, this is because
the number Blitz2 generates is not by default an integer and will hence
include some fractional part.
Change the line a=Rnd(100) to either a.w=Rnd(100) or a=Int(Rnd(100)).
The .w suffix means the variable a is now a word type (an integer with
range - 32768..32767). If you use the Int function in the second option, a
is still a quick type but the random number has its fractional part chopped.
When you use variables in Blitz2 without a.type suffix they default to the
quick type which is a number with range -32768..32767 with 1/65536
accuracy. See the Variable Types section for a more indepth discussion of
this topic.
Page 73
If you want all the variables in the program to default to the integer word
type, not quick then add the following line to the top of the program:
DEFTYPE .w fall variables without suffix default to words
As with other BASICs once the variable is used once. it s type is defined
and future references do not require the .type suffix.
Unlike other BASICs the Print command does not move the cursor to a new line
when finished, the command NPrint is used for this.
The Edit() function is used instead of the older input command.
Also the semicolon is used instead of the REMark command in Blitz2 and does
not retain any of it's older functionality in Print statements.
Creating a standalone Workbench program
The number guessing program can be made to run from Workbench with its own
icon. Add the following lines to the start of your code.
The text after the semicolons are known as remarks, as mentioned, the
semicolon in Blitz2 replaces the old REMark command in older BASICs.
; Number Guessing Program
WBStartup ,necessary for prog to be run from WorkBench FindScreen O ;get
front most Intuition screen ; Window 0,0,0,320,210,$1000,"Hello World",1,2
When you compile&execute the program now, the window replaces the default
CLI for input and output.
One thing that you should replace is the b=Edit(10) function to:
This gets rid of the default 0 character that appears in the window form of
the Edit() function.
Ensure the Create Executable Icon option in the Compiler Options is set to
Now, select Create Executable from the compiler Menu or use the AmigaE
keyboard shortcut.
Type the name of the program you wish to create and hit return. You have now
created your first stand alone program with Blitz2, go to the Workbench and
click on the new program's icon to test it.
Page 74
A Graphic Example
The following program opens its own screen and draws what is known as a
rosette, a pattern where lines are connected between all the points around
a circle.
;rosette example
Dim p.pt(n)
For i=0 To n-1
p(i)\x=320+Sin(2*i*Pi/n)*31 9
Screen 0,25 , hires 1 colour interlace screen
ScreensBitMap 0,0
For i1=0 To n-2
For i2=i1+1 To n-1
Line p(i1 )\x,p(i1 )\y,p(i2)\-x,p(i2)\y,1
The NewType .pt defined in the program has two items or fields x & y. This
means that instead of dimming an array of x.w(n) and y.w(n) we can dim one
array of p.pt(n) which can hold the same information.
The backslash "\" character is used to access the separate fields of the
newtype. The first For..Next loop assigns the points of a circle into the
array of points.
The ScreensBitMap command allows us to draw directly onto the screen with
the Plot, Line, Box and Circle commands. Programs that use windows should
not use this method, rather they should draw into specific windows using
the WPlot, WLine WBox and WCircle commands.
Page 75
Using Menus and the Blitz2 File Requester
The following program opens its own screen & window, attaches a menu list,
and depending on what the user selects from the menus, either opens the
Blitz2 file requester or exits.
; A Simple File Requester example
Screen 0,11,"Select A Menu" ;open our own intuition screen
MenuTitle O,O,"Project" ;setup a menu list
Menultem O,O,O,O,"Load ","L"
Menultem 0,0,0,1,"Save ","S"
Menultem 0,0,0,2,"Quit ","Q"
MaxLen path$=1 92 ;MUSTbe executed before a file requester is used
MaxLen name$=192
;Set up a BACKDROP (ie - invisible) window
Window 0,0,0,320,200,$1900,"",1,2
WLocate 0,20 ;move cursor to top left of window
SetMenu 0 ;attach our menu list to our window
Select WaitEvent
Case 256 fits a menu event!
Select ItemHit
Case 0 ;load,its item 0 which means load
p$=FileRequest$("FileToLoad",path$, name$)
NPrint "Attempted to Load ",p$
Case 1 ;save fits item 1 which means save
p$=FileRequest$(" FileToSave",path$, name$)
NPrint "Attempted to Save ",p$
Case 2 ;its item 2 which means quit
End Select
End Select
The MaxLen command is used to allocate a certain amount of memory for a
string variable in Blitz2. This is necessary so that the two string
variables required by the file requester command are large enough for the
The menus created by the MenuTitle and Menultem commands are attached to the
Window using the SetMenu command.
Page 76
The Select..Case..End Select structures are the best way of handling
information coming from a user. When the user selects a menu, closes a
window, clicks on a gadget an 'event' is sent to your program. Usually an
application program will use the WaitEvent command. which makes the program
'sleep' until the user does something. When multitasking, a progran1 that
is 'asleep' will not slow down the execution of other programs running.
Once an event is received, the event code returned by WaitEvent specifies
what type of an event occurred. A menu event returns 256 ($100 hex), a
close window event returns 512 ($200 hex). A full list of events and their
IDCMP codes is listed on page 25-5 of the Blitz2 reference manual.
String Gadgets
The following program demonstrates the use of string gadgets. These allow
the user to enter text via the keyboard. The following sets up 3 string
gadgets for decimal, hex and binary input/output.
When the user types a number into one of the gadgets and hits return, the
program receives a gadgetup event. The GadgetHit function returns which
gadget caused the event. The program then converts the number the user
typed into the other number systems (decimal, hex or binary) and displays
the results in each of the string gadgets.
The ActivateString command means the user does not need to click on the
gadget to reactivate it so that they can type in another number.
;decimal hex binary converter
FindScreen O
StringGadget 0,64,12,O,O,18,144
StringGadget O,64,26,O,1,18,144
StringGadget O,64,4O,O,2,18,144
Window O,10O,5O,22O,56,$1008,"BASE CONVERTER",1,2,0
WLocate 2,04:Print "DECIMAL"
WLocate 2,18:Print " HEX$"
WLocate 2,32:Print "BINARY%"
If ev=$40 ;gadget up
Select GadgetHit
Case O
Case 1
Page 77
While i>0
If a>65 Then a-55 Else a-48
i-1 :b*16
Case 2
value=O:i=Len(r$) b=1
While i>0
value+a*b i-1
End Select
ActivateString 0,GadgetHit
SetString O,O,Str$(value)
SetString 0,1,Right$(Hex$(value),4)
SetString 0,2,Right$(Bin$(value),16)
Redraw O.O:Redraw 0.1 Redraw 0 2
Until ev=$200
Prop Gadgets
The following program creates a simple RGB palette requester, allowing the
user to adjust the colors of the screen. PropGadgets can be thought of as
sliders, in this example we create three vertical PropGadgets to represent
the Red, Green and Blue components of the current color register selected.
The 32 color registers are represented with 32 text gadgets. The gadget's
colour is set by changing GadgetPens before the gadget is added to the
gadget list. Using GadgetJam I the two spaces are shown as a block of
; simple palette requester
FindScreen O
For p=O To 2
PropGadget 0,p*22+8,14,128,p,16,54
For c=O To 31 GadgetJam 1 :GadgetPens O,c
x=c AND 7:y=lnt(c/8)
TextGadget 0,x*28+72,14+y*14,32,3+c," " ;<-2 spaces
Page 78
Window 0,100,50,300,72,$100A,"PALETTE REQUESTER",1,2,0
cc=0:Toggle 0,3+cc,0n:Redraw 0,3+cc
SetVProp 0,0,1-Red(cc)/15,1/16
SetVProp 0,1,1 -Green(cc)/15,1/16
SetVProp 0,2,1 -Blue(cc)/15,1/16
Redraw 0,0:Redraw 0,1 :Redraw 0,2
ev. l=WaitEvent
If ev=$40 AND GadgetHit>2
Toggle 0,3+cc,0n:Redraw 0,3+cc
Toggle 0,3+cc,0n:Redraw 0,3+cc
If (ev=$20 OR ev=$40) AND GadgetHit<3
RGB cc,15-r,15-g,15-b
Until ev=$200
Database Type Application
The following listing is a simple data base program to hold a list of
names, phone numbers and addresses.
The user interface can either be typed in as listed or created using the
IntuiTools tutorial later in this manual.
If a text file exists called phonebook.data we read it into a list, each
item of the list has been set up to hold 4 strings using the NewType person.
Using a list instead of a normal array means that we think of each record
inside the list as connected to the one before and the one after rather
than just being an individual item. Blitz2 keeps an internal pointer to the
'current' item and the various list commands enable us to change that
internal pointer and operate on the item it points to.
Dhone book program
FindScreen 0
;the following is from ram:t as created in the intuitools tutorial
Borders On:BorderPens 1,2:Borders 4,2
StringGadget 0,72,12,0,1,40,239
Page 79
StringGadget 0,72,27,0,2,40,239
StringGadget 0,72,43,0,3,40,239
StringGadget 0,72,59,0,4,40,239
GadgetJam 0:GadgetPens 1,0
TextGadget 0,8,75,0,10,"NEW ENTRY"
TextGadget 0,97,75,0,11,-I <"
TextGadget 0,129,75,0,12, "<<"
TextGadget 0,161,75,0,13, ">>"
TextGadget 0,193,75,0,14,">1 "
TextGadget 0,226,75,0,15,"DIAL"
TextGadget 0,270,75,0,16,"LABEL"
SizeLimits 32,32,-1,-1
Window 0,0,24,331,91,$100E,"MY PHONE BOOK",1,2,0
WLocate 2,19:WJam 0:WColour 1,0
Print "Address"
WLocate 19,50
Print "Phone"
WLocate 27,3
Print "Name"
; and now we start typing...
#num=4 ;4 strings for each person
NEWTYPE .person
Dim List people.person(200)
USEPATH people()
; read in names etc from sequential file
If ReadFile (0 , "phonebook. data")
Filelnput 0
While NOT Eof(0)
If Additem(people())
For i=0 To #num-1 :\info[i]=Edit$(128):Next
ResetList people()
;if empty add blank record
If NOT Nextitem(people()) Then Additem people()
Page 80
For i=0 To #num-1
SetString 0,i+1,\info[i]:Redraw 0,i+1
ActivateString 0,1 :VWait 5
if ev=$200 ;close window event
Gosub update
If WriteFile (0,"phonebook.data");save data to file
FileOutput 0
ResetList people()
While Nextitem(people())
For i=0 To #num-1 :NPrint \info[i]:Next
CloseFile 0
If ev=64
If GadgetHit=#num Then ActivateString 0,1
If GadgetHit<#num Then ActivateString 0,GadgetHit+1
Select GadgetHit
Case 1 0
Gosub update:lf Additem(people()) Then ref=1
Case 1 1
Gosub update:lf Firstitem(people()) Then ref=1
Case 1 2
Gosub update:lf Previtem(people()) Then ref=1
Case 1 3
Gosub update:lf Nextitem(people()) Then ref=1
Case 1 4
Gosub update:lf Lastitem(people()) Then ref=1
End Select
Until ref=1
Goto refresh
For i=0 To #num-1:\info[i]=StringText$(0,i+1) : Next: Return
Page 81
List Processor for Exec based Lists
The Following program is an example of accessing Operating System
structures. Before entering this program you will need to add the
AmigaLibs.res file to the Blitz 2 environment. To do this open the Compiler
Options requester from the Compiler Menu. Click in the Residents box and
type in AmigaLibs.Res.
You may need a pathname. AmigaLibs is found in the Resident directory of
the Blitz 2 program disk.
By selecting ViewTypes from the compiler menu the entire set of structs
should be listed that are used by the Amiga's operating system.
The first line of our program defines the variable exec as a pointer to
type ExecBase. As the Amiga keeps the location of this variable in memory
location 4 we can use the Peek.l (long) command to read the 4 byte value
from memory into our pointer vanable.
Blitz 2 now knows that exec points to an execbase structure and using the
backslash character we can access any of the variables in this stucture by
If you select ViewTypes from the compiler menu and type in ExecBase (case
sensitive) you can view all the variables in the execbase structure.
We then define another pointer type called *mylist.List. We can then use
this to point to any List found in execbase such as LibList or DeviceList.
An exec list consists of a header node and a series of link nodes that hold
the list of devices or libraries or what have you.
We point mynode at the lists first link node in the third line of code.
The next line loops through the link nodes until the node's successor=0
which means we have arrived back at the header node.
Peek$ reads ascii data from memory until a zero is found, this is very
useful for placing text pointed to by a C definition such as *In_Name.b
into Blitz 2's string work area.
We then point mynode at the next node in the list.
Exec /ist processor
While *mynode\ln_Succ
Page 82
NPrint a$
Amynode=*mynode\ln Succ
Prime Number Generator
The following program generates a list of prime numbers from 2 up to a limit
specified by the user. A list of all the prime numbers found is kept in a
Blitz 2 List structure.
We begin by inputting the upper limit from the user using the default input
output and the edit() command, the numeric form of the edit$() command.
The While..Wend structure is used to loop through the main algorithm until
the upper limit is reached. The algorithm simply takes the next integer,
loops through the list of the prime numbers it has already generated until
either it finds a divisible number or it is too far through the list (the
item in the list is greater than the square root of the number being
If the algorithm does not find a divisor in its search through the list it
prints the new prime and adds it to the end of the list.
Print "Primes to what value " ;find out limit to run program to
v=Edit(80) ;input numeric
If v=0 Then End ;if O then don't carry on
tab.w=0:tot.w=0 ; reset counters
Dim List primes(v) ; dim a list to hold primes
p=2 ;add the number2 to ourlist
Additem primes()
While p<v ;loop until limit reached
p+1 ;increment p
flag=1 ;set flag
q=Sqr(p) ; set search limit
ResetList primes() ;loop through list
While Nextitem(primes()) AND d<q AND flag
flag=p MOD d
If flag<>0 ;if found print and add it to list
Print p,Chr$(9) ;chr$(9) is a TAB character
tab+1 :tot+1
If tab=10 Then NPrint "":tab=0
AddLast primes()
Page 83
NPrint Chr$(10)+"Found ",tot," Primes between 2 & ",v
NPrint "Left Mouse Button to Exit"
Clipped Blits
The following program illustrates a method to clip bliss. When a shape is
blitted outside the area of a bitmap an error occurs. To have shapes appear
half inside a bitmap and half outside we use a larger bitmap and position
the display inside. The size of the outer frame is dependent on the size of
the shapes that will be drawn.
In the following example we are using 32x32 pixel shape and so need an
extra 32 pixels all round the bitmap. The Show 0,32,32 centres the display
inside the larger bitmap.
We also have to use the extended form of the slice command as we are
displaying a bitmap wider than the display.
The RectsHit(x,y, I, 1,0,0,320+32,256+32) function returns true if the
shape is inside the larger bitmap and should be blitted. If the shape was
larger or it had a centred handle the parameters would need to be changed
to accomadate these factors.
The.makeshape routine creates a temporary bitmap to draw a patern and then
transfer it to a shape object using the GetaShape command.
Gosub makeshape
BitMap 0,320+64,256+64,3
Slice 0,44,320,256,$fff8,3,8,8,320+64,320+64
Show 0,32,32
While Joyb(O)=0
If RectsHit(x,y,1,1,0,0,320+32,256+32)
Blit O,x,y
BitMap 1,32,32,3
For i=1 To 15:Circle 16,16,i,i:Next
GetaShape 0,0,0,32,32
Free BitMap 1
Page 84
Dual Playlield Slice
The following program demonstrate the use of a dual playfield display. As
described in the previous chapter dual playfield lets us display two
bitmaps simultaneously using the ShowF and ShowB commands.
The macro rndpt simply inserts the code Rnd((i40),Rnd(5 12) into the source
each time it is called. For instance Line !rndpt,!rndpt,Rnd(7) is expanded
internally by the compiler to reud:
Line Rnd(640),Rnd(512),Rnd(640),Rnd(512),Rnd(7)
Once again the extended from of the slice command has to be used with flags
set to $fffa giving us a lores dualplayfield scrollable display.
In dualplayfield we can think of having two displays, the ShowF command
positions the front display inside BitMap 1, the ShowB command positions
the backdrop display inside BitMap 0. Note that we must pass the x position
of the other display with ShowF and ShowB so that Blitz2 can calculate
internal variables properly.
Macro rndpt Rnd(640),Rnd(512):End Macro
BitMap 0,640,512,3
For i=0 To 255
Line !rndpt,!rndpt,Rnd(7)
BitMap 1,640,512,3
For i=0 To 255
Slice 0,44,320,256,$fffa,6,8,16,640,640
While Joyb(O)=0
x1 =160+Sin(r)* 160
y1 =128+Cos(r)*128
ShowF 1,x1,y1,x2
ShowB 0,x2,y2,x1
Page 85
Double Buffering
The following code illustrates the use of a double buffered display,
necessary to acheive smooth moving graphics. The trick with double
buffering is that while one bitmap is displayed we can change the other
without any glitches happening on the display.
The VWait command waits for the vertical beam to be at the top of the
display, which is when we are allowed to swap the bitmaps being displayed
without getting any glitches.
The db=l-db equation will mean that db alternates between O & 1 each frame.
We Show db, toggle it (db=l-db) and then Use Bitmap db, to acheive the
"draw to one bitmap while displaying the other" technique known as double
Because we have two bitmaps, we need two queues to use QBlit properly.
QBlits work by doing a normal Blit and storing the position of the Blit in
a queue. The UnQueue command will erase all parts of the screen listed in
the queue so we can draw the balls in their new positions with out them
leaving "trails" behind them from their old position.
The move #-1,$dffl80 pokes the background color to white, this allows us to
see how much of the frame has been taken since the VWait to execute the
code. If we increase the number of balls, the moving and drawing loop will
take longer than a frame (50th of a second) and the white will start
flashing as the poke will only be happening every second frame. See chapter
10 for a more thorough discussion of frame rates etc.
Hmm, the only other thing I'll mention is the bounce logic used when the
ball moves outside the bitmap. We reverse the direction but also add the
new direction to the position so the program never attempts to Blit the
shape outside of the bitmap.
Dim List b.ball(n-1)
While Additem(b())
b()\x=Rnd(320-32), Rnd (256-32), Rnd (4)-2, Rnd(4)-2
Gosub getshape
BitMap 0,320,256,3
BitMap 1,320,256,3
Queue O,n
Queue 1,n
Slice 0,44,3
Page 86
While Joyb(0)=0
Show db
Use BitMap db
UnQueue db
ResetList b()
While Nextitem(b())
If NOT RectsHit(\x,\y,1,1,0,0,320-32,256-32)
QBlit db,0,\x,\y
MOVE #-1,$dff180
BitMap 1,32,32,3
For i=1 To 15:Circle 16,16,i,i:Next
GetaShape 0,0,0,32,32
Free BitMap 1
Smooth Scrolling
This final example demonstrates smooth scrolling as discussed in the
previous chapter.
The Scroll commands are used to copy the left side of the bitmap to the
right and the top half of the bitmap to the bottom. This in effect means
the large bitmap is the same in each quarter.
Because of this we can scroll the display across the bitmap, and when we
hit the right edge reset the display back to the left edge without any jump
in the display as both left and right sides of the bitmap are the same.
This is the same for scrolling the display down the bitmap.
Note how to be able to access mouse moves we need the Mouse On command. We
can then take the amount the mouse has been moved by the user and add it to
the speed in which we are moving the display around the bitmap.
The QLimit(xa+MouseXSpeed,-2O,20) command makes sure that the xa (x_add)
variable always stays inside the limits -20..20.
The x=QWrap(x+xa,O,320) command means that when the displays position inside
Page 87
the bitmap reached the right edge of the bitmap it wraps around to the left.
Mouse On
BitMap 0,640,512,3
For i=0 To 150
Circlef Rnd(320-32)+16,Rnd(256-32)+16,Rnd(16),Rnd(8)
Scroll 0,0,320,256,320,0
Scroll 0,0,640,256,0,256
Slice 0,44,320,256,$fff8,3,8,8,640,640
While Joyb(0)=0
Show db,x,y
ya=QLimit(ya+MouseYSpeed, -20,20)
Page 88
The Display Library is a recent addition to Blitz. Developed as a
replacement to Slices it not only offers games programmers access to all of
the new AGA features but offers a slightly more modular approach to
controlling the Amiga's graphics hardware.
The Amiga's display is controlled by the copper. The copper is a secondary
processor that executes a list of instructions every frame. For those new
to such concepts, the Amiga redraws the screen 50 times a second, each
redraw is known as a frame. The video beam which sweeps across the screen
drawing each pixel is controlled by certain hardware registers, these
registers are poked by the copper whose job it is to keep everything m sync.
A coplist contains information about the colours, bitplanes, sprites,
resolution and more that the video beam requires to render a typical
Unlike Slices which appear as soon as they are initialised the display
library requires coplists to be initialised (using InitCopList) prior to a
display being created (using CreateDisplay). The important difference here
is that Slices require memory to be allocated each time a change to the
video display is required while the Display library allows multiple
CopLists to be initialised before any displays are created.
There are two forms of the InitCopList command. The short version simply
requires the CopList# which is to be initialised and the flags. The height
of the display will default to 256 pixels high. A width of 320, 640 or 1280
will be used depending on the resolution set in the flags as will the
number of colors.
The longer version has the following format:
InitCopList CopList#,ypos,height, type,sprites,colors,customs
The ypos is usually set to 44 the standard top of frame for a PAL display.
If the CopLIst is to be used below another coplist on the same display ypos
should be set to 2 scan lines below the last CopLists bottom line.
Sprites should always be set to eight, even if they are not all available,
colors should be set to the number required. When using more than 32
colours ensure that the #agacolors flag MUST be set.
Customs allocate enough room for advanced custom copper lists to be
attached to each display. See later on in this chapter for a discussion on
using customcops.
Page 89
Flags used with InitCopList
The flags value is calculated by adding the following values together.
Note: variables must be long (32 bits) when used as the flags parameter for
the InitCoplist command.
#onebitplane= $01
#twobitplanes= $02
#threebitDlanes= $03
#fourbitplanes= $04
#fivebitplanes= $05
#sixbitplanes= $06
#sevenbitplanes= $07*
#eightbitplanes= $08*
#smoothscrolling= $10 ;set if you will be scrolling the bitmap
#dualplavfield= $20 ;enable dual playfield mode
#extrahalfbrite= $40 ;forces 6 bitplane display into ehb mode
#ham= $80 ;display in ham
#lores= $000
#hires= $100
#superhires= $200
#loressprites= $400
#hiressprites= $800*
#superhiressprites= $c00
#fetchmodeO= $0000
#fetchmode1 = $1000*
#fetchmode2= $2000*
#fetchmode3= $3000*
#agacolors= $10000*
* These flags should only be used with AGA Amigas.
The #agacolors flag must ALWAYS be set when more than 32 colours are in use
or when 24 bit color definition is required.
By setting the smooth scrolling flag the extended form of DisplayBitmap may
be used which allows the bitmap to be displayed at any offset. This enables
the programmer to scroll the portion of the bitmap being displayed. See
BlitzMode programming chapter for an explanation of hardware scrolling.
* Always use the extended form of DisplayBitmap with smoothscrolling set,
even when offset is 0,0.
Page 90
* DisplayBitmap accepts quick types for the x offset and will position the
bitmap in fractions of pixels on AGA machines.
* The width of the display will be less than the default 32()/640/1280 when
smooth scrolling is enabled.
By setting the DualPlayfield flag two bitmaps may be displayed on top of
each other in one display. A combination of DualPlayfield and
SmoothScrolling is allowed for parallax type effects. Note that with AGA
machines, it is possible to display two 16 colour bitmaps by enabling
DualPlayfield and setting number of bitmaps to 8.
The number of sprites available will depend on the type of display and the
fetchmode settings Most AGA modes will require the display to be shrunk
horizontally for 8 sprites to be displayed. Currently this can only be
acheived using the DisplayAdjust command, certain examples of this can be
found on the Blitz examples disk.
AGA hardware allows the programmer to display sprites in lores, hires or
superhires. The higher resolutions allow graphics dithering by the artist,
essential if 3 coloured sprites are in use. Larger sprites are also
available using the SpriteMode command. Dithered large, super hi-res
sprites can be created to look better than lower resolution 16 color
sprites using such tools as ADPro.
Note that it is unrealistic to display more than 4 bitplanes and have more
than 3 sprite channels available, the adjust required results in a very
narrow display indeed.
AGA hardware allows bitplane data to be fetched by the DMA in 16,32 or 64
pixel groups. The larger fetches give the processor more bandwidth, this is
especially noticeable with AGA Amiga's running without additional fastmem.
When using increased fetchmodes bitplanes must always be a multiple of 64
pixels wide.
Those wanting to attempt DisplayAdjusts on displays with larger fetchmodes
will encounter severe difficulties in creating a proper display. We think
it is actually impossible for displays to run at fetchmode 3 with more than
I sprite without having to adjust the display to around 256 pixels across.
Multiple Displays
When more than one CopList is to be displayed care must be taken that there
is a gap of at least 3 lines between each. This means the ypos of a lower
coplist must be equal or greater than the above's ypos+height+3.
Page 91
Advanced Copper Control
The long format of the InitCopList command allows allocation for custom
copper commands. Certain commands have been added to the Display Library
which will require this parameter to be set.
There are two forms of custom copper commands, the first will allow the
copper to affect the display every scanline while the second defines a
certain line for the copper to do it's thing. These new commands include:
The following require a negative size, this denotes that so many
instructions must be allocated for every scanline of the display.
DisplayDblScan CopList#,Mode[,copoffset];(size=-2) DisplayRainbow
CopList#,Register,Palette[,copoffset] ,(ecs=- I aga=-4) DisplayRGB
CopList#,Register,line,r,g,b[,copoffset] ;(ecs=-1 aga=-4) DisplayUser
CopList#,Line,String[,CopOffset];(size=-len/4) DisplayScroll
The following require the size be specified as a positive parameter
denoting that so many instructions be allocated for each instance of each
command. Note that these two commands may NOT be mixed with the commands
CustomColors CopList#,CCOffset,YPos,Palette,startcol,numcols CustomString
CopList#,CCOffset, YPos,Copper$
The use of these commands is illustrated by code included in the Blitz
examples drawer.
Page 92
Display Example 1
This first example creates two large bitmaps. It renders lines to one and
boxes on the other. A 32 color palette is created the first 16 colors are
used by the back playfield and second 16 by thr front piayfield.
The flags in the InitCopList command are the sum of the following:
#eightbitplanes= $08
#smoothscrolling= $10
#dualplayfield= $20
#lores= $000
#fetchmode3= $3000*
#agacolors= $10000*
Note how the InitCopList command can be executed before going into Blitz
mode. All the display commands are mode independent except for
CreateDisplay which can only be executed in Blitz mode.
Finally note the extended form of the DispiayBitmaD command. This allows
the offset position of both bitmaps to be assigned with the one command.
; two 16 color playfield in dualplayfield mode
BitMap 0,640,512,4
BitMap 1,640,512,4
For i=0 To 100
Use BitMap O:Box Rnd(640) Rnd(512) Rnd(640) Rnd(512) Rnd(16)
Use BitMap 1:Line Rnd(640j,Rnd(512j,Rnd(640j,Rnd(512j,Rnd(16)
InitPalette 0 32
For i=1 To Si :AGAPalRGB 0,i,Rnd(256),Rnd(256),Rnd(256):Next
InitCopList 0,$13038
CreateDisplay O
DisplayPalette 0,0
While Joyb(O)=0
DisplayBitMap 0,O,x,y,1,320-x,256-y
Page 93
Display Example 2
This second example demonstrates the use of sprites on a Display. The
DisplayAdjust is required so as to allow us access to all 8 sprite
channels. Unfortunately it is difficult to up the fetch mode in this
example without resorting to a very thin display.
The SpriteMode2 tells Blitz to create 64 pixel wide sprites for each
channel. With out the SpriteMode each sprite would require 4 channels,
again this is one of the better new features of AGA.
It should be noted also that the DisplaySprite command also accepts
fractional x parameters and will position the sprite at fractional pixel
positions if possible.
; smoothscrolling 16 color screen with 8 64 wide sprites
SpriteMode 2
InitShape 0,64,64,2:ShapesBitMap O,O
Circlef 32,32,32,1 :Circle7 16,8,6,2:Circlef 48,8,6,3:Circlef 32,32,8,0
GetaSprite 0,0
BitMap 0,640,512,4
For i=0 To 100
Use BitMap O:Box Rnd(640),Rnd(512),Rnd(640),Rnd(512),Rnd(16)
InitPalette 0,48
For i=1 To 31 :AGAPalRGB 0,i,Rnd(256),Rnd(256),Rnd(256):Next
InitCopList 0,$10014
DisplayAdjust 0, -2,8,0,16,0; under scan!
CreateDisplay O
DisplayPalette 0,0
For i=0 To 7
DisplaySprite 0,0,20+i*30,(20+i*50)&127,i
While Joyb(O)=0
DisplayBitMap O,O,x,y
Page 94
A computer program is made up of a sequence of commands that are executed
sequentially (one after the other). Certain commands are used to interrupt
this process and cause program execution to jump to a different location in
the program. There are several different ways of controlling this program
flow in Blitz.
Standard BASIC commands to change program flow such as Goto, Gosub are
standard in Blitz, unlike older BASIC's, locations are specified as program
labels and not line numbers. More modern structured BASIC features such as
Procedures (known as Statements and Functions), While..Wend, Repeat..Until,
Select..Case and more allow a more structured approach to programming.
Finally Blitz allows control over Interrupts, this allows external events
to override normal program flow and jump (temporarily) to a predefined
location in the program.
Goto Program Label
Goto causes program flow to be transferred to the specified program label.
This allows sections of a program to be 'skipped' or 'repeated'.
Gosub Program Label
Gosub operates in two steps. First, the location of the instruction
following the Gosub is remembered in a special storage area (known as the
'stack'). Secondly, program flow is transferred to the specified Program
The section of program that program flow is transferred to is known as a
'subroutine' and should be terminated by a Return command.
Return is used to return program flow to the instruction following the
previously executed Gosub command. This allows the creation of
'subroutines' which may be called from various points in a program.
On Expression Goto| Gosub Program LabelLProgram Label...]
On allows a program to branch, via either a Goto or a Gosub, to one of a
number of Program Labels depending upon the result of the specified
If the specified Expression results in a 1, then the first Program Label
will be branched to. A result of 2 will cause the second Program Label to
be branched to and so on. If the result of Expression is less than one, or
not enough
Program Labels are supplied, program flow will continue without a branch.
End will halt program flow completely. In the case of programs run from the
Blitz editor, you will be returned to the editor. In the case of executable
files, you will be returned to the Workbench or CLI.
PAge 95
The Stop command causes the Blitz Debugger to interrupt program flow. Place
Stop commands in your code as breakpoints when debugging, ensure runtime
errors are enabled. Click on Run from the debugger to continue program flow
after a Stop.
If Expression [Then...]
If allows execution of a section of program depending on the result of an
expression. The Then command indicates only the rest of the line will be
defined as the section of code to either execute or not. Without a Then the
section of code will be defined as that up to the EndIf command.
EndIf is used to terminate an 'If block'. An If block is begun by use of
the If statement without the Then present. Please refer to If for more
information on If blocks.
Else [Statement..]
Else may be used after an If to cause program instructions to be executed
if the expression specified in the If proved to be false.
While Expression
The While command is used to execute a series of commands repeatedly while
the specified Expression proves to be true. The cAmmands to be executed
include all the commands following the While until the next matching Wend.
Wend is used in conjunction with While to determine a section of program to
be executed repeatedly based upon the truth of an expression.
Select Expression
Select examines and 'remembers' the result of the specified Expression. The
Case commands may then be used to execute different sections of program
code depending on the result of the expression in the Select line.
Case Expression
A Case is used following a Select to execute a section of program code when,
and only when, the Expression specified in the Case statement is equivalent
to the Expression evaluated in the Select statement.
If a Case statement is satisfied, program flow will continue until the next
Case Default or End Select statement is encountered, at which point program
flow will branch to the next matching End Select.
Page 96
A Default statement may appear following a series of Case statements to
cause a section of program code to be executed if NONE of the Case
statements were satisfied.
End Select
End Select terminates a Select...Case...Case...Case sequence. If program
flow had been diverted through the use of a Case or Default statement, it
will continue from the terminating End Select.
For Var=Expression 1 To Expression2 [Step Expression3]
The For statement initializes a For...Next loop. All For/Next loops must
begin with a For statement, and must have a terminating Next statement
further down the program. For..Next loops cause a particular section of
code to be repeated a certain number of times. The For statement does most
of the work in a For/Next loop. When For is executed, the variable
specified by Var (known as the index variable) will be set to the value
Expressionl. After this, the actual loop commences.
At the beginning of the loop, a check is made to see if the value of Var has
exceeded Expression2. If so, program flow will branch to the command
following the For/Next loop's Next, ending the loop. If not, program flow
continues on until the loop's Next is reached. At this point, the value
specified in Expression3 (the 'step' value) is added to Var, and program
flow is sent back to the top of the loop, where Var is again checked
against Expression2. If Expression3 is omitted, a default step value of I
will be used.
In order for a For/Next loop to count 'down' from one value to a lower
value, a negative step number must be supplied.
Next [var[,Var..]]
Next terminates a For..Next loop. Please refer to the For command for more
information on For..Next loops.
Repeat is used to begin a Repeat...Until loop. Each Repeat statement in a
program must have a corresponding Until further down the program.
The purpose of Repeat/Until loops is to cause a section of code to be
executed AT LEAST ONCE before a test is made to see if the code should be
executed again.
Until Expression
Until is used to terminate a Repeat/Until loop. If Expression proves to be
true (non 0), then program flow will continue from the command following
Until. If Expression proves to be false (0), then program flow will go back
to the corresponding Repeat, found further up the program.
Page 97
Forever may be used instead of Until to cause a Repeat/Until loop to NEVER
exit. Executing Forever is identical to executing 'Until 0'.
Pop Gosub| For| Select| If| While| Repeat
Sometimes, it may be necessary to exit from a particular type of program
loop in order to transfer program flow to a different part of the program.
Pop must be included before the Goto which transfers program flow out from
the inside of the loop.
Actually, Pop is only necessary to prematurely terminate Gosubs, Fors and
Selects. If, While and Repeat have been included for completeness but are
not necessary.
MouseWait simply halts program flow until the left mouse button is pushed.
If the left mouse button is already held down when a MouseWait is executed,
program flow will simply continue through.
MouseWait should normally be used only for program testing purposes, as
MouseWait severely slows down multi-tasking.
VWait [Frames]
VWait will cause program flow to halt until the next vertical blank occurs.
The optional Frames parameter may be used to wait for a particular number of
vertical blanks.
VWait is especially useful in animation for synchrodizing display changes
with the rate at which the display is physically redrawn by the monitor.
Statement Procedurename{[ParameterltParamater2...]]}
Statement declares all following code up to the next End Statement as being
a 'statement type' procedure.
Up to 6 Parameters may be passed to a statement in the form of local
variables through which calling parameters are passed.
In Blitz, all statements and functions must be declared before they are
End Statement
End Statement declares the end of a 'statement type' procedure definition.
All statement type procedures must be terminated with an End Statement.
Statement Return
Statement Return may be used to prematurely exit from a 'statement type'
procedure. Program flow will return to the command following the procedure
Page 98
Function [. Type] Procedurename{[Parameterl[,Parameter2...]]}
Function declares all following code up to the next End Function as being a
function type procedure. The optional Type parameter may be used to
determine what type of result is returned by the function. Type. if
specified, must be one Blitz's 6 primitive variable types. If no Type is
given, the current default type is used.
Up to 6 Parameters may be passed to a function in the form of local
variables through which calling parameters are passed. Functions may return
values through the Function Return command.
In Blitz, all statements and functions must be declared before they are
End Function
End Function declares the end of a 'function type' procedure definition. All
function type procedures must be terminated with an End Function.
Function Return Expression
Function Return allows 'function type' procedures to return values to their
calling expressions. Function type procedures are always called from within
Blitz expressions.
Shared Var[,Var...]
Shared is used to declare certain variables within a procedure definition as
being global variables. Any variables appearing within a procedure
definition that do n<>t appear in a Shared statement are, by default, local
Setint Type
Setint is used to declare a section of program code as 'interrupt' code.
Often, when a computer program is running, an event of some importance
takes place which must be processed immediately. The different types of
interrupt on the Amiga are as follows:
Type Cause of Interupt
() Serial transmit buffer empty
1 Disk Block read/written
2 Sottware interupt
3 Cia ports interupt
4 Co-processor ('copper') interupt
5 Vetical Blank
6 glitter finished
7 Audio channel 0 pointer/length fetched
8 Audio channel I pointer/length fetched
9 Audio channel 2 pointer/length fetched
10 Audio channel 3 pointer/length fetched
11 Serial receive butffer full
12 Floppy disk sync
13 External interupt
Page 99
The most useful of these interrupts is the vertical blank interrupt. This
interrupt occurs every time an entire video frame has been fully displayed
(about every sixtieth of a second), and is very useful for animation
purposes. If a section of program code has been designated as a vertical
blank interrupt handler, then that section of code will be executed every
sixtieth of a second.
Interrupt handlers must perform their task as quickly as possible,
especially in the case of vertical blank handlers which must NEVER take
longer than one sixtieth of a second to execute.
Interupt handlers in Blitz must NEVER access string variables or literal
strings. In Blitz mode, this is the only restriction on interrupt handlers.
In Amiga mode, no blister, Intuition or file i/o commands may be executed by
interrupt handlers.
To set up a section of code to be used as an interrupt handler, you use the
SetInt command followed by the actual interrupt handler code. An End SetInt
should follow the interrupt code. The Type parameter specifies the type of
interrupt, from the above table, the interrupt handler should be attached
to. For example, SetInt 5 should be used for vertical blank interrupt code.
More than one interrupt handler may be attached to a particular type of
End Setint
End SetInt must appear after a SetInt to signify the end of a section of
interrupt handler code. Please refer to SetInt for more information of
interrupt handlers.
Clrlnt Type
ClrInt may be used to remove any interrupt handlers currently attached to
the specified interrupt Type. The SetInt command is used to attach interupt
handlers to particular interupts.
The SetErr command allows you to set up custom error handlers. Program code
which appears after the SetErr command will be executed when any Blitz
runtime errors are caused. Custom error code should be ended by an End
End SetErr
End SetErr must appear following custom error handlers installed using
SetErr. Please refer to SetErr tor more information on custom error
ClrErr may be used to remove a custom error handler set up using SetErr.
ErrFail may be used within custom error handlers to cause a 'normal' error.
The error which caused the custom error handler to be executed will be
reported and transfer will be passed to direct mode.
Page 100
To keep track of numbers and text program variables are required. These
variables are assigned a name and given a type which dictates the sort of
information they are able to contain. Blitz supports 5 standard numeric
types and the string type which is used to store text type information.
Variable "arrays" are used to store a large collection of values all of one
type, these arrays are similar to normal variables except they must be
dimensioned (the number of elements defined) before they are used.
Blitz offers many extensions to these BASIC features. NewTypes may be
defined which are a collection of several standard types. a single NewType
variable can contain an assortment ol' numeric and string information
similar to structures in C.
List arrays offer the programmer more control over standard arrays, they
are also much t:aster to manipulate. Blitz contains many commands for
operating on linked lists of data.
Let Var=Expression
Let is an optional command used t<> assign a value to a variable. Let must
always be followed by a variable name and an expression. Normally, an equals
sign ('=') is placed between the variable name and the expression. If the
equals sign is omitted, then an opertor (eg: '+', '*') must appear between
the variable name and the expression. In this case, the specified variable
will be altered by the specified operator and expression.
Exchange Var,Var
Exchange will 'swap' the values contained in the 2 specified variables.
Exchange may only be used with 2 variables of the same type.
MaxLen StringVar=Expression
MaxLen sets aside a block c>f memory for a string variable to grow into.
This is normally only necessary in the case of special Blitz commands which
require this space to be present before execution. Currently, only 2 Blitz
commands require the use of MaxLen - FileRequest$ and Fields.
DEFTYPE . Typename [Var[, Var...]]
DEFTYPE may be used to declare a list of variables as being of a particular
type. In this case, Var parameters must be supplied.
DEFTYPE may also be used to select a default variable type for future
'unknown' variables. Unknown variables are variables created with no
Typename specifier. In this case, no Var parameters are supplied.
Page 101
NEWTYPE is used to create a custom variable type. NEWTYPE must be followed
by a list of entry names separated by colons (':') and/or newlines.
NEWTYPEs are terminated using End NEWTYPE.
SizeOf allows you to determine the amount of memory, in bytes, a particular
variable type takes up. SizeOf may also be followed by an optional
Entrypath, in which case the offset from the start of the type to the
specified entry is returned.
Dim Arrayname [List] (Dimensionl[,Dimension2...])
Dim is used to initialize a BASIC array. Blitz supports 2 array types -
simple arrays, and list arrays. The optional List parameter, if present,
denotes a list array. Simple arrays are identical to standard BASIC arrays,
and may be of any number dimensions. List arrays may be of only I dimension.
ResetList Arraynam()
ResetList is used in conjunction with a list array to prepare the list
array for NextItem processing. After executing a ResetList, the next
Nextitem executed will set the list array's 'current element' pointer to
the list array's very first
ClearList Arraynam()
ClearList is used in conjunction with list arrays to completely 'empty' out
the specified list array. List arrays are automatically emptied when they
are Dimmed.
AddFirst (Arrayname())
The AddFirst function allows you to insert an array list item at the
beginning of an array list. AddFirst returns a true/false value reflecting
whether or not there was enough room in the array list to add an element.
If an array element was available, AddFirst returns a true value (-1), and
sets the list array's 'current item' pointer to the item added. If no array
element was available, AddFirst returns false (0).
AddLast (Arrayname())
The AddLast function allows you to insert an array list item at the end of
an array list. AddLast returns a true/false value reflecting whether or not
there was enough room in the array list to add an element. If an array
element was available, AddLast returns a true value (- I ), and sets the
list array's 'current item' pointer to the item added. If no array element
was available, AddLast returns false (0).
Page 102
Additem (Arrayname())
The AddItem function allows you to insert an array list item after the list
array's 'current' item. AddItem returns a true/false value reflecting
whether or not there was enough room in the array list to add an element.
If an array element was available, Additem returns a true value (-l), and
sets the list array's 'current item' pointer to the item added. If no array
element was available, Additem returns false (0).
KillItem ArrayName()
KillItem is used to delete the specified list array's current item. After
executing KillItem, the list array's 'current item' pointer will be set to
the item before the item deleted.
Previtem (Arrayname())
Previtem will set the specified list array's 'current item' pointer to the
item before the list array's old current item. This allows for 'backwards'
processing of a list array. Previtem returns a true/false value reflecting
whether or not there actually was a previous item. If a previous item was
available, PrevItem will return true (- l ). Otherwise, PrevItem will
return false (0).
Nextitem (Arrayname())
Nextitem will set the specified list array's 'current item' pointer to the
item after the list array's old current item. This allows for 'forwards'
processing of a list array. Nextitem returns a true/false value reflecting
whether or not there actually was a next item available or not. If an item
was available, Nextitem will return true (- l ). Otherwise, Nextitem will
return false (0).
Firstitem (Arrayname())
Executing Firstitem will set the specified list array's 'current item'
pointer to the very first item in the list array. If there are no items in
the list array, Firstitem will return false (0) otherwise, Firstitem will
return true (-l).
Lastitem (Arrayname())
Executing Lastitem will set the specified list array's 'current item'
pointer to the very last item in the list array. If there are no items in
the list array, Lastitem will return false (0), otherwise Lastitem will
return true (- l ).
Pushitem Arrayname()
Executing Pushitem causes the specified list array's 'current item' pointer
to be pushed onto an internal stack. This pointer may be later recalled by
executing Popitem. The internal item pointer stack is set for up to 8
Popitem Arrayname()
Popitem 'pops' or 'recalls' a previously pushed current item pointer for the
specified list array. Arrayname() must match the arrayname of the most
recently executed Pushitem.
Page 103
ItemStackSize Max Items
ItemStackSize determines how many 'list' items may be pushed (using the
Pushltem command), before items must be 'Pop'ped off again. For example,
executing ItemStackSize 10()0 will allow you to push up to 1000 list items
before you run out of item stack space.
SortList Arrayname()
The SortList command is used to rearrange the order of elements in a Blitz
linked list. The order in which the items are sorted depends on the first
field of the linked list type which must be a single integer word. Sorting
criteria will be extended in future releases.
Sort Arrayname()
Sort will cause the specified array to be sorted.
The direction of the sort may be specified using either the SortUp or
SortDown commands. The default direction used for sorting is ascending - ie:
array elements are sorted into a 'low to high' order.
SortUp may be used to force the Sort command to sort arrays into ascending
order. This means that, after being sorted, an array's contents will be
ordered in a 'low to high' manner.
SortDown may be used to force the Sort command to sort arrays into
descending order. This means that, after being sorted, an array's contents
will be ordered in a 'high to low' manner.
Page 104
Input Output is essential for programs to function. Input includes reading
data from both disk files and data statements and getting input from the
user. Output options include writing data to files, displaying information
on the screen and so on.
Input and Output are most commonly acheived with the Edit and Print
commands, Edit replacing the standard BASIC Input nomenclature. An
assortment of commands are available to redirect input and output to and
from Files, Windows etc. Refer to the File and Window handling sections for
more information.
Those developing games in Blitz should refer to the BlitzIO section for
Input Output commands more suited to their particular requirements.
Print Expression[,Expresion...]
Print allows you to output either strings or numeric values to the current
output channel. Commands such as WindowOutput or BitMapOutput may be used
to alter the current output channel.
NPrint Expression[, Expresion...]
NPrint allows you to output either strings or numeric values to the current
output channel. Commands such as WindowOutput or BitMapOutput may be used
to alter the current output channel.
After all Expressions have been output, NPrint automatically prints a
newline character.
Format FormatString
Format allows you to control the output of any numeric values by the Print
or NPrint commands. FormatString is an 80 character or less string
expression used for formatting information by the Print command. Special
characters in FormatString are used to perform special formatting
functions. These special characters are:
Char Format effect
# If no digit to print, insert spaces into output
0 If no digit to print, insert zeros ('0') into output
Insert decimal point into output
+ Insert sign of value
Insert sign of value, only if negative
, Insert commas every 3 digits to left of number
Any other characters in FormatString will appear at appropriate positions in
the output. Format also affects the operation of the Str$ function.
Page 105
FloatMode Mode
FloatMode allows you to control how floating point numbers are output by the
Print or NPrint commands.
Floating point numbers may he displayed in one of two ways - in exponential
fon1lat, or in standard format. Exponential format displays a floating point
number as a value multiplied by ten raised to a power. For example, 10240
expressed exponentially is displayed as '1.024E+4', ie: 1.024 times 10 to
the power of 4. Standard format simply prints values 'as is'.
A Mode parameter of I will cause floating point values to ALWAYS be
displayed h1 exponential format. A Mode parameter of - I will cause floating
point values to ALWAYS be displayed in standard format. A Mode parameter of
0 will cause Blitz to take a 'best guess' at the most appropriate format to
use. This is the default mode for floating point output.
Note that if Format has been used to alter numeric output, standard mode
will always be used to print floating point numbers.
Data [.Type]ltem[ltem...]
The Data statement allows you to include pre-defined values in your
programs. These 'data items' may be transferred into variables using the
Read statement. When data is read into variables, the Type of the data
being read MUST match the type of the variable it is being read into
Read Var[,Var...]
Read is used to transfer items in Data statements into variables. Data is
transferred sequentially into variables through what is known as a 'date
pointer'. Each time a piece of data is read, the data pointer is
incremented to point at the next piece of data. The data pointer may be set
to point to a particular piece of data using the Restore command.
Restore [Program Label]
Restore allows you to set Blitz's internal 'data pointer' to a particular
piece of data. after executing a Restore, The first item of data following
the specified Program Label will become the data to be read when the next
Read command is executed. Restore with no parameters will reset the data
pointer to the very first piece of data in the program.
Edit$ ([DefaultString$],Characters)
Edit$ is Blitz's standard text input command. When used with Window and
BitMap Input Edit$ causes the optional DefaultString$ and a cursor to be
printed to the display. It then waits for the user to hit RETURN. Edit$
returns the text entered by the program user as a string of character.
During FileInput Edit$ reads the next n characters from the open file or
until the next endofline character (chr$(10)). To read data from files that
is not standard ascii (ignore EOL terminators) Inkey$ should be used
instead of Edit$. Characters specifies a maximum number of allowable
characters for input. This is extremely useful in preventing Edit$ from
destroying display contents.
Page 106
Edit ([DefaultValue],Characters)
Edit is Blitz's standard numeric input command. The same characteristics
apply as those for Edit$ however Edit of course only accepts numeric input.
lnkey$ [(Characters)]
Inkey$ may be used to collect one or more characters from the current input
channel. The current input channel may be selected using commands such as
WindowInput, Filelnput or BitMapInput. Inkey$ MAY NOT he used from the
Defaultinput input channel as the CLI does not pass input back to the
program until the user hits return. Characters refers to the number of
characters to collect. The default is one character.
Detaultinput causes all future Edit$ and Inkey$ functions to receive their
input from the CLI window the Blitz program was run from. This is the
default input channel used when a Blitz program is first run.
DefaultOutput cause all future Print statements to send their output to the
CLI window the Blitz program was run from. This is the default output
channel used when a Blitz program is first run.
FileRequest$ (Title$, Pathname$, Filename$)
The FileRequest$ function will open up a standard Amiga-style file requester
on the currently used screen. Program flow will halt until the user either
selects a file, or hits the requester's 'Cancel' button. If a file was
selected, FileRequest$ will return the full file name as a string. If
'Cancel' was selected, FileRequest$ will return a null (empty) string.
Title$ may be any string expression to be used as a title for the file
requester. Pathname$ MUST be a string variable with a MaxLen of at least
160. Filename$ MUST be a string variable with a MaxLen of at least 64.
After input has been re-directed (eg using WindowInput/Filelnput), Popinput
may be used to return the channel to it's previous condition.
After output has been re-directed (eg using WindowOutput/FileOutput),
PopOutput may be used to return the channel to it's previous condition.
Joyx (Port)
Joyx will return the left/right status of a joystick plugged into the
specified port. Port must be either 0 or 1, 0 being the port the mouse is
normally plugged into. If the joystick is held to the left, Joyx will
return -1. If the joystick is held to the right, Joyx will return 1. If the
joystick is held neither left or right, Joyx will return 0.
Page 107
Joyy (Port)
Joyy will return the up/down status of a joystick plugged into the specified
port. Port must be either O or 1, 0 being the port the mouse is normally
plugged into. If the joystick is held upwards, Joyy will return -1. If the
joystick is held downwrads, Joyy will return 1. If the joystick is held
neither upwards or downwards, Joyy will return 0.
Joyr (Port)
Joyr may be used to determine the rotational direction of a joystick plugged
into the specified port. Port must be either O or 1, port 0 being the port
the mouse is normally plugged into. Joyr returns a value from O through 8
based on the following table:
Direction Value
Up O
Up-Right 1
Right 2
Down-Right 3
Down 4
Down-Left 5
Left 6
Up-Left 7
No Direction 8
Joyb (Port)
Joyb allows you to read the button status of the device plugged into the
specified port. Port must be either O or 1, 0 being the port the mouse is
normally plugged into. If the left button is held down, Joyb will return I.
If the right button is held down, Joyb will return 2. If both buttons are
held down, Joyb will return 3. If no buttons are held down, Joyb will
return 0.
GameB (Port#)
GameB returns the button states of CD32 style game controllers. The values
of all buttons pressed are added together to make up the value returned by
GameB. To check a certain button is down a logical AND should be performed,
buttonvalue AND returnvalue will evaluate to O if the button is not held
down. The button values are:
.Button Value
Play/Pause 1
Reverse 2
Forward 4
Green 8
Yellow 16
Red 32
Blue 64
Page 108
Blitz supports 2 modes of file access - sequential, and random access. The
following section covers the Blitz commands that open, close and operate on
these two types of files.
Blitz also contains special commands for finding information about ILBM
files which are standard on the Amiga for containing graphics in the form
of bitmaps and brushes.
For specialised commands that read and write graphics and sound files more
information and command descriptions are available in the appropriate
OpenFile (File#,Filename$)
OpenFile attempts to open the file specified by Filename$. If the file was
successfully opened, OpenFile will return true (-l), otherwise, OpenFile
will return false (0).
Files opened using OpenFile may be both written to and read from. If the
file specified by Filename$, did not already exist before the file was
opened, it will be created by OpenFile.
Files opened with OpenFile are intended for use by the random access file
commands, although it is quite legal to use these files in a sequential
ReadFile (File#,Filename$)
ReadFile opens an already existing file specified by Filename$ for
sequential reading. If the specified file was successfully opened, ReadFile
will return true (-l), otherwise ReadFile will return false (0).
Once a file is open using ReadFile, FileInput may be used to read
information from it.
WriteFile (File#,Filename$)
WriteFile creates a new file, specified by Filename$, for the purpose of
sequential file writing. If the file was successfully opened, WriteFile will
return true (- l ), otherwise, WriteFile will return false (0).
A file opened using WriteFile may be written to by using the FileOutput
CloseFile File#
CloseFile is used to close a file opened using one of the file open
functions (FileOpen, ReadFile, WriteFile). This should be done to all files
when they are no longer required.
Fields File#, Var[, Var...]
Fields is used to set up fields of a random access file record. Once Fields
is executed, Get and Put may be used to read and write information to and
from the file. The Var parameters specify a list of variables you wish to
be either read from,
Page 109
or written to the file.
When a Put is executed, the values held in these variables will be
transferred to the file. When a Get is executed, these variables will take
on values read from the file.
Any string variables in the variable list MUST have been initialized to
contain a maximum number of characters. This is done using the MaxLen
command. These string variables must NEVER grow to be longer than their
defined maximum length.
Put File#,Record
Put is used to transfer the values contained in a Fields variable list to a
particular record in a random access file. When using Put to increase the
size of a random access file, you may only add to the immediate end of
file. For example, if you have a random access file with 5 records in it,
it is illegal to put record number 7 to the file until record number 6 has
been created.
Get File#,Record
Get is used to transfer information from a particular record of a random
access file into a variable list set up by the Fields command. Only records
which also exist may be'got'.
FileOutput File#
The FileOutput command causes the output of all subsequent Print and NPrint
commands to be sent to the specified sequential file. When the file is later
closed, Print statements should be returned to an appropriate output channel
(eg: DefaultOutput or WindowOutput).
Filelnput File#
The FileInput command causes all subsequent Edit, Edit$ and Inkey$ commands
to receive their input from the specified file. When the file is later
closed, input should be redirected to an appropriate channel (eg:
DefaultInput or WindowInput).
FileSeek File#,Position
FileSeek allows you to move to a particular point in the specified file.
The first piece of data in a file is at position 0, the second at position
I and so on. Position must not be set to a value greater than the length of
the file.
Used in conjunction with OpenFile and Lof, FileSeek may be used to 'append'
to a file.
Lof (File#)
Lof will return the length, in bytes, of the specified file.
Eof (File#)
The Eof function allows you to determine if you are currently positioned at
the end of the specified file. If so, Eof will return true (-1), otherwise
Eof will return false (0).
Page 110
If you are at the end of a file, any further writing to the file will
increase it's length, while any further reading from the file will cause an
Loc (File#)
Loc may be used to determine your current position in the specified file.
When a file is first opened, you will be at position O in the file.
DosBuffLen Bytes
All Blitz file handling is done through the use of special buffering
routines. This is done to increase the speed of file handling, especially
in the case of sequential files.
Initially, each file opened is allocated a 2048 byte buffer. However, if
memory is tight this buffer size may be lowered using the DosBuffLen
KillFile Filename$
The KillFile command will simply attempt to delete the specified file. No
error will be returned if the file could not be deleted.
Whenever you are executing AmigaDos I/O (for example, reading or writing a
file), there is always the possibility of something going wrong (for
example, disk not inserted... read/write error etc.). Normally, when such
problems occur, AmigaDos displays a suitable requester on the WorkBench
window. However, by executing CatchDosErrs you can force such requesters to
open on a Blitz window.
The window you wish dos error requesters to open on should be the currently
used window at the time CatchDosErrs is executed.
ReadMem File#,Address,Length
ReadMem allows you to read a number of bytes, determined by Length, into an
absoulte memory location, determined by Address, from an open file
specified by File#.
Be careful using ReadMem, as writing to absolute memory may have serious
consequences if you don't known what you're doing!
WriteMem File#,Address,Length
WriteMem allows you to write a number of bytes, determined by Length, from
an absolute memory location, determined by Address, to an open file
specified by File#.
Exists (FileName$)
Exists actually returns the length of the file, unlike Lof() Exists() is
for files that have not already been opened. If O the file either does not
exist or is empty or is perhaps not a file at all! Hmmm, anyway the
following poke turns off the "Please Insert Volume Blah:" requester so you
can use Exists to wait for disk changes:
Poke.l Peek.l(Peek.1(4)+276)+184,-1
Page 111
ILBMlnfo Filename$
ILBMInfo is used to examine an ILBM file. Once ILBMInfo has been executed.
ILBMWidth, ILBMHeight and ILBMDepth may be used to examine properties of
the image contained in the file.
ILBMWidth will return the width, in pixels, of an ILBM image examined with
ILBMHeight will return the height, in pixels, of an ILBM image examined
with ILBMInfo.
ILBMDepth wil1 return the depth, in bitplanes, of an ILBM image examined
with ILBMInfo.
ILBMViewMode returns the viewmode of the file that was processed by
ILBMInfo. This is useful for opening a screen in the right mode before using
LoadScreen etc. The different values of ViewMode are as follows (add/or
them for different combinations):
Mode Value
HiRes 32768
Ham 2048
HalfBrite 128
Interlace 4
LoRes 0
Page 112
This section covers all Blitz functions which accept and return numeric and
string values. Note that all the transcendental functions (eg. Sin, Cos)
operate in radians.
Functions that return information about system time and date. workbench
parameters and so forth are also listed in this section.
True is a system constant with a value of -1.
False is a system constant with a value of 0.
This function returns O if the display is currently in PAL mode, or -I if
currently in NTSC mode. This may be used to write software which
dynamically adjusts itself to different versions of the Amiga computer.
DispHeight will return 256 if executed on a PAL Amiga, or 200 if executed on
an NTSC Amiga. This allows programs to open full sized screens, windows etc
on any Amiga.
VPos returns the video's beam vertical position. Useful in both highspeed
animation where screen update may need to be synced to a certain video beam
position (not just the top of frame as with VWait) and for a fast random
nember generator in non frame-synced applications.
Peek [.Type](Address)
The Peek function returns the contents of the absolute memory location
specified by Address. The optional Type parameter allows peeking of
different sizes. For example, to peek a byte, you would use Peek.b; to peek
a word, you would use Peek.w; and to peek a long, you would use Peek.l
It is also possible to peek a string using Peek$. This will return a string
of characters read from consecutive memory locations until a byte of O is
Abs (Expression)
This function returns the positive equivalent of Expression.
Frac (Expression)
Frac() returns the fractional part of Expression.
Page 113
Int (Expression)
This returns the Integer part (before the decimal point) of Expression.
OAbs (Ouick)
QAbs works just like Abs except that the value it accepts is a Quick. This
enhances the speed at which the function executes quite dramatically. Of
course you are limited by the restrictions of the quick type of value.
QFrac (Ouick)
QFrac() returns the fractional part of a quick value. It works like Frac()
but accepts a quick value as it's argument. It is faster than Frac() but
has the normal quick value limits.
OLimit (Ouick,Low,High)
QLimit is used to limit the range of a quick number. If Quick is greater
than or equal to Low, and less than or equal to High, the value of Quick is
returned. If Quick is less than Low, then Low is returned. If Quick is
greater than High, then High is returned.
QWrap (Ouick,Low,High)
QWrap will wrap the result of the Quick expression if Quick is greater than
or equal to high, or less than low. If Quick is less than Low, then Quick-
Low+High is returned. If Quick is greater than or equal to High, then Quick-
High+Low is returned.
Rnd [(Range)]
This function returns a random number. If Range is not specified then a
random decimal is returned between O and 1. If Range is specified, then a
decimal value between O and Range is returned.
Sgn (Expression)
Sgn returns the sign of Expression. If Expression is less than 0, then - I
is returned. If Expression is equal to 0, then O is returned. If Expression
is greater than 0, then I is returned.
Cos (Float) Cos() returns the Cosine of the value Float. Sin (Float) This
returns the Sine of the value Float.
Tan (Float)
This returns the Tangent of the value Float.
Page 114
ACos (Float)
This returns the ArcCosine of the value Float.
ASin (Float)
This returns the ArcSine of the value Float.
ATan (Float)
This returns the ArcTangent of the value Float.
HCos (Float)
This returns the hyperbolic Cosine of the value Float.
HSin (Float)
This returns the hyperbolic Sine of the value Float.
HTan (Float)
This returns the hyperbolic Tangent of the value Float.
Exp (Float)
This returns e raised to the power of Float.
Sqr (Float)
This returns the square root of Float.
LoglO (Float)
This returns the base 101ogarithm of Float.
Log (Float)
This returns the natural (base e) logarithm of Float.
QAngle (Src X,Src Y,Dest X,Dest Y)
QAngle returns the angle between the two 2D coordinates passed. the angle.q
returned is a value from 0..1, I representing 360 degrees in standard polar
Left$ (String$,Length)
This function returns the Length leftmost characters of string String$.
Right$ (String$,Length)
Right$() returns the rightmost Length characters from string String$.
Page 115
Mid$ (String$,Startchar[ Length])
This function returns Length characters of string String$ starting at
character Startchar. If the optional Length parameter is omitted, then all
characters from Startchar up to the end of String$ will be returned.
Hex$ (Expression)
Hex$() returns an 8 character string equivalent to the hexadecimal
representation of Expression.
Bin$ (Expression)
Hex$() returns a 32 character string equivalent to the binary
representation of Expression.
Chr$ (Expression)
Chr$ returns a one character string equivalent to the ASCII character
Expression.Ascii is a standard way of coding the characters used by the
computer display.
Asc (String$)
Asc() returns the ASCII value of the first characters in the string String$.
String$ (String$,Repeats)
This function will return a string containing Repeats sequential
occurrences of the string String$.
Instr (String$,Findstring$[,Startpos])
Instr attempts to locate FindString$ within String$. If a match is found,
the character position of the first matching character will be returned. If
no match is found, O will be returned.
The optional Startpos parameter allows you to specify a starting character
position for the search.
CaseSense may be used to determine whether the search is case sensitive or
Replace$ (String$,Findstring$,Replacestring$)
Replace$() will search the string String$ for any occurrences of the string
Findstring$ and replace it with the string Replacestring$.
CaseSense may be used to determine whether the search is case sensitive or
Mki$ (Integer)
This will create a two byte character string, given the two byte numeric
value Numeric. Mki$ is often used before writing integer values to
sequential files to save on disk space. When the file is later read in, Cvi
may be used to convert the string back to an integer.
Page 116
Mk|$ (Long)
This will create a four byte character string, given the four byte numeric
value Long. Mkl$ is often used when writing long values to sequential files
to save on disk space. When the file is later read in, Cvl may be used to
convert the string back to a long.
Mkq$ (Quick)
This will create a four byte character string, given the four byte numeric
value Quick. Mkq$ is often used when writing quick values to sequential
files to save on disk space. When the file is later read in, Cvq may be
used to convert the string back to a quick.
Cvi (String$)
Cvi returns an integer value equivalent to the left 2 characters of
String$. This is the logical opposite of Mki$.
Cvl (String$)
Cvl returns a long value equivalent to the left 4 characters of String$.
This is the logical opposite of Mkl$.
Cvq (String$)
Cvq returns a quick value equivalent to the left 4 characters of String$.
This is the logical opposite of Mkq$.
Len (String$)
Len returns the length of the string String$.
UnLeft$ (String$,Length)
UnLeft$() removes the rightmost Length characters from the string String$.
UnRight$ (String$,Length)
UnRight$() removes the leftmost Length characters from the string String$.
Strip Lead$ (String$, Expression)
StripLead$ removes all leading occurrences of the ASCII character specified
by Expression from the string String$.
StripTrai 1$ (String$, Expression)
StripTrail$ removes all trailing occurrences of the ASCII character
specified by Expression from the string String$.
LSet$ (String$, Characters)
This function returns a string of Characters characters long. The string
Page 117
will be placed at the beginning of this string. If String$ is shorter than
Characters the right hand side is padded with spaces. If it is longer, it
will be truncated.
RSet$ (String$, Characters)
This function returns a string of Characters characters long. The string
String$ will be placed at end of this string. If String$ is shorter than
Characters the lett hand side is padded with spaces. If it is longer, it
will be truncated.
Centre$ (String$,Characters)
This function returns a string of Characters characters long. The string
String$ will be centered in the resulting string. If String$ is shorter
than Characters the left and right sides will be padded with spaces. If it
is longer, it will be truncated on either side.
LCase$ (String$)
This function returns the string String$ converted into lowercase.
UCase$ (Siring$)
This function returns the string String$ converted to uppercase.
CaseSense Onl Off
CaseSense allows you to control the searching mode used by the Instr and
Replace$ functions.
CaseSense On indicates that an exact match must be found.
CaseSense Off indicates that alphabetic characters may be matched even if
they are not in the same case.
CaseSense On is the default search mode.
Val (String$)
This functions converts the string String$ into a numeric value and returns
this value. When converting the string, the conversion will stop the moment
either a non numeric value or a second decimal point is reached.
Str$ (Expression)
This returns a string equivalent of the numeric value Expression. This now
allows you to perform string operations on this string.
If the Format command has been used to alter numeric output, this will be
applied to the resultant string.
UStr$ (Expression)
This returns a string equivalent of the numeric value Expression. This now
allows you to perform string operations on this string.
Unlike Str$, UStr$ is not affected by any active Format commands.
Page 118
SystemDate returns the system date as the number of days passed since
Date$ (days)
Date$ converts the format returned by SystemDate (days passed since
1/1/1978) into a string format of dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy depending on the
dateformat (defaults to 0)
NumDays (date$)
Numdays converts a Date$ in the above format to the day count format, where
numdays is the number of days since 1/1/1978.
DateFormat format#; O or 1
DateFormat configures the way both date$ and numdays treat a string
representation of the date: O=dd/mm/yyyy and l=mm/dd/yyyy
Days Months and Years each return the particular value relevant to the last
call to SystemDate. They are most useful for when the program needs to
format the output of the date other than that produced by date$. WeekDay
returns which day of the week it is with Sunday=0 through to Saturday=6.
See description of Days.
See description of Days.
See description of Days.
Hours, Mins and Secs return the time of day when SystemDate was last called.
Hours, Mins and Secs return the time of day when SystemDate was last called.
Hours, Mins and Secs return the time of day when SystemDate was last called.
Page 119
The functions WBWidth, WBHeight, WBDepth & WBViewMode return the width,
height, depth & viewmode of the current WorkBench screen as configured by
See Description of WBWidth.
See Description of WBWidth.
See Description of WBWidth.
The function Processor returns the type of processor in the computer on
which the program is currently running.
The function ExecVersion returns the relevant information about the system
the program is running on.
Page 120
The following section refers to the Blitz Compiler Directives, commands
which affect how a program is compiled. Conditional compiling, macros,
include files and more are covered in this chapter.
Information regarding control of Blitz Objects is also listed in this
section. Objects are Blitz's way of controlling speicalised data concerned
with windows, shapes etc.
USEPATH Pathtext
USEPATH allows you to specify a 'shortcut' path when dealing with
NEWTYPE variables. Consider the following lines of code:
aliens()\x= 1 60
al iens()\y= 100
aliens()\xs= 10
USEPATH can be used to save you some typing, like so:
USEPATH aliens()
Whenever Blitz encounters a variable starting with the backslash character
('\'), it simply inserts the current USEPATH text before the backslash.
The BLITZ directive is used to enter Blitz mode. For a full discussion on
Amiga/Blitz mode, please refer to the programming chapter of the Blitz
Programmers Guide.
The AMIGA directive is used to enter Amiga mode. For a full discussion on
Amiga/Blitz mode, please refer to the programming chapter of the Blitz
Programmers Guide.
The QAMIGA directive is used to enter Quick Amiga mode. For a full
discussion on Amiga/Blitz mode, please refer to the programming chapter of
the Blitz Programmers Guide.
INCLUDE Filename
INCLUDE is a compile time directive which causes the specified file,
Filename, to be compiled as part of the programs object code. The file must
be in tokenised form (de: saved from the Blitz editor) - ascii files may
not be INCLUDE'd. INCDIR may be used to specify a path for Filename.
Filename may be optionally quote enclosed to avoid tokenisation problems.
Page 121
XINCLUDE stands for exclusive include. XINCLUDE works identically to
INCLUDE with the exception that XlNCLUDE'd files are only ever included
once. For example, if a program has 2 XINCLUDE statements with the same
filename, only the first XINCLUDE will have any effect.
INCDIR may be used to specify a path for Filename. Filename may be
optionally quote enclosed to avoid tokenisation problems.
INCBIN Filename
INCBIN allows you to include a binary file in your object code. This is
mainly of use to assembler language programmers, as having big chunks of
binary data in the middle of a BASIC program is not really a good idea.
INCDIR may be used to specify an AmigaDos path for Filename.
Filename may be optionally quote enclosed to avoid tokenisation problems.
INCDIR Pathname
The INCDIR command allows you to specify an AmigaDos path to be prefixed to
any. filenames specified by any of INCLUDE, XINCLUDE or INCBIN commands.
Pathname may be optionally quote enclosed to avoid tokenisation problems.
CNIF Constant Comparison Constant
CNIF allows you to conditionally compile a section of program code based on
a comparison of 2 constants. Comparison should be one of '<', '>', '=',
'<>', '<=' or'>='. If the comparison proves to be true, then compiling will
continue as normal. If the comparison proves to be false, then no object
code will be generated until a matching CEND is encountered.
CEND marks the end of a block of conditionally compiled code. CEND must
always appear somewhere following a CNIF or CSIF directive.
CSIF "String" Comparison "String"
CSIF allows you to conditionally compile a section of program code based on
a comparison of 2 literal strings. Comparison should be one of '<', '>',
'=', '<>', '<=' or'>='. Both strings must be quote enclosed literal
strings. If the comparison proves to be true, then compiling will continue
as normal. If the comparison proves to be false, then no object code will
be generated until a matching CEND is encountered.
CSIF is of most use in macros for checking macro parameters.
CELSE may be used between a CNIF or CSIF, and a CEND to cause code to be
compiled when a constant comparison proves to be false.
Page 122
CERR Errormessage
CERR allows a program to generate compile-time error messages. CERR is
normally used in conjunction with macros and conditional compiling to
generate errors when incorrect macro parameters are encountered.
Macro Macroname
Macro is used to declare the start of a macro definition. All text following
Macro, up until the next End Macro, will be included in the macro's
End Macro
End Macro is used to finish a macro definition. Macro definitions are set up
using the Macro command.
These two new compiler directives are for enabling and disabling error
checking in different parts of the program, they override the settings in
Compiler Options.
See description of Runerrson.
Use Objectname Object#
Use will cause the Blitz object specified by Objectname and Object# to
become the currently used object.
Free Objectname Object#
Free is used to free a Blitz object. Any memory consumed by the object's
existence will be free'd up, and in the case of things such as windows and
screens, the display may be altered.
Attempting to free a non-existent object will have no effect.
USED ObjectName
Used returns the currently used object number. This is useful for routines
which need to operate on the currently used object, also interrupts should
restore currently used object settings.
Addr Objectname(Object#)
Addr is a low-level function allowing advanced programmers the ability to
find where a particular Blitz object resides in RAM. An appendix at the end
of this manual lists all Blitz object formats.
Maximum Objectname
The Maximum function allows a program to determine the 'maximum' setting
for a particular Blitz object. Maximum settings are entered into the
Page 123
OPTIONS retiuester, accessed throu5:h the 'COMPILER' menu of the Blitz
Page 124
A powerful feature of Blitz is it's huilt in assctmbitr This allows the
programmer to include machine code in their progams Thosc fatililiat with
6X()()() assembler.` ul find the ability to mix easy to cotle BASIC with
their own lightning fast machine code routines a powertul concoction.
Thete arc three ways of including assembler in Blitz prograns.
Inline: using PutRrg and GetReg BASIC variables can be exchanged with the
68000's data and address registers.
Proceclures: Statements and Functions can contain 100% assembler,
parameters are passed in registers d()..d5 and in the case of Functions the
value in D0 is returned to the caller. The AsmlExit commmand is used in
place of StatmentReturn or FunctionReturn.
Libraries Actual commands can he added to Blitz using assembler. see the
libsdev archive in the blitzlibs: volume fot more information.
Please note that when using assmbler inline and within procedures address
registers A4-A6 must he preserved. Blitz uses A5 as a glohal variable base.
A4 as a local variable base, and tries to keep A6 from having to be be-
loaded too often.
Also note that Absolute Short addeessing mode and Short Branches are not
DCB [.Size] Repeats,Data
DCB stantd for 'define cotistant block' .DCB allows you to insert a
repeating series of the satire value into your assemblet programs.
EVEN allows you to word align B1itz's internal program counter. This may be
necessary if a DC, DCB or DS statement has caused the program counter to be
left at an odd adtitess.
GetReg 68000 Reg,Expression
GetReg allows you to tranfer the result of a BASIC expressition to a 68000
register. The result of the expression will first be converted into a long
value before being moved to the data register. GetReg should only he used
to transfer expressions to one of the 8 data registers (d0-d7). GetReg will
use the stack to temporarily store any registers used in calculation of the
PutReg 68000 Reg, Variable
PutReg may he used to transfer a vlue from any 68000 register (d0-d7/a0-a7)
Page 125
into a BASIC variable. If the specified variable is a string, long, float
or quick, then all 4 bytes from the register will be transferred. If the
specified variable is a word or a byte, then only the relevant low bytes
will be transferred.
SysJsr Boutine
SysJsr allows you to call any of Blitz's system routines from your own
program. Routine specifies a routine number to call.
TokeJsr Token[,Form]
TokeJsr allows you to call any of Blitz's library based routines. Token
refers to either a token number, or an actual token name. Form refers to a
particular form of the token. A full list of all token numbers with their
various forms will be available shortly trom Acid Software.
ALibJsr Token[,Form]
ALibJsr is only used when writing Blitz libraries. ALibJsr allows you to
call a routine from another library from within your own library. Please
refer to the Library Writing section of the programmers guide for more
information on library writing.
BLibJsr Token[,Form]
BLibJsr is only used when writing Blitz libraries. BLibJsr allows you to
call a routine from another library from within your own library. Please
refer to the Library Writing section of the programmers guide for more
information on library writing.
AsmExit is used to exit from functions and statements written in assembler.
Remember also that registers A4-A6 must be preserved in functions and
statements written in assembler.
Page 126
This section deals with low-level commands which allow you access to the
Amiga's memory. Care must be taken when accessing memory in this way or an
invitation to the alert guru may be mistakenly made.
Poke [.Type] Address,Data
The Poke command will place the specified Data into the absolute memory
location specified by Address. The size of the Poke may be specified by the
optional Type parameter. For example, to poke a byte into memory, you would
use Poke.b; to poke a word into memory you would use Poke.w; and to poke a
long word into memory you would use Poke.l
In addition, strings may be poked into memory by use of Poke$. This will
cause the ascii code of all characters in the string specified by Data to be
poked, byte by byte, into consecutive memory locations. An extra 0 is also
poked past the end of the string.
Peek [. Type](Address)
The Peek function returns the contents of the absolute memory location
specified by Address. The optional Type parameter allows peeking of
different sizes. For example, to peek a byte, you would use Peek.b; to peek
a word, you would use Peek.w; and to peek a long, you would use Peek.l
It is also possible to peek a string using Peek$. This will return a string
of characters read trom consecutive memory locations until a byte of 0 is
Peeks$ (Address,length)
Peeks$ will return a string of characters corresponding to bytes peeked from
consective memory locations starting at Address, and Length characters in
Call Address
Call will cause program flow to be transferred to the absolute memory
location specified by Address.
PLEASE NOTE! Call is for advanced programmers only, as incorrect use of
Call can lead to severe problems - GURUS etc!
A 68000 JSR instruction is used to transfer program flow, so an RTS may be
used to transfer back to the Blitz program.
Please refer to the 'Assembler' section of the manual for the rules machine
code programs must follow to operate correctly within the Blitz environment.
Page 127
Bank (Bank#)
Returns the meniory location of the given memory Bank, replaces the older
and more stupidly named BankLoc command.
BankSize (Bank#)
BankSize returns the size of the memory hlock allocated for the specified
lnitBank Bank#,size,memtype InitBank allocates a hlock ot memory and
assigns it to the Bank specified. The memtype is the same as the Amiga
operating system men1ory flags: l = public 2 = chip 65536 = clear memory
FreeBank Bank#
FreeBank de-allocates any memory block allocated tor the Bank specified.
LoadBank Bank#,FileName$[,MemType]
The LoadBank command has been modified, instead of having to initialise the
bank before loading a file, LoadBank will now initialise the bank to the
size of the file if it is not already large enough or has not been
initialised at all.
SaveBank Bank#,filename$
SaveBank will save the memory assigned to the Bank to the filename
AllocMem (size,type)
Unlike calling Exec's AllocMem_ command directly Blitz will automatically
free any allocated memory when the program ends. Programmers are advised to
use the InitBank command. Flags that can be used with the memory type
parameter are: l=public ;fast if present 2=chipmem 65536=clear ;clears all
memory allocated with O's
FreeMem location,size
Used to tree any memory allocated with the AllocMem command.
Page 128
This section covers all commands dealing with how an executable file goes
about starting up. This includes the ability to allow your programs to run
from Workbench, and to pick up parameters supplied through the CLI.
By executing WBStartup at some point in your program, your program will be
given the ability to run from Workbench. A program run from Workbench which
does NOT include the WBStartup command will promptly crash if an attempt is
made to run it from Workbench.
- NumPars
The NumPars function allows an executable file to determine how many
parameters were passed to it by either Workbench or the CLI. Parameters
passed from the CLI are typed following the program name and separated by
For example. Iet's say you have created an executable program called myprog,
and run it trom the CLI in the following way:
myprog filer Olle2
In this case, NumPars would return the value '2' - 'file I ' and 'file2'
beng the 2 parameters.
Programs run from Workbench are only capable of picking up I parameter
through the use of either the parameter file's 'Default Tool' entry in it's
'.info' file, or by use of multiple selection through the 'Shift' key.
If no parameters are supplied to an executable file, NumPars will return 0.
During program development, the 'CLI Arguement' menu item in the 'COMPILER'
menu allows you to test out CLI parameters.
Par$ (Parameter)
Par$ return a striny equivalent to a parameter passed to an executable file
through either the CLI or Workbench. Please refer to NumPars for more
information on parameter passiny.
The CloseEd statetnent will cause the Blitz editor screen to 'close down'
when programs are executed from within Blitz. This may be useful when
writing programs which use a large amount of chip memory, as the editor
screen itself occupies about 40K of chip memory.
CloseEd will have no effect on executable files run outside of the Blitz
NoCli will prevent the nonnal 'Default Cli' from opening when programs are
executed from within Blitz. NoCli has no effect on executable files run
outside of the Blitz environment.
Page 129
Returns TRUE (-1) if your program was run from the CLI, or FALSE (O) if run
from the WorkBench.
ParPath$ (parameter,type)
ParPath$ returns the path that the parameter resides in, 'type' specifies
how you want the path returned:
0 You want only the directory of the parameter returned. 1 You want the
directory along with the parameter name returned.
If you passed the parameter "FRED" to your program from WorkBench, and FRED
resides in the directory "work:mystuff/myprograms" then ParPath$(0,0)
willreturn "work:mystuff/myprograms", but ParPath$(0,1) will return
The way WB handles argument passing of directories is different to that of
files. When a directory is passed as an argument, ArgsLib gets an empty
string for the name, and the directory string holds the path to the passed
directory AND the directory name itself.
Page 130
Slices are Blitz objects which are the heart of Blitz mode's powerful
graphics system. Through the use of slices, many weird and wonderful
graphical effects can be achieved, effects not normally possible in Amiga
mode. This includes such things as dual playfield displays, smooth
scrolling, double buffering and more.
A slice may be thought of as a 'description' of the appearance of a
rectangular area of the Amiga's display. This description includes display
mode, colour palette, sprite and bitplane information. More than one slice
may be set up at a time, allowing different areas of the display to take on
different properties.
Slices must not overlap in any way (at least two Scan lines is required
between each slice). They may not be positioned side by side.
Slice Slice#,Y,Flags Slice#, Y, Width,Height,Flags,BitPlanes,Sprites,
Colours, w1, w2
The Slice command is used to create a Blitz slice object. Slices are
primarily of use in Blitz mode, allowing you to create highly customized
In both forms of the Slice command, the Y parameter specifies the vertical
pixel position of the top of the slice. A Y value of 44 will position
slices at about the top of the display.
In the first torm of the Slice command, Flags refers to the number of
bitplanes in any bitmaps (the bitmap's depth) to be shown in the slice.
This form of the Slice command will normally create a lo-res slice, however
this may be changed to a hi-res slice by adding eight to the Flags
parameter. For instance, a Flags value of tour will set up a lo-res, 4
bitplane (16 colour) slice, whereas a Flags value of ten will set up a hi-
res, 2 bitplane (4 colour) slice. The width of a slice set up in this way
will be 320 pixels for a lo-res slice, or 640 pixels for a hi-res slice.
The height of a slice set up using this syntax will be 200 pixels on an
NTSC Amiga, or 256 pixels on a PAL Amiga.
The second form of the Slice command is far more versatile, albeit a little
more complex. Width and Height allow you to use specific values for the
slice's dimensions. These parameters are specified in pixel amounts.
BitPlanes refers to the depth of any bitmaps you will be showing in this
Sprites refers to how many sprite channels should be available in this
slice. Each slice may have up to eight sprite channels, allow, ing sprites
to be 'multiplexed'. This is one way to overcome the Amiga's 'eight sprite
limit'. It is recommended that the top-most slice be created with all eight
sprite channels, as this will prevent sprite flicker caused by unused
Colours refers to how many colour palette entries should be available for
this slice, and should not be greater than 32.
Widthl and Width2 specify the width, in pixels, of any bitmaps to be shown
in this slice. If a slice is set up to be a dual-playfield slice, Widthl
refers to the width of the 'foreground' bitmap, and Width2 refers to the
width of the 'background' bitmap. If a slice is NOT set up to be a dual-
playfield slice, both Width I and Width2 should be set to the same value.
These parameters allow you to show bitmaps which are wider than the slice,
introducing the ability to smooth scroll through large bitmaps.
Page 131
The Flags parameter has been lett to last because it is the most complex.
Flags allows you control over many aspects of the slices appearance, and
just what ettect the slice has. Here are some example settings for Flags:
Fiags Effect Max BitPlanes
$ftf8A Standard lo-res slice 6
$fft9A Standard hi-res slice 4
$fitaA Lo- res, dual -pl ayfield slice 6
$tfibA Hi-res, dual-playfiled slice 4
$fffcA HAM slice 6
WARNING - the next bit is definitely for the more advanced users out there!
Knowledge of the following is NOT necessary to make good use of slices.
Flags is actually a collection of individual bit-flags. The bit-flags
control how the slices 'copper list' is created Here is a list of the bits
numbers and their ettect:
Bit# Effect
15 Create copper MOVE BPLCON0
14 Create copper MOVE BPLCONI
13 Create copper MOVE BPLCON2
12 Create copper MOVE DIWSTRT and MOVE DIWSTOP
8 Create copper MOVE BPL I MOD
7 Create copper MOVE BPL2MOD
4 Create a 2 line 'blank' above top of slice
3 Allow for smooth horizontal scrolling
2 HAM slice
I Dual-playtield slice
0 Hi-res slice - default is lo-res
Clever selection of these bits allows you to create 'minimal' slices which
may only attect specific system registers.
The BitPlanes parameter may also be modified to specify 'odd only' or 'even
only' bitplanes. This is of use when using dual playfield displays, as it
allowing you to create a mid display slice which may show a different
foreground or background bitmap leaving the other intact. To specify
creation of foreground bitplanes only, simply set bit 15 of the BitPlanes
parameter. To specify creation of background bitplanes only, set bit 14 of
the BitPlanes parameter
Use Slice Slice#
Use Slice is used to set the specified slice object as being the currently
used slice. This is required tor commands such as Show, ShowF, ShowB and
Blitz mode RGB.
Page 132
FreeSlices is used to completely free all slices currently in use. As there
is no capability to Free individual slices, this is the only means by which
slices may be deleted.
Show Bitmap#[,X, Y]
Show is used to display a bitmap in the currently used slice. This slice
should not be a dual-playfield type slice. Optional X and Y parameters may
be used to position the bitmap at a point other than it's top-left. This is
normally only of use in cases where a bitmap larger than the slice width
and/or height has been set up.
ShowF BitMap#[,X, Y[,ShowB X]]
ShowF is used to display a bitmap in the foreground of the currently used
slice. The slice must have been created with the appropriate Flags
parameter in order to support dual-playfield display.
Optional X and Y parameters may be used to show the bitmap at a point other
than it's top-left. Omitting the X and Y parameters is identical to
supplying X and Y values of ().
The optional ShowB x parameter is only of use in special situations where a
dual-playfield slice has been created to display ONLY a foreground bitmap.
In this case, the X offset of the background bitmap should be specified in
the ShowB x parameter.
ShowB BitMap#[,X,Y[,ShowFX]]
ShowB is used to display a bitmap in the background of the currently used
slice. The slice must have been created with the appropriate Flags
parameter in order to support dual-playfield display.
Optional X and Y parameters may be used to show the bitmap at a point other
than it's top-lett. Omitting the X and Y parameters is identical to
supplying X and Y values of 0.
The optional ShowF x parameter is only of use in special situations where a
dual-playfield slice has been created to display ONLY a background bitmap.
In this case, the X offset of the foreground bitmap should be specified in
the ShowF x parameter.
ColSplit ColourRegister,Red,Green,Blue,Y
ColSplit allows you to change any of the palette colour registers at a
position relative to the top of the currently used slice. This allows you
to 're-use' colour registers at different positions down the screen to
display different colours. Y specifies a vertical offset fi-om the top of
the currently used slice.
CustomCop Copin$, Y
CustomCop allows advanced programmers to introduce their own copper
instructions at a specified position down the display. Copins$ refers to a
string of characters equivalent to a series of copper instructions. Y
refers to a
Page 133
position down the display.
ShowBlitz redisplays the entire set up of slices. This may be necessary if
you have made a quick trip into Amiga mode, and wish to return to Blitz mode
with previously created slices intact.
CopLoc returns the memory address of the Blitz mode copper list. All Slices,
ColSplits, and CustomCops executed are merged into a single copper list, the
address of which may found using the CopLoc function.
CopLen returns the length, in bytes, of the Blitz mode copper list. All
Slices, ColSplits, and CustomCops executed are merged into a single copper
list, the length of which may found using the CopLen function.
Display On| Off
Display is a blitz mode only command which allows you to 'turn on' or 'turn
off' the entire display. If the display is turned off, the display will
appear as a solid block of colour 0.
SetBPLCON0 Default
The SetBPLCON0 command has been added for advanced control of Slice display
modes. The BPLCON0 hardware register is on page A4-l of the reference
manual (appendix 4). The bits of interest are as follows:
bit#l ERSY external sync (for genlock enabling) bit#2 LACE interlace mode
bit#3 LPEN light pen enable
Page 134
The new display library is an alternative to the slice library. Instead of
extending the slice library for AGA support a completely new display
library has been developed.
Besides support for extended sprites, super hires scrolling and 8 bitplane
displays a more modular method of creating displays has been implemented
with the use of CopLists. CopLists need only be initialised once at the
start of the program. Displays can then be created using any combination of
CopLists. Most importantly the CreateDisplay command does not allocate any
memory avoiding any memory fragmenting problems. The new display library is
for non-AGA displays also.
To create displays the InitCopList command is used to allocate memory for
what were up till now known as Slices. A display is then created by linking
one or more of these coplists together into a single display.
With many of the new AGA modes sprite DMA has been screwed up something
severe. Those wanting to use 8 bitplanes and 8 sprites in lores will be
disapointed to hear that their displays must be modified to some 256 pixels
The way the Amiga fetches data for each scanline is also a little different
with the AGA machines. The effect is that displays have to be created more
to the right than usual so the system has time to fetch sprites.
InitCopList CopList#,ypos,height,type,sprites,colors,customs
InitCopList is used to create a CopList for use with the CreateDisplay
The ypos and height parameters define the vertical section of the screen the
display will take up.
Sprites, Colors and Customs will allocate instructions for that many sprites
(always=8!) colors (yes, as many as 256!) and custom copper instructions
(which need to be allocated to take advantage of the custom commands listed
at the end of this section).
A shortened version of the InitCopList command is available that simply
requires the CopList# and the Type. From the Type it fills in the missing
As with slices several lines must be left between coplists when displaying
more than one.
Page 135
The following constants make up the type patameter, add the number of
bitplanes to the total to make up the type parameter:
Type Value
#smoothscroll $10
#dualplayfield $20
#extrahalibrite $40
#ham $8O
#lores $000
#hires $100
#super $200
#loressprites $400
#hiressprites $800
#supersprites $cO0
#fmode0 $0000
#fmode1 $1000
#fmode2 $2000
#fmode3 $3000
#agapalette $10000
Fot displays on non-AGA machines only #fmode() and #loressprites are
allowed More docu'1lentation, examples and fixes will be published soon for
creating displays
CreateDisplay CopList#[,CopList#..]
CreateDisplay is used to setup a new screen display with the new display
library Any number of CopLists can be passed to CreateDisplay although at
present they must be in order of vertical position and not overlap
CreateDisplay then links the Copl.ists together using internal pointers.
bitmaps, colours and sprites attached to coplists are not affected
DisplayBitMap CopLis t#, bmap[,x, y] [, bmap[,x, y]]
The DisplayBitMap command is similar in usage to the slice libraries' show
commands Instead of different commands for front and back playfields and
smooth scroll options there is only the one DisplayBitMap command with
various parameter options With AGA machines, the x positioning of lores and
hires coplists uses the fractional part of the x parameter for super smooth
scrolling The CopList must be initialised with the smooth scrolling flag
set if the x,y parameters are used, same goes tor dualplayfield.
DisplaySprite CopList#,Sprite#,X, Y,Sprite Channel
DisplaySprite is sitnilar to the slice libraries ShowSprite cotnmand with
the added advantage of super hires positioning and extra wide sprite
handling. See also SpriteMode and the Usage discussion above.
DisplayPalette CopList#,Palette# [, coloroffset]
DisplayPalette copies colour information frotn a Palette to the CopList
Page 136
DisplayControls CopList#, BPL CON2, BPLCON3, BPL CON4
DisplayControls allows access to the more remote options available in the
Amiga's display system. The following are the most important bits from these
registers (still unpublished by Commodore!*()@GYU&^)
The default values are given at the top of the table, the parameters are
exclusive or'd with these values.
To set all the sprite color offsets to I so that sprite colours are fetched
from color registers 24()..255 instead of 16..31 we would use the
parameters: DisplayControls 0,0,0,$ee
($224) ($c00) ($11)
15 * BANK2 *activecolorbank BPLAM7 ;xorithbitplane
14 ZDBPSEL2 BANK1 * BPLAM6 ;DMA altering
13 ZDBPSEL1 BANK0 * BPLAM5 ;effectivecolour
12 ZDBPSEL0 PF20F2 coloffset pfield 2 BPLAM4 ;look up
09 KILLEHB * LOCT *palette hi/lo nibble BPLAM1
07 SOGEN SPRESI *sprite res ESPRM7 high order color
06 PF2PRI H SPRES0 * ESPRM6 offset tor even
05 PF2P2 BRDRBLANK border ESPRM5 sprites
04 PF2P1 BRDNTRAN zd=border ESPRM4
03 PFIP0 OSPRM7 hiorder color
02 PFIP2 ZDCLCKEN zd= 14mhz OSPRM6 offset for odd
01 PFIPI BRDSPRT spritesinborders! OSPRM5 sprites
00 PFIPO EXTBLKEN blank output? OSPRM4
! = Don't touch
H -See standard hardware reference manual
* - controlled by display library
ZD - any reference to ZD is only a guess (just sold my genlock)
DisplayAdjust CopList#,fetchwid,dUfstrt,dUfstop,diwstrt,diwstop
Temporary control of display registers until I get the widthadjust parameter
working with InitCopL.ist. Currently only standard width displays are
available but you can modify the width manually (just stick a screwdriver in
the back of your 1084) or with some knowledge of Commodores AGA circuitry.
Ha ha ha. No to be quite serious I really do not have a clue how they
cludeged up the Amiga chip set. When ECS was introduced suddenly all
display fetching moved to the right. Now they seem to have done the same to
sprites so it is near impossible to have them all going without limiting
yourself to a seriously thin display.
If you hack around with the system copperlists you'll find they actually
change fetch modes as you scroll a viewport across the display and
Page 137
commodore say you should not use sprites anyway so as to be compatible with
their new hardware which is rumoured to run WindowsNT, yipeee. By then we
will be hopefully shipping the Jaguarlib for Blitz. (close than you
CustomColors CopList#, CCOffset, YPos,Palette,startcol,numcols
Using the custom copper space in a display, CustomColors will alter the
displays palette at the given YPos. The number of customcops required is
either 2+numcols for ecs displays and 2+n+n+n/16 for age displays. In age,
numcols must be a multiple of 32.
Note that large AGA palette changes may take several lines of the display to
be complete.
CustomStri ng CopList#, CCOffset, YPos, Copper$
CustomString allows the user to insert their own copper commands (contained
in a string) into the display's copper list at a given vertical position.
The atnount of space required is equal to the number of copper instructions
in the Copper$ (length of string divide by 4) plus 2 which of course have
to be allocated with InitCopList before CustomString is used.
CustomSprites Coplist#, CCOffset, YPos, NumSprites
CustomSprites inserts a copper list that reinitialises the sprites hardware
at a certain vertical position in the display. These lower sprites are
assigned sprite numbers of 8..15. CustomCops required = 4 x numsprites + 2
DisplayDblScan mode
DisplayDblScan is used to divide the vertical resolution of the display by
2,4,8 or 16 using Modes 1,2,3 and 4. This is most useful for fast bitmap
based zooms. A Mode of 0 will return the display to 100% magnification.
As with the DisplayRainbow, DisplayRGB, DisplayUser and DisplayScroll
commands DisplayDblScan uses the new line by line copper control of the
display library. To initialise this mode a negative parameter is used in the
CustotnCops parameter of the InitCopList command. DisplayDblScan requires 2
copper instructions per line (make CustomCops=-2).
DisplayRai nbow CopList#, Register,Palettetcopoffset]
DisplayRainbow is used to alter a certain colour register vertically down a
display. It simple maps each colour in a palette to the coresponding
vertical position of the display. ECS displays require one copper
instruction per line while AGA displays require 4.
DisplayRGB CopList#,Pegister,line,r,g,bGcopoffset]
DisplayRGB is a single line version of DisplayRainbow allowing the
programmer to alter any register of any particular line. As with
DisplayRainbow ECS displays require I copper instruction while AGA requires
Page 138
DisplayUser CopList#, Line,Stringt Offset]
DisplayUser allows the programmer to use their own Copper$ at any line of
the display. Of course copper instructions have to be allocated with the
number of copper instructions in the InitCoplist multiplied by - 1.
DisplayScrol l CopList#, &xpos. q(n), &xpos.q(n)[, Offset]
DisplayScroll allows the program to dynamically display any part of a bitmap
on any line of the display. DisplayScroll should always follow the
DisplayBitMap command. The parameters are two arrays holding a list of
xoffsets that represent the difference in horizontal position from the line
above. AGA machines are able to use the fractional part of each entry for
super hiresolution positioning of the bitmap. Three instructions per line
are required for the DisplayScroll command.
Page 139
This sections refers to various Input/Output commands available in Blitz
It should be noted that although the Joyx, Joyy, Joyr, and Joyb functions
do not appear here, they are still available in Blitz mode (yes your
BlikKeys Onl Off
BlitzKeys is used to turn on or off Blitz mode keyboard reading. If Blitz
mode keyboard reading is enabled, the Inkey$ function may be used to gain
information about keystrokes in Blitz mode.
BlitzQualifier returns any qualifier keys that were held down in combination
with the last inkey$ during BlitzMode input.
BlikRepeat Delay,Speed
BlitzRepeat allows you to determine key repeat characteristics in Blitz
mode. Delay specifies the amount of time, in fiftieths of a second, before
a key will start repeating. Speed specifies the amount of time, again in
fiftieths of a second, between repeats of a key once it has started
BlitzRepeat is only effective when the Blitz mode keyboard reading is
enabled. This is done using the BlitzKeys command.
RawStatus (Rawkey)
The RawStatus function can be used to determine if an individual key is
being held down or not. Rawkey is the rawcode of the key to check for. If
the specified key is being held down, a value of -I will be returned. If the
specified key is not being held down, a value of zero will be returned.
RawStatus is only available if Blitz mode keyboard reading has been enabled.
This is done using the BlitzKeys command.
Mouse On| Off
The Mouse command turns on or off Blitz mode's ability to read the mouse.
Once a Mouse On has been executed, programs can read the mouse's position
or speed in Blitz mode.
Pointer Sprite#,Sprite Channel
The Pointer command allows you to attach a sprite object to the mouse's
position in the currently used slice in Blitz mode.
To properly attach a sprite to the mouse position, several commands must be
executed in the correct sequence. First, a sprite must be created using the
LoadShape and GetaSprite sequence of commands. Then, a slice must be
created to display the sprite in.
A Mouse On must then be executed to enable mouse reading.
Page 140
MouseArea Minx,Miny,Maxx,Maxy
MouseArea allows you to limit Blitz mode mouse movement to a rectangular
section of the display. Minx and Miny define the top left corner of the
area, Maxx and Maxy define the lower right corner.
MouseArea defaults to an area from 0,0 to 320,200.
If Blitz mode mouse reading has been enabled using a Mouse On command, the
MouseX function may be used to find the current horizontal location of the
mouse. If mouse reading is enabled, the mouse position will be updated
every fiftieth of a second, regardless of whether or not a mouse pointer
sprite is attached.
If Blitz mode mouse reading has been enabled using a Mouse On command, the
MouseY function may be used to find the current vertical location of the
mouse. If mouse reading is enabled, the mouse position will be updated every
fiftieth of a second, regardless of whether or not a mouse pointer sprite is
If Blitz mode mouse reading has been enabled using a Mouse On command, the
MouseXSpeed function may be used to find the current horizontal speed of
mouse movement, regardless of whether or not a sprite is attached to the
If MouseXSpeed returns a negative value, then the mouse has been moved to
the left. If a positive value is returned, the mouse has been moved to the
MouseXSpeed only has relevance after every vertical blank. Therefore,
MouseXSpeed should only be used after a VWait has been executed, or during
a vertical blank interupt.
If Blitz mode mouse reading has been enabled using a Mouse On command, the
MouseYSpeed function may be used to find the current vertical speed of
mouse movement, regardless of whether or not a sprite is attached to the
If MouseYSpeed returns a negative value, then the mouse has been moved
upwards. If a positive value is returned, the mouse has been moved
MouseYSpeed only has relevance after every vertical blank. Therefore,
MouseYSpeed should only be used after a VWait has been executed, or during
a vertical blank interupt.
LoadBlitzFont BlitzFont#,Fontname.font$
LoadBlitzFont creates a blitzfont object. Blitzfonts are used in the
rendering of text to bitmaps. Normally, the standard rom resident topaz
font is used to render text to
Page 141
bitmaps. However, you may use LoaclBlitzFont to select a font of your choice
for bitmap output.
The specified Fontname.font$ parameter specifies the name of the tont to
load, which MUST be in your FONTS: directory.
I oadBlitzFont may only be used to load eight by eight non-proportional
Use BlitzFont BlitzFont#
If you htLvc loaded two or more blitzfont objects using LoadBlitzFont, Use
Blitzl;ont may be used to select one of these fonts for future bitmap
Free BlitzFont BlitzFont#
Free BlitzFont 'unlotLds' a previously loaded blitzfont object. This frees
up any memory occupied by the font.
BitMapOutput BitMap#
BitMapOutput may be used to redirect Print statements to be rendered onto a
bitmap. The font used for rendering may be altered using LoadBlitzFont.
Fonts used for bitmap output must be eight by eight non-proportional fonts.
BitMapOutput is mainly of use in Blitz mode, as.other forms of character
output become unavailable in Blitz mode.
Colour Foreground Colour[,Background Colour]
Colour allows you to alter the colours use to render text to bitmaps.
Foreground colour allows you to specify the colour text is rendered in, and
the optional Background colour allows you to specify the colour of the text
The palette used to access these colours will depend upon whether you are in
Blitz mode or in Amiga mode. In Blitz mode, colours will come from the
palette of the currently used slice. In Amiga mode, colours will come from
the palette of the screen the bitmap is attached to.
Locate X, Y
If you are using BitMapOutput to render text, Locate allows you to specify
the cursor position at which characters are rendered.
X specifies a character position across the bitmap, and is always rounded
down to a multiple of an eighth.
Y specifies a character position down the bitmap, and may be a fractional
value. For example, a Y of 1.5 will set a cusor position one and a half
characters down from the top of the bitmap.
When using BitMapOutput to render text to a bitmap, CursX may be used to
find the horizontal character position at which the next character Printed
will appear.
CursX will reflect the cursor position of the bitmap specified in the most
recently executed BitMapOutput statement.
Page 142
When using BitMapOutput to render text to a bitmap, CursY may be used to
find the vertical character position at which the next character Printed
wil1 appear. CursY will reflect the cursor position of the bitmap specified
in the most recently executed BitMapOutput statement.
BitMaplnput is a special command designed to allow you to use Edit$ and
Edit in Blitz mode. To work properly, a BlitzKeys On must have been
executed before BitMapInput. A BitMapOutput must also be executed before
any Edit$ or Edit commands are encountered.
Page 143
Blitz BitMap objects are used primarily for the purpose of rendering
graphics. Most commands in Blitz for generating graphics (excluding the
Window and Sprite commands) depend upon a currently used BitMap.
BitMap objects may be created in one of two ways. A BitMap may be created by
using the BitMap command, or a BitMap may be 'borrowed' from a Screen using
the ScreensBitMap command.
BitMaps have three main properties. They have a width, a height and a
depth. If a BitMap is created using the ScreensBitMap command, these
properties are taken from the dimensions of the Screen. If a BitMap is
created using the BitMap command, these properties must be specified.
BitMap BitMap#, Width,Height,Depth
BitMap creates and initializes a bitmap object. Once created, the specified
bitmap becomes the currently used bitmap. Width and Height specify the size
of the bitmap. Depth specifies how many colours may be drawn onto the
bitmap, and may be in the range one through six. The actual colours
available on a bitmap can be calculated using 2^depth. For example, a
bitmap of depth three allows for 2^3 or eight colours.
Use BitMap BitMap#
Use BitMap defines the specified bitmap object as being the currently used
BitMap. This is necessary for commands, such as Blit, which require the
presence of a currently used BitMap.
Free BitMap BitMap#
Free BitMap erases all information connected to the specified bitmap. Any
memory occupied by the bitmap is also deallocated. Once free'd, a bitmap
may no longer be used.
CopyBitMap BitMap#,BitMap#
CopyBitMap will make an exact copy of a bitmap object into another bitmap
object. The first BitMap# parameter specifies the source bitmap for the
copy, the second BitMap# the destination.
Any graphics rendered onto the source bitmap will also be copied.
ScreensBitMap Screen#,BitMap#
Blitz allows you the option of attaching a bitmap object to any Intuition
Screens you open. If you open a Screen without attaching a bitmap, a bitmap
will be created anyway. You may then find this bitmap using the
ScreensBitMap command. Once ScreensBitMap is executed, the specified bitmap
becomes the currently used bitmap.
Page 144
LoadBitMap BitMap#,Filename$[,Palette#]
LoadBitMap allows you to load an ILBM IFF graphic into a previously
initialized bitmap object. You may optionally load in the graphics's colour
palette into a palette object specified by Palette#. An error will be
generated if the specified Filename$ is not in the correct IFF format.
SaveBitmap BitMap#, Filename$t Palette#]
SaveBitMap allows you to save a bitmap to disk in ILBM IFF format. An
optional palette may also be saved with the IFF.
BitPlanesBitMap SrcBitMap, DestBitMap, PlanePick
BitPlanesBitMap creates a 'dummy' bitmap from the SrcBitMap with only the
bitplanes specified by the PlanePick mask. This is useful for shadow effects
etc. where blitting speed can be speed up because of the fewer bitplanes
ShapesBitMap Shape#,BitMap#
ShapesBitMap creates a dummy BitMap so drawing commands can be used
directly on a shapes image data.
CludgeBitMap BitMap#, Width,Height,Depth,Memory
CludgeBitMap will create a bitmap object with the proportions for that
specified using the memory location given. Of course, the memory location
specified must be in chipmem and it is upto the user to ensure that
sufficient memory has been allocated. This command is most useful for games
where memory fragmentation can be a big problem, by allocating one block of
memory on program initialisation for all bitmaps CludgeBitMap can be used
so that creating and freeing of BitMaps is not necessary.
BitMapWindow srobitmap#,destbitmap#,x,y,w,h
BitMapWindow creates a dummy bitmap inside another bitmap. Both x and w
parameters are rounded to the nearest 16 pixel boundary. Any rendering,
printing and blitting to the new bitmap will be clipped inside the area
BitMapOrigin BitMapOrigin BitMap#,x,y
BitMapOrigin allows the programmer to relocate the origin (0,0) of the
bitmap used by the drawing commands line, poly, box and circle.
Decodel LB M DecodelLBM BitMap#,MemoryLocation
A very fast method of unpacking standard iffilbm data to a bitmap. Not only
does this command allow a faster method of loading standard IFF files but
allows the programmer to "incbin" iff pictures in their programs.See the
discussion above for using DecodeILBM on both files and included memory.
Page 145
This section covers all commands related to rendering arbitrary graphics to
All commands perform clipping - that is, they all allow you to draw
'outside' the edge.s of bitmaps without grievous bodily harm being done to
the Amiga's memory
Cls [Colour]
Cls allows you to fill the currently used bitmap with the colour specified
by the Colour parameter. If Colour is omitted, the currently used bitmap
will be filled with colour (). A Coltiur parameter of - I will cause the
entire bitmap to be 'inverted'.
Plot X, Y,Colour
Plot is used to alter the colour of an individual pixel on the currently
used bitmap. X and Y .specify the location of the pixel to be altered, and
Colour specifies the colour to change the pixel to. A Colour parameter of -
I will cause the pixel at the specified pixel position to be 'inverted'.
Point (X,Y)
The Point function will return the colour of a particular pixel in the
currently used hitmap. The pixel to be examined is specified by the X and Y
parameters If X and Y specify a point outside the edges of the bitmap, a
value of - I will be returned.
Line [X1, Y1,]X2, Y2,Colour
The Lhie command draws a line connecting two pixels onto the currently used
bitmap. The X and Y parameters specify the pixels to be joined, and Colour
specifies the colour to draw the line in If Xl and Yl are omitted, the end
points (X2,Y2) of the last line drawn will be used. A Colour parameter of -I
will cause an 'inverted' line to be drawn
Box X1, Y1,X2, Y2, Colour
The Box command draws a rectangular outline onto the currently used bitmap.
X I, Y I, X2 and Y2 specify two corners of the box to be drawn. Colour
refers to the colour to draw the box in. A Colour parameter of -I will
cause an 'inverted' box to be drawn.
Boxf X1, Y1,X2, Y2, Colour
Boxf draws a solid rectangular shape on the currently used bitmap. Xl,Yl,X2
and Y2 refer to two corners of the box. Colour specifies the colour to draw
the box in. A Colour parameter of -I will cause the rectangular area to be
Circle X, Y,Radius[, Y Radius],Colour
Circle will draw an open circle onto the currently used bitmap. X and Y
Page 146
specify the mid point of the circle. The Radius parameter specifies the
radius of the circle. If a Y Radius parameter is supplied, then an ellipse
may be drawn. A Colour parameter of -l will cause an 'inverted' circle to
be drawn.
Circlet X, Y,Radius[, Y Radius],Colour
Circlef will draw a filled circle onto the currently used bitmap. X and Y
specify the mid point of the circle - Colour, the colour in which to draw
the circle. The Radius parameter specifies the radius of the circle. If a Y
Radius parameter is supplied, then an ellipse may be drawn.
A Colour parameter of - l will cause an 'inverted' circle to be drawn.
Scroll X1, Y1, Width,Height,X2, Y2[,Source BitMap]
Scroll allows rectangular areas within a bitmap to be moved around. Xl, Yl,
Width and Height specify the position and size of the rectangle to be moved.
X2 and Y2 specify the position the rectangle is to be moved to.
An optional Source BitMap parameter allows you to move rectangular areas
from one bitmap to another.
FloodFill X, Y, Colour G Border Colour]
FloodFill will 'colour in' a region of the screen starting at the
coordinates X,Y. The first mode will fill all the region that is currently
the colour at the coordinates X,Y with the colour specified by Colour. The
second mode will fill a region starting at X,Y and surrounded by the
BorderColour with Colour.
FreeFill will deallocate the memory that Blitz uses to execute the commands
Circlef, FloodFill, ReMap and Boxf.
Blitz uses a single monochrome bitmap the size of the bitmap being drawn to
to do it's filled routines, by using the FreeFill command this BitMap can be
'freed' up if no more filled commands are to be executed.
ReMap colour#O,colour#1[,Bitmap]
ReMap is used to change all the pixels on a BitMap in one colour to another
colour. The optional BitMap parameter will copy all the pixels in Colour#O
to their new colour on the new bitmap.
Poly numpoints, *coords. w,color
Poly is a bitmap based commands such as Box and Line. It draws a polygon
using coordinates from an array or newtype of words.
Polyf numpoints, *coords. w,color[,color2]
Same as Poly except Polyf draws filled polygons and has an optional
parameter color2, if used this colour will be used if the coordinates are
listed in anti-clockwise order, useful for 3D type applications. If color2=
-l then the polygon is not drawn if the verticies are listed in anti-
clockwise order.
Page 147
The following 4 commands allow the display of standard IFF animations in
Blitz. The animation must be compatible with the DPaint 3 format, this
method uses long delta (type 2) compression and does not include any
palette changes.
Anims in nature use a double buffered display, with the addition of the
ShowBitMap command to Blitz we can now display (play) Anims in both Blitz
and Amiga modes. An Anim consists of an initial frame which needs to be
displayed (rendered) using the InitAnim command, subsequent frames are then
played by using the NextFrame command. The Frames() function returns the
number of frames of.an Anim.
We have also extended the LoadShape command to support Anim brushes.
LoadAnim Anim#,FileName$[Palette#]
The LoadAnim command will create an Anim object and load a DPaint
compatible animation. The ILBMInfo command can be used to find the correct
screensize and resolution for the anim file. The optional Palette#
parameter can be used to load a palette with the anims correct colours.
InitAnim Anim#l,Bitmap#]
InitAnim renders the first two frames of the Anim onto the current BitMap
and the BitMap specified by the second parameter. The second BitMap#
parameter is optional, this is to support Anims that are not in a double-
buffered format (each frame is a delta of the last frame not from two
frames ago). However, the two parameter double buffered form of InitAnim
should always be used. (hmmm don't ask me O.K.!)
NextFrame Anim#
NextFrame renders the nextframe of an Anim to the current BitMap. If the
last frame of an Anim has been rendered NextFrame will loop back to the
start of the Animation.
Frames (Anim#)
The Frames() function returns the number of frames in the specified Anim.
Page 148
Shape objects are used for the purpose of storing graphic images. These
images may be used in a variety of ways. For example, a shape may be used
as the graphics for a gadget, or as the graphics for a menu item or perhaps
an alien being bent on your destruction.
See the Blitting section for the many commands that are available for the
purpose of drawing shapes onto bitmaps. These commands use the Amiga's
blister chip to achieve this, and are therefore very fast.
Note that Blitz supports two different file formats for storage of shapes.
Standard IFF brush files (such as created with DPaint) as well as
animbrushes use the LoadShape/SaveShape commands and the faster Blitz
format uses the LoadShapes and SaveShapes format.
LoadShape Shape#,Filename$LPalette#]
LoadShape allows you to load an ILBM IFF file into a shape object. The
optional Palette# parameter lets you also load the colour information
contained in the file into a palette object.
The LoadShape command has now been extended to support anim brushes, if the
file is an anim brush the shapes are loaded into consecutive shapes starting
with the Shape# provided.
SaveShape Shape#,Filename$,Palette#
SaveShape will create an ILBM IFF file based on the specified shape object.
If you want the file to contain colour information, you should also specify
a palette object using the Palette# parameter.
LoadShapes Shape#[, Shape#],Filename$
LoadShapes lets you load a 'range' of shapes from disk into a series of
shape objects. The file specified by Filename$ should have been created
using the SaveShapes command.
The first Shape# parameter specifies the number of the first shape object
to be loaded. Further shapes will be loaded into increasingly higher shape
If a second Shape# parameter is supplied, then only shapes up to and
including the second Shape# value will be loaded. If there are not enough
shapes in the file to fill this range, any excess shapes will remain
SaveShapes Shape#,Shape#,Filename$
SaveShapes allows you to create a file containing a range of shape objects.
This file may be later loaded using the LoadShapes command.
The range of shapes to be saved is specified by Shape#,Shape#, where the
first Shape# refers to the lowest shape to be saved and the second Shape#
the highest.
Page 149
GetaShape Shape#,X, Y, Width,Height
GetaShape lets you transfer a rectangular area of the currently used bitmap
into the specified shape object. X, Y, Width and Height specify the area of
the bitmap to be picked up and used as a shape.
CopyShape Shape#,Shape#
CopyShape will produce an exact copy of one shape object in another shape
object. The first Shape# specifies the source shape for the copy, the second
specifies the destination shape.
CopyShape is often used when you require two copies of a shape in order to
manipulate (using, for example, XFlip) one of them.
AutoCookie Onl Off
When shapes objects are used by any of the blitting routines (for example,
Blit), they usually require the presence of what is known as a'cookiecut'.
These cookiecuts are used for internal purposes by the various blitting
commands, and in no way affect the appearance or properties of a shape. They
do, however, consume some of your valuable Chip memory.
When a shape is created (for example, by using LoadShape or GetaShape), a
cookiecut is automatically made for it. However, this feature may be turned
off by executing an AutoCookie Off.
This is a good idea if you are not going to be using shapes for blitting -
for example, shapes used for gadgets or menus.
MakeCookie Shape#
MakeCookie allows you to create a'cookiecut' for an individual shape.
Cookiecuts are necessary for shapes which are to be used by the various
blitting commands (for example, QBlit), and are normally made automatically
whenever a shape is created (for example, using LoadShape). However, use of
the AutoCookie command may mean you end up with a shape which has no
cookiecut, but which youi wish to blit at some stage. You can then use
MakeCookie to make a cookiecut for this shape.
ShapeWidth (Shape#)
The ShapeWidth function returns the width, in pixels, of a previously
created shape object.
ShapeHeight (Shape#)
The ShapeHeight function returns the height, in pixels, of a previously
created shape object.
Handle Shape#,X,Y
All shapes have an associated 'handle'. A shape's handle refers to an offset
from the upper left of the shape to be used when calculating a shapes
position when it gets blitted to a bitmap. This is also often referred to
as a 'hot spot'.
The X parameter specifies the 'acrosswards' offset for a handle, the Y
Page 150
parameter specifies a 'downwards' offset.
Let's have a look at an example of how a handle works. Assume you have set
a shapes X handle to 5, and it's Y handle to 10. Now let's say we blit the
shape onto a bitmap at pixel position 160,100. The handle will cause the
upper left corner of the shape to actually end up at 155,90, while the
point within the shape at 5,10 will end up at 160,100.
When a shape is created, it's handle is automatically set to 0,0 - it's
upper left corner.
MidHandle Shape#
MidHandle will cause the handle of the specified shape to be set to it's
centre. For example, these two commands achieve exactly the same result:
MidHandle O Handle O,ShapeWidth(O)/2,ShapeHeight(O)/2
For more information on handles, please refer to the Handle command.
XFlip Shape#
The XFlip command is one of Blitz's powerful shape manipulation commands.
XFlip will horizontally 'mirror' a shape object, causing the object to be
'turned back to front'.
YFlip Shape#
The YFlip command may be used to vertically 'mirror' a shape object. The
resultant shape will appear to have been 'turned upside down'.
Scale Shape#,X Ratio, Y Ratio[,Palette#]
Scale is a very powerful command which may be used to 'stretch' or'shrink'
shape objects. The Ratio parameters specify how much stretching or shrinking
to perform. A Ratio greater than one will cause the shape to be stretched
(enlarged), while a Ratio of less than one will cause the shape to be shrunk
(reduced). A Ratio of exactly one will cause no change in the shape's
relevant dimension.
As there are separate Ratio parameters for both x and y, a shape may be
stretched along one axis and shrunk along the other!
The optional Palette# parameter allows you to specify a palette object for
use in the scaling operation. If a Palette# is supplied, the scale command
will use a 'brightest pixel' method of shrinking. This means a shape may be
shrunk to a small size without detail being lost.
Rotate Shape#,Angle Ratio
The Rotate command allows you to rotate a shape object. Angle Ratio
specifies how much clockwise rotation to apply, and should be in the range
zero to one. For instance, an Angle Ratio of .5 will cause a shape to be
rotated 180 degrees, while an Angle Ratio of .25 will cause a shape to be
rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
Page 151
DecodeShapes Shape#[,Shape#],MemoryLocation
DecodeShapes, similar to DecodeMedModule ensures the data is in chip and
then configures the Shape object(s) to point to the data.
InitShape Shape#, Width,Height,Depth
InitShape has been added to simple create blank shape objects. Programmers
who make a habit of using ShapesBitMap to render graphics to a shape object
will appreciate this one for sure.
Page 152
The process of putting a shape onto a bitmap using the blister is often
referred to as 'blitting' a shape. The speed at which a shape is blitted is
important when you are writing animation routines, as the smoothness of any
animation wil1 be directly affected by how long it takes to draw the shapes
involved in the animation.
The two main factors which affect the speed at which a shape is blitted are
it's size and the technique used to actually blit the shape.
This section will cover all commands which allow you to draw shapes onto
bitmaps using the Amiga's 'blister' chip.
Blit Shape#,X, Y[,Excessonoff]
Blit is the simplest of all the blitting commands. Blit will simply draw a
shape object onto the currently used bitmap at the pixel position specified
by X,Y. The shape's handle, if any, will be taken into account when
positioning the blit.
The optional Excessonoff parameter only comes into use if you are blitting a
shape which has less bitplanes (colours) than the bitmap to which it is
being blitted. In this case, Excessonoff allows you to specify an on/off
value for the excess bitplanes - ie, the bitplanes beyond those altered by
the shape. Bit zero of Excessonoff will specify an on/off value for the
first excess bitplane, bit one an on/off value for the second excess
bitplane and so on.
The manner in which the shape is drawn onto the bitmap may be altered by
use of the BlitMode command.
BlitMode BLTCON0
The BlitMode command allows you to specify just how the Blit command uses
the blister when drawing shapes to bitmaps. By default, BlitMode is set to
a tcookiemode' which simply draws shapes 'as is'. However, this mode may be
altered to produce other useful ways of drawing. Here are just some of the
possible BLTCON0 parameters and their effects:
CookieMode: Shapes are drawn 'as is'. EraseMode: An area the size and shape
of the shape willbe 'erased' on the destination bitmap.
InvMode: An area the size and shape of the shape willbe 'inversed' on the
destination bitmap. SolidMode: The shape will be drawn as a solid area of
one colour.
Actually, these modes are all just special functions which return a useful
value. Advanced programmers may be interested to know that the BLTCON0
parameter is used by the Blit command's blister routine to determine the
blister MINITERM and CHANNEL USE flags. Bits zero through seven specify the
miniterm, and bits eight through eleven specify which of the blister
channels are used. For the curious out there, all the blister routines in
Blitz assume the following blister channel setup:
Page 153
BlitterChannei Used For
A Pointer to shape's cookie cut
B Pointer to shape data
C Pointer to destination
D Pointer to destination
The CookieMode function returns a value which may be used by one of the
commands involved in blitting modes.
Using CookieMode as a blitting mode will cause a shape to be blitted
cleanly, 'as is', onto a bitmap.
The EraseMode function returns a value which may be used by one the
commands involved in blitting modes.
Using EraseMode as a blitting mode will cause a blitted shape to erase a
section of a bitmap corresponding to the outline of the shape.
The InvMode function returns a value which may be used by one the commands
involved in blitting modes.
Using InvMode as a blitting mode will cause a shape to 'invert' a section
of a bitmap corresponding to the outline of the blitted shape.
The SolidMode function returns a value which may be used by one the
commands involved in blitting modes.
Using SolidMode as a blitting mode will cause a shape to overwrite a section
of a bitmap corresponding to the outline of the blitted shape.
Clueue Queue#,Max Items
The Queue command creates a queue object for use with the QBlit and UnQueue
commands. What is a queue? Well, queues (in the Blitz sense) are used for
the purpose of multi-shape animation. Before going into what a queue is,
let's have a quick look at the basics of animation.
Say you want to get a group of objects flying around the screen. To achieve
this, you will have to construct a loop similar to the following:
Step l: Start at the first object Step 2: Erase the object from the display
Step 3: Move the object Step 4: Draw the object at it's new location on the
display Step 5: If there are any more objects to move, go on to the next
object and then go to step 2, else... Step 6: go to step l
Page 154
Step 2 is very important, as if it is left out, all the objects will leave
trails behind them! However, it is often very cumbersome to have to erase
every object you wish to move. This is where queues are of use. Using
queues, you can 'remember' all the objects drawn through a loop, then, at
the end of the loop (or at the start of the next loop), erase all the
objects 'remembered' from the previous loop. Lets have a look at how this
Step l: Erase all objects remembered in the queue
Step 2: Start at the first object Step 3: Move the object Step 4: Draw the
object at it's new location, and add it to the end of the queue Step 5: If
there are any objects left to move, go on to the next object, then go to
step 3; else... Step 6: Go to step l
This is achieved quite easily using Blitz's queue system. The UnQueue
command performs step l, and the QBlit command performs step 4.
Queues purpose is to initialize the actual queue used to remember objects
in. Queue must be told the maximum number of items the queue is capable of
remembering, which is specified in the Max Items parameter.
QBlit Queue#,Shape#,X, YLExcessonoff]
QBlit performs similarly to Blit, and is also used to draw a shape onto the
currently used bitmap. Where QBlit differs, however, is in that it also
remembers (using a queue) where the shape was drawn, and how big it was.
This allows a later UnQueue command to erase the drawn shape.
Please refer to the Queue command for an explanation of the use of queues.
The optional Excessonoff parameter works identically to the Excessonoff
parameter used by the Blit command. Please refer to the Blit command for
more information on rhis parameter.
UnQueue Queue#[,BitMap#]
UnQueue is used to erase all 'remembered' items in a queue. Items are placed
in a queue by use of the QBlit command. Please refer to Queue for a full
explanation of queues and their usage.
An optional BitMap# parameter may be supplied to cause items to be erased
by way of 'replacement' from another bitmap, as opposed to the normal
'zeroing out' erasing.
FlushQueue Queue#
FlushQueue will force the specified queue object to be 'emptied', causing
the next UnQueue command to have no effect.
QBlitMode allows you to control how the blister operates when QBlitting
shapes to bitmaps. Please refer to BlitMode for more information on this
Page 155
Buffer Buffer#,Memorylen
The Buffer command is used to create a buffer object. Buffers are similar to
queues in concept, but operate slightly differently. If you have not yet
read the description of the Queue command, it would be a good idea to do so
before continuing here.
The buffer related commands are very similar to the queue related commands -
Buffer, BBlit, and UnBuffer, and are used in exactly the same way. Where
buffers differ from queues, however, is in their ability to preserve
background graphics. Whereas an UnQueue command normally trashes any
background graphics, UnBuffer will politely restore whatever the BBlits may
have overwritten. This is achieved by the BBlit command actually performing
two bliss.
The first blit transfers the area on the bitmap which the shape is about to
cover to a temporary storage area - the second blit actually draws the
shape onto the bitmap. When the time comes to UnBuffer all those BBlits,
the temporary storage areas will be transferred back to the disrupted
The Memorylen parameter of the Buffer command refers to how much memory, in
bytes, should be put aside as temporary storage for the preservation of
background graphics. The value of this parameter varies depending upon the
size of shapes to be BBlited, and the maximum number of shapes to be
BBlited between UnBuffers.
A Memorylen of 16384 should be plenty for most situations, but may need to
be increased if you start getting 'Buffer Overflow' error messages.
BBlit Buffer#,Shape#,X, YtExcessonoff]
The BBlit command is used to draw a shape onto the currently used bitmap,
and preserve the overwritten area into a previously initialized buffer. For
more information on how buffers work, please refer to the Buffer command.
The optional Excessonoff parameter works identically to the Excessonoff
parameter used by the Blit command. Please refer to the Blit command for
more information on this parameter.
UnBuffer Buffer#
UnBuffer is used to 'replace' areas on a bitmap overwritten by a series of
BBlit commands. For more information on buffers, please refer to the Buffer
FlushBuffer Buffer#
FlushBuffer will force the specified buffer object to be 'emptied', causing
the next UnBuffer command to have no effect.
BBlitMode allows you to control how the blister operates when BBlitting
shapes to bitmaps. Please refer to BlitMode for more information on this
Page 156
Stencil Stencil#,BitMap#
The Stencil command will create a stencil object based on the contents of a
previously created bitmap. The stencil will contain information based on all
graphics contained in the bitmap, and may be used with the SBlit and
ShowStencil commands.
SBlit Stencil#,Shape#,X,Y[,Excessonoff]
SBlit works identically to the Blit command, and also updates the specified
Stencil#. This is an easy way to render 'foreground' graphics to a bitmap.
SBlitmode is used to determine how the SBlit command operates. Please refer
to the BlitMode command tor more information on blitting modes.
ShowStencil Buffer#,Stencil#
ShowStencil is used in connection with BBlits and stencil objects to
produce a 'stencil' effect. Stencils allow you create the effect of shapes
moving 'between' background and foreground graphics. Used properly,
stencils can add a sense of 'depth' or'three dimensionality' to animations.
So what steps are involved in using stencils? To begin with, you need both a
bitmap and a stencil object. A stencil object is similar to a bitmap in
that it contains various graphics. Stencils differ, however, in that they
contain no colour information. They simply determine where graphics are
placed on the stencil. The graphics on a stencil usually correspond to the
graphics representing 'foreground' scenery on a bitmap.
So the first step is to set up a bitmap with both foreground and background
scenery on it. Next, a stencil is set up with only the foreground scenery
on it. This may be done using either the Stencil or SBlit command. Now, we
BBlit our shapes. This will, of course, place all the shapes in front of
both the background and the foreground graphics. However, once all shapes
have been BBlitted, executing the ShowStencil command will repair the
damage done to the foreground graphics!
Block Shape#,X, Y
Block is an extremely fast version of the Blit command with some
restrictions. Block should only be used with shapes that are 16,32,48,64...
pixels wide and that are being blitted to an x position of 0,16,32,48,64...
Note that the height and y destination of the shape are not limited by the
Block command.
Block is intended tor use with map type displays.
BlitColl (Shape#,x,y)
BlitColl is a fast way of collision detection when blitting shapes. BlitColl
returns - I if a collision occurs, O if no collision. A collision occurs if
any pixel on the current BitMap is non zero where your shape would have
been blitted.
ShapesHit is faster but less accurate as it checks only the rectangular
area of each shape, where as BlitColl takes into account the shape of the
shape and of course can not tell you what shape you have collided with.
Page 157
ClipBlit ClipBlit Shape#,X, Y
ClipBlit is the same as the Blit command except ClipBlit will clip the
shape to the inside of the used bitmap, all blit commands in Blitz are due
to be expanded with this feature.
ClipBlitMode BPLCON0
Same as BlitMode except applies to the ClipBlit command. Another oversight
now fixed.
BlockScroll X1, Y1, Width,Height,X2, Y2[,BitMap#]
Same as the Scroll command except that BlockScroll is much faster but only
works with 16 bit aligned areas. This means that Xl, X2 and Width must all
be multiples of 16. Useful for block scrolling routines that render the
same blocks to both sides of the display, the programmer can now choose to
render just one set and then copy the result to the other side with the
BlockScroll command.
Page 158
Sprites are another way of producing moving objects on the Amiga's display.
Sprites are, like shapes, graphical objects. However unlike shapes, sprites
are handled by the Amiga's hardware completely separately from bitmaps.
This means that sprites do not have to be erased when it's time to move
them, and that sprites in no way destroy or interfere with bitmap graphics
Also, once a sprite has been displayed, it need not be referenced again
until it has to be moved.
In this release of Blitz, sprites are only available in Blitz mode and have
either 3 or 15 colours (2 or 4 bitplanes). Each slice may display a maximum
of up to 8 sprites. Other conditions may lower this maximum such as the
width, depth and resolution of the slice. The Amiga hardware has 8 sprite
channels, standard 16 wide 3 colour sprites require a single channel, 15
colour sprites need two and sprites wider than 16 will require extra
channels also. 15 color sprites must use an even numbered channel, the
subsequent odd channel then becomes unavailable.
Sprites also require a special colour palette set up. Fifteen colour
sprites take their RGB values from colour registers 17 through 31. Three
colour sprites, however, take on RGB values depending upon the sprite
channels being used to display them. The following table shows which
palette registers at'fect which sprite channels:
Sprite Channel Colour Registers
0,1 17-19
2,3 21 -23
4,5 25-27
6,7 29-31
GetaSprite Sprite#,Shape#
To be able to display a sprite, you must first create a sprite object. This
will contain the image information for the sprite. GetaSprite will transfer
the graphic data contained in a shape object into a sprite object. This
allows you to perform any of the Blitz shape manipulation commands (eg
Scale or Rotate) on a shape before creating a sprite from the shape.
Once GetaSprite has been executed, you may not require the shape object
anymore. In this case, it is best to t'ree up the shape object (using Free
Shape) to conserve as much valuable chip memory as possible.
ShowSprite Sprite#,X, Y,Sprite Channel
ShowSprite is the command used to actually display a sprite through a sprite
channel. X and Y specify the position the sprite is to be displayed at.
These parameters are ALWAYS given in lo-resolution pixels. Sprite Channel
is a value 0 through 7 which decides which sprite channel the sprite should
be display through.
InFront Sprite Channel
A feature of sprites is that they may be displayed either 'in front of' or
Page 159
'behind' the bitmap graphics they are appearing in. The InFront command
allows you to determine which sprites appear in front of bitmaps, and which
sprites appear behind.
Sprite Channel must be an even number in the range 0 through 8. After
executing an InFront command, sprites displayed through sprite channels
greater than or equal to Sprite Channel will appear BEHIND any bitmap
graphics. Sprites displayed through channels less than Sprite Channel will
appear IN FRONT OF any bitmap graphics. For example, after executing an
InFront 4, any sprites displayed through sprite channels 4,5,6 or 7 will
appear behind any bitmap graphics, while any sprites displayed through
sprite channels 0,1,2 or 3 will appear in front of any bitmap graphics.
InFront should only be used in non-dualplayfield slices.
InFrontF Sprite Channel
InFrontF is used on dualplayfield slices to determine sprite/playfield
priority with respect to the foreground playfield. Using combinations of
InFrontF and InFrontB (used for the background playfield), it is possible
to display sprites at up to 3 ditterent depths - some in front of both
playfields, some between the playfields, and some behind both playfields.
InFrontB Sprite Channel
InFrontB is used on dualplayfield slices to determine sprite/playtield
priority with respect to the background playtield. Using combinations of
InFrontB and InFrontF (used tor the foreground playfield), it is possible
to display sprites at up to 3 different depths - some in front of both
playfields, some between the playfields, and some behind both playfields.
LoadSprites Sprite#[,Sprite#],Filename$
LoadSprites lets you load a 'range' of sprites from disk into a series of
sprite objects. The file specified by Filename$ should have been created
using the SaveSprites command. The first Sprite# parameter specifies the
number of the first sprite object to be loaded. Further sprites will be
loaded into increasingly higher sprite objects. If a second Sprite#
parameter is supplied, then only sprites up to and including the second
Sprite# value will be loaded. If there are not enough sprites in the file
to fill this range, any excess sprites will remain untouched.
SaveSprites Sprite#,Sprite#,Filename$
SaveSprites allows you to create a file containing a range of sprite
objects. This file may be later loaded using the LoadSprites command.
The range of sprites to be saved is specified by Sprite#,Sprite#, where the
first Sprite# refers to the lowest sprite to be saved and the second
Sprite# the highest.
SpriteMode mode
For use with the capabilities of the new Display library SpriteMode is used
to define the width of sprites to be used in the program. The mode values
0, l and 2 correspong to the widths l 6, 32 and 64
Page 160
This section deals with various commands involved in the detection of object
SetColl Colour,BitplanesLPlaylield]
There are 3 different commands involved in controlling sprite/bitmap
collision detection, of which SetColl is one (the other 2 being SetCollOdd
and SetCollHi). All three determine what colours in a bitmap will cause a
collision with sprites. This allows you to design bitmaps with 'safe' and
'unsafe' areas.
SetColl allows you to specify a single colour which, when present in a
bitmap, and in contact with a sprite, will cause a collision. The Colour
parameter refers to the 'collidable' colour. Bitplanes refers to the number
of bitplanes (depth) that bitmap collision are to be tested in.
The optional PlayField parameter is only used in a dualplayfield slice. If
Playfield is 1, then Colour refers to a colour in the foreground bitmap. If
Playfield is 0, then Colour refers to a colour in the background bitmap.
DoColl and PColl are the commands used for actually detecting the
SetCollOdd is used to control the detection of sprite/bitmap collisions.
SetCollOdd will cause ONLY the collisions between sprites and 'odd
coloured' bitmap graphics to be reported. Odd coloured bitmap graphics
refers to any bitmap graphics rendered in an odd colour number (de:
1,3,5...). This allows you to design bitmap graphics in such a way that
even coloured areas are 'safe' (de: they will not report a collision)
whereas odd colour areas are 'unsafe' (de: they will report a collision).
The DoColl and PColl commands are used to detect the actual sprite/bitmap
SetCollHi EJitPlanes
SetCollHi may be used to enable sprite/bitmap collisions between sprites and
the 'high half' colour range of a bitmap. For example, if you have a 16
colour bitmap, the high half of the colours would be colours 8 through 15.
The BitPlanes parameter should be set to the number of bitplanes (depth) of
the bitmap with which collisions should be detected.
Please refer to the SetColl command for more information on sprite/bitmap
DoColl is used to perform sprite/bitmap collision checking. Once DoColl is
executed, the PColl and/or SColl functions may be used to check for
sprite/bitmap or sprite/sprite collisions.
Before DoColl may be used with PColl, the type of bitmap collisions to be
detected must have been specified using one of the SetColl, SetCollOdd or
SetCollHi commands.
Page 161
After executing a DoColl, PColl and SColl will return the same values until
the next time DoColl is executed.
PColl (Sprite Channel)
The PColl function may be used to find out if a particular sprite has
collided with any bitmaps. Sprite Channel refers to the sprite channel of
the sprite you wish to check is being displayed through.
If the specified sprite has collided with any bitmap graphics, PColl will
return a true (-l ) value, otherwise PColl will return false (O).
Before using PColl, a DoColl must previously have been executed. Please
refer to DoColl for more information.
SColl (Sprite Channel, Sprite Channel)
SColl may be used to determine whether the 2 sprites currently displayed
through the specified sprite channels have collided. If they have, SColl
will return true (- l ), otherwise SColl will return false (O). DColl must
have been executed prior to using SColl.
ShapesHit (Shape#,X, Y,Shape#,X, Y)
The ShapesHit function will calculate whether the rectangular areas occupied
by 2 shapes overlap. ShapesHit will automatically take the shape handles
into account. If the 2 shapes overlap, ShapesHit will return true (-l),
otherwise ShapesHit will return false (O).
ShapeSpriteHit (Shape#,X, Y,Sprite#,X, Y)
The ShapeSpriteHit function will calculate whether the rectangular area
occupied by a shape at one position, and the rectangular area occupied by a
sprite at another position are overlapped. If the areas do overlap,
ShapeSpriteHit will return true (- l ), otherwise ShapeSpriteHit will
return false (O). ShapeSpriteHit automatically takes the handles of both
the shape and the sprite into account.
SpritesHit (Sprite#,X, Y,Sprite#,X, Y)
The SpritesHit function will calculate whether the rectangular areas
occupied by 2 sprites overlap. SpritesHit will automatically take the
sprite handles into account. If the 2 sprites overlap, SpritesHit will
return true (- l ), otherwise SpritesHit will return false (O).
Care should be taken with the pronunciation of this command.
RectsHit (X1, Y1, Widthl,Height1,X2, Y2, Width2,Height2)
The RectsHit function may be used to determine whether 2 arbitrary
rectangular areas overlap. If the specified rectangular areas overlap,
RectsHit will return true (- l ), otherwise RectsHit will return false (O).
Care should be taken with the pronunciation of this command.
Page 162
Amiga colours are represented as values for the three primary colours red,
green and blue. These values are combined as an RGB value. Palettes are
Blitz objects that contain a series of RGB values that represent the
colours used by the display.
Palette information can be loaded from an IFF file or defined using the
PalRGB/AGAPalRGB commands. Palettes can be assigned to screens and slices
with both the Use Palette and ShowPalette commands.
Many commands are available for manipulating the colours within a palette.
Colour values on slices and screens can also be changed directly without
the use of palettes using the RGB and AGARGB commands.
Load Pa lette Palette#, Filename$[, Palette Offset]
LoadPalette creates and initializes a palette object. Filename$ specifies
the name of an ILBM IFF file containing colour information. If the file
contains colour cycling information, this will also be loaded into the
palette object.
An optional Palette Offset may be specified to allow the colour information
to be loaded at a specified point (colour register) in the palette. This is
especially useful in the case of sprite colours, as these must begin at
colour register sixteen.
LoadPalette does not actually change any display colours. Once a palette is
loaded, Use Palette can be used to cause display changes.
ShowPalette Palette#
ShowPalette replaces Use Palette for copying a palette's colours to the
current Screen or Shce.
Use Palette Palette#
Use Palette transfers palette information from a palette object to a
displayable palette. If executed in Amiga mode, palette information is
transferred into the palette of the currently used Screen. If executed in
Blitz mode, palette information is transferred into the palette of the
currently used Slice.
NewPaletteMode Onl Off
The NewPaletteMode flag has been added for compatibility with older Blitz
programs. By setting NewPaletteMode to On the Use Palette command merely
makes the specified palette the current object and does not try to copy the
colour information to the current Screen or Slice.
Free Palette Palette#
Free Palette erases all information in a palette object. That Palette
object may no longer be Used or Cycled.
Page 163
SavePalette Palette#,FileName$
Creates a standard IFF "CMAP" file using the given Palette's colors.
CyclePalette Palette#
CyclePalette uses the standard color cycling parameters in the palette
object to cycle the colors. Unlike the Cycle command which copied the
resulting palette to the current screen the CyclePalette command just
modifies the palette object and can hence be used with the DisplayBitmap
command in the new Display library.
FadePalette SrcPaleffe#,DestPalette#, Brightness. q ;palettelib
FadePalette multiplies all colours in a Palette by the Brightness argument
and maces the result in the DestPalette.
lnitPalette Palette#,NumColors
InitPalette simply initialises a palette object to hold NumColors. All
colors will be set to black.
DecodePalette Palette#,MemoryLocationt Palette Offset]
DecodePalette allows the programmer to unpack included iff palette
information to Blitz palette objects.
Pal RG B Palette#, Colour Register,Bed, Green,Blue
PalRGB allows you to set an individual colour register within a palette
object. Unless an RGB has also been executed, the actual colour change will
not come into effect until the next time ShowPalette is executed.
RGB Colour Register,Red,Green,Blue
RGB enables you to set individual colour registers in a palette to an RGB
colour value. If executed in Amiga mode, RGB sets colour registers in the
currently used screen. If executed in Blitz Mode, RGB sets colour registers
in the currently used slice. Note that RGB does not alter palette objects
in any
Red (Colour Register)
Red returns the amount of RGB red in a specified colour register. If
executed in Amiga mode, Red returns the amount of red in the specified
colour register of the currently used screen. If executed in Blitz mode,
Red returns the amount of red in the specified colour register of the
currently used slice. Red will always return a value in the range zero to
Green (Colour llegister)
Green returns the amount of RGB green in a specified colour register. If
executed in Amiga mode, Green returns the amount of green in the specified
colour register of the currently used screen. If executed in Blitz mode,
Page 164
returns the amount of green in the specified colour register of the
currently used slice. Green will always return a value in the range zero to
Blue (Colour Register)
Blue returns the amount of RGB blue in a specified colour register. If
executed in Amiga mode, Blue returns the amount of blue in the specified
colour register of the currently used screen. If executed in Blitz mode,
Blue returns the amount of blue in the specified colour register of the
currently used slice.
Blue will always return a value in the range zero to fifteen.
AGARGB Colour Register,Red,Green,Blue
The AGARGB command is the AGA equivalent of the RGB command. The 'Red',
'Green' and 'Blue' parameters must be in the range O through 255, while
'Colour Register' is limited to the number of colours available on the
currently used screen.
AGAPalRGB Palette#, Colour Register,Red,Green,Blue
The AGAPalRGB command is the AGA equivalent of the PalRGB command.
AGAPalRGB allows you to set an individual colour register within a palette
object. This command only sets up an entry in a palette object, and will not
alter the actual screen palette until a 'ShowPalette' is executed.
AGARed (colour register)
The AGARed function returns the red component of the specified colour
register within the currently used screen. The returned value will be
within the range O (being no red) through 255 (being full red).
AGAGreen (colour register)
The AGAGreen function returns the green component of the specified colour
register within the currently used screen. The returned value will be
within the range O (being no green) through 255 (being full green).
AGABlue (colour register)
The AGABlue function returns the blue component of the specified colour
register within the currently used screen. The returned value will be
within the range O (being no blue) through 255 (being full blue).
SetCycle Palette#, Cycle,Low Colour,High Colour [,Speed]
SetCycle is used to configure colour cycling information for the Cycle
command. The low and high colours specify the range of colours that will
cycle. You may have a maximum of 7 different cycles for a single palette.
The optional parameter Speed specifies how quickly the colours will cycle, a
negative value will cycle the colours backwards.
Page 165
Cycle Palette#
Cycle will cause the colour cycling information contained in the specified
palette to be cycled on the currently used Screen. Colour cycling
information is created when LoadPalette is executed or with the SetCycle
StopCycle StopCycle will halt all colour cycling started with the Cycle
Fadeln Palette#[,RateLLow Colour, High ColourD
Fadein will cause the colour palette of the currently used slice to be
'faded in' from black up to the RGB values contained in the specified
Rate# allows you to control the speed of the fade, with 0 being the fastest
fade. Low Colour and High Colour allow you to control which colour palette
registers are affected by the fade.
FadeOut Palette#LRatef Low Colour, High Colour]]
Fadeout will cause the colour palette of the currently used slice to be
'faded out' from the RGB values contained in the specified Palette# down to
Rate# allows you to control the speed of the fade, wilh 0 being the fastest
fade. Low Colour and High Colour allow you to control which colour palette
registers are affected by the fade.
For FadeOut to work properly, the RGB values in the currently used slice
should be set to the specified Palette# prior to using FadeOut.
ASyncFade Onl Off
ASyncFade allows you control over how the FadeIn and FadeOut commands work.
Normally, FadeIn and FadeOut will halt program flow, execute the entire
fade, and then continue program flow. This is ASyncFade Off mode.
ASyncFade On will cause FadeIn and FadeOut to work differently. Instead of
performing the whole fade at once, the programmer must execute the DoFade
command to perform the neixt step of the fade. This allows fading to occur
in parallel with program flow.
DoFade will cause the next step of a fade to be executed. ASyncFade On, and
a FadeIn or FadeOut must be executed prior to calling DoFade.
The FadeStatus function may be used to determine whether there are any
steps of fading left to perform.
FadeStatus is used in conjunction with the DoFade command to determine if
any steps of fading have yet to be performed. If a fade process has not
entirely finished yet (de: more DoFades are required), then FadeStatus will
return true (-l). If not, FadeStatus will return false (0). Please refer to
ASyncFade and DoFade for more information.
Page 166
PaletteRange Palette#,StartCol,EndCol,rO,gO,bO,r1,gl,b 1
PaletteRange creates a spread of colors within a palette. Similar to
DPaint's spread function PaletteRange takes a start and end colour and
creates the color tweens between them.
DuplicatePalette SrcPalette#,DestPalette#
DuplicatePalette simply creates a new Palette which exactly matches the
Page 167
Sound objects are used to store audio information. This information can be
taken from an 8SVX IFF file using LoadSound, or defined by hand through a
BASIC routine using InitSound and SoundData. Once a sound is created, it
may be played through the Amiga's audio hardware.
Blitz supports loading and playing of both soundtracker and medmodule music
The Amiga speech synthesiser is also accessible from Blitz. The
narrator.device has been upgraded in 2.0 increasing the quality of the
speech. With a bit of messing around you can have a lot of fun with the
Amiga's 'voice'.
LoadSound Sound#,Filename$
LoadSound creates a sound object for later playback. The sound is taken from
an 8SVX IFF file. An error will be generated if the specified file is not
in the correct IFF format.
Sound Sound#,Channe/mask[, Vo/1[, Vo/2...p
Sound causes a previously created sound object to be played through the
Amiga's audio hardware. Channelmask specifies which of the Amiga's four
audio channels the sound should be played through, and should be in the
range one through fifteen.
The following is a list of Channelmask values and their effect:
Mask Channe|O Channe|1 Channel2 Channel3
1 on off off off
2 off on off off
3 on on off off
4 off off on off
5 on off on off
6 off on on off
7 on on on off
8 off off off on
9 on off off on
10 off on off on
11 on on off on
12 off off on on
13 on off on on
14 off on on on
15 on on on on
In the above table, any audio channels specified as 'off' are not altered by
Sound, and any sounds they may have previously been playing will not be
Page 168
The Volx parameters allow individual volume settings for different audio
channels. Volume settings must be in the range zero through 64, zero being
silence, and 64 being loudest. The first Vol parameter specifies the volume
for the lowest numbered 'on' audio channel, the second Vol for the next
lowest and so on.
For example, assume you are using the following Sound command: Sound
0,10,32, 16
The Channelmask of ten means the sound will play through audio channels one
and three. The first volume of 32 will be applied to channel one, and the
second volume of 16 will be applied to channel three.
Any Vol parameters omitted will be cause a volume setting of 64.
LoopSound Sound#,Channelmask[, Vol1[, Vol2...D
LoopSound behaves identically to Sound, only the sound will be played
repeatedly. Looping a sound allows for the facility to play the entire
sound just once, and begin repeating at a point in the sound other than the
beginning. This information is picked up from the 8SVX IFF file, when
LoadSound is used to create the sound, or from the offset parameter of
Volume Channelmask, Vol1[, Vol2...]
Volume allows you to dynamically alter the volume of an audio channel. This
enables effects such as volume fades. For an explanation of Channelmask and
Vol parameters, please refer to the Sound command.
InitSound Sound#,LengthLPeriod[, Repeatil
InitSound initializes a sound object in preparation for the creation of
custom sound data. This allows simple sound waves such as sine or square
waves to be algorithmically created. SoundData should be used to create the
actual wave data.
Length refers to the length, in bytes, the sound object is required to be.
Length MUST be less than 1 28K, and MUST be even.
Period allows you to specify a default pitch for the sound. A period of 428
will cause the sound to be played at approximately middle 'C'.
Otfset is used in conjunction with LoopSound, and specifies a position in
the sound at which repeating should begin. Please refer to LoopSound for
more information on repeating sounds.
SoundData Sound#,Offset,Data
SoundData allows you to manually specify the waveform of a sound object.
The sound object should normally have been created using InitSound,
although altering IFF sounds is perfectly legal.
SoundData alters one byte of sound data at the specified Offset. Data
refers to the actual byte to place into the sound, and should be in the
range -128 to +127.
PeekSound (Sound#,Offset)
PeekSound returns the byte of a sample at the specified offset of the sound
object specified.
Page 169
DecodeSound Sound#,MemoryLocation
DecodeSound, similar to the other new Decode commands allows the programmer
to include sound files within their program's object code.
SetPeriod Sound#,Period
This command allows the programmer to manually adjust the period of the
sound object to change it's effective pitch.
DiskPlay Filename$, Channelmask[, Vol1[, Vol2...p
DiskPlay will play an 8SVX IFF sound file straight from disk. This is ideal
for situations where you simply want to play a sample without the extra
hassle of loading a sound, playing it, and then freeing it. The DiskPlay
command will also halt program flow until the sample has finished playing.
DiskPlay usually requires much less memory to play a sample than the
LoadSound, Sound technique. Also, DiskPlay allows you to play samples of
any length, whereas LoadSound only allows samples up to 128K in length to
be loaded.
DiskBuffer Bufferlen
DiskBuffer allows you to set the size of the memory buffer used by the
DiskPlay command. This Buffer is by default set to 1024 bytes, and should
not normally have to be set to more than this.
Reducing the buffer size by too much may cause loss of sound quality of the
DiskPlay command.
If you are using DiskPlay to access a very slow device, the buffer size may
have to be increased.
Filter Onl Off
Filter may be used to turn on or off the Amiga's low pass audio filter.
LoadModule Module#,Filename$
LoadModule loads in from disk a soundtracker/noisetracker music module.
This module may be later played back using PlayModule.
Free Module Module#
Free Module may be used to delete a module object. Any memory occupied by
the module will also be free'd.
PlayModule Module#
PlayModule will cause a previously loaded soundtracker/noisetracker song
module to be played back.
StopModule will cause any soundtracker/noisetracker modules which may be
Page 170
currently playing to stop.
Load Med Mod u le MedModule# Name
The LoadMedModule command loads any version 4 channel Octamed module. The
following routines support upto and including version 3 of the Amiganut's
Med standard.
The number of MedModules loaded in memory at one time is only limited by
the MedModules maximum set in the Blitz Options requester. Like any Blitz
commands that access files LoadMedModule can only be used in AmigaMode.
StartMedModule MedModule#
StartMedModule is responsible for initialising the module including linking
after it is loaded from disk using the LoadMedModule command. It can also
be used to restart a module from the beginning.
PlayMed is responsible for playing the current MedModule, it must be called
every 50th of a second either on an interupt (#5) or after a VWait in a
program loop.
StopMed will cause any med module to stop playing. This not only means that
PlayMed will have no affect until the next StartMedModule but silences the
audio channels so they are not left ringing as is the effect when PlayMed
is not called every vertical blank.
JumpMed Pattern#
JumpMed will change the pattern being played in the current module.
SetMedVolume Volume
SetMedVolume changes the overall volume that the Med Library plays the
module, all the audio channels are affected. This is most useful for fading
out music by slowly decreasing the volume from 64 to 0.
GetMedVolume Channel#
GetMedVolume returns the current volume setting of the specified audio
channel. This is useful for graphic effects that you may wish to sync to
certain channels of the music playing.
GetMedNote Channel#
GetMedNote returns the current note playing from the specified channel. As
with GetMedVolume this is useful for producing graphics effects synced to
the music the Med Library is playing.
Page 171
GetMedinstr Channel
GetMedInstr returns the current instrument playing through the specified
audio channel.
SetMedMask Channel Mask
SetMedMask allows the user to mask out audio channels needed by sound
effects stopping the Med Library using them.
DecodeMedModule MedModule#,MemoryLocation
DecodeMedModule replaces the cludgemedmodule, as med modules are not packed
but used raw, DecodeMedModule simply checks to see the memory location
passed is in ChipMem (if not it copies the data to chip) and points the
Blitz MedModule object to that memory.
. Speak string$
The Speak command will first convert the given string to phonetics and then
pass it to the Narrator.Device. Depending on the settings of the Narrator
device (see SetVoice) the Amiga will "speak" the string you have sent in the
familiar Amiga synthetic voice.
SetVoice rate,pitch,expression,sex, volume,frequency
SetVoice alters the sound of the Amiga's speech synthsiser by changing the
vocal characteristics listed in the parameters above.
Translate$ (string$)
Translate$() returns the phonetic equivalent of the string for use with the
PhoneticSpeak command.
PhoneticSpeak phonetic$
PhoneticSpeak is similar to the Speak command but should only be passed
strings containing legal phonemes such as that produced by the Translate$()
VoiceLoc returns a pointer to the internal variables in the speech
synthesiser that enable the user to access new parameters added to the V37
Narrator Device. Formants as referred to in the descriptions are the major
vocal tracts and are separated into the parts of speech that produce the
bass, medium and trebly sounds.
Page 172
The following section covers the Blitz commands that let you open and
control Intuition based Screen objects.
Command Description
Screen Screen#,Mode[, TiUe$] Screen#,X, Y, Width,Height,Depth, VMode,
Screen will open an Intuition screen. The are 2 formats of the screen
command, a quick format, and a long format.
The quick format of the Screen commands involves 3 parameters - Screen#,
Mode and an optional Title$.
Screen# specifies the screen object to create.
Mode specifies how many bitplanes the screen is to have, and should be in
the range I through 6. Adding 8 to Mode will cause a hi-res screen to be
opened, as opposed to the default lo-res screen. A hi-res screen may only
have from I to 4 bitplanes. Adding 16 to Mode will cause an interlaced
screen to be opened. 'lPitle$ allows you to add a title to the screen.
The long format of Screen gives you much more control over how the screen
is opened.
The VMode parameter refers to the resolution of the Screen, add the values
together to make up the screenmode you require:
ShowScreen Screen#
ShowScreen will cause the specified screen object to be moved to the front
of the display.
WbToScreen Screen#
WbToScreen will assign the Workbench screen a screen object number. This
allows you to perform any of the functions that you would normally do own
your own screens, on the Workbench screen. It's main usage is to allow you
to open windows on the Workbench screen.
After execution, the Workbench screen will become the currently used screen.
FindScreen Screen#[, Title$]
This command will find a screen and give it an object number so it can be
referenced in your programs. If Title$ is not specified, then the foremost
screen is found and given the object number Screen#. If the Title$ argument
is specified, then a screen will be searched for that has this name.
After execution, the found screen will automatically become the currently
used screen.
Page 173
LoadSc reen Screen#, Fi lename$[, Palette#]
LoadScreen loads an IFF ILBM picture into the screen object specified by
Screen#. The file that is loaded is specified by Filename$.
You can also choose to load in the colour palette for the screen, by
specifying the optional Palette#. This value is the object number of the
palette you want the pictures colours to be loaded into. For the colours to
be used on your screen, you will have to use the statement.
SaveScreen Screen#,Filename$
SaveScreen will save a screen to disk as an IFF ILBM file. The screen you
wish to save is specified by the Screen#, and the name of the file you to
create is specified by Filename$.
SMouseX returns the horizontal position of the mouse relative to the left
edge of the currently used screen.
SMouseY returns the vertical position of the mouse relative to the top of
the current screen.
ViewPort (Screen#)
The ViewPort function returns the location of the specified screens
ViewPort. The ViewPort address can be used with graphics.library commands
and the like.
ScreenPens active text, inactive text, hilight, shadow, acUve fill, gadget
ScreenPens configures the 10 default pens used for system gadgets in
WorkBench 2.0. Any Screens opened after a ScreenPens statement will use the
pens defined. This command will have no affect when used with Workbench 1.3
or earlier.
CloseScreen Screen#
CloseScreen has been added for convenience. Same as Free Screen but a little
more intuitive (especially for those that have complained about such matters
(yes we care)).
HideScreen Screen#
Move Screen to back of all Screens open in the system.
BeepScreen Screen#
Flash specified screen.
Page 174
MoveScreen Screen#,deltax,deltay
Move specified screen by specified amount. Good for system friendly special
ScreenTags Screen#,Title$[&TagList]or[[,Tag,Data]...]
Full access to all the Amiga's new display resoutions is now available in
Amiga mode by use of the Screen Tags command. The following tags are of
most interest to Blitz programmers.
#Left=$ 80000021 :#Top=$80000022 :#Width=$80000023
#Title=$80000028 :#Colors=$80000029 :#ErrorCode=$8000002A
#Font=$8000002B :#SysFont=$8000002C:#Type=$8000002D
#PubTask=$80000031 :#DisplayID=$80000032
#S howTitle=$ 80000036:#Behi nd=$80000037 :#_Qu iet=$80000038
#Parent=$8000003D :#Draggable=$8000003E
#Colors32=$80000043 :#VideoControl=$80000044
#FrontChild=$80000045 :#BackChild=$80000046
ShowBitMap [BitMap#]
The ShowBitMap command is the Amiga-mode version of the Show command. It
enables you to change a Screens bitmap allowing double buffered (flicker
free) animation to happen on a standard Intuition Screen. Unlike Blitz mode
it is better to do ShowBitMap then VWait to sync up with the Amiga's
display, this will make sure the new bitmap is being displayed before
modifying the previous BitMap.
Page 175
Windows are the heart of the user friendly Amiga operating system. Not only
are they the graphics device used for both user input and display but are
the heart of the messaging system that communicates this information to
your program by way of the events system.
Typically a Blitz program will either open or find a screen to use, define
a list of gadgets and then open a window on the screen with the gadget list
attached. It will then wait for an event such as the user selecting a menu
or hitting a gadget and act accordingly.
The program can specify which events they wish to receive by modifying the
IDCMP flags for the window. Once an event is received Blitz has a wide
range of commands for finding out exactly what the user has gone and done.
Blitz also offers a number of drawing commands that allow the programmer to
render graphics to the currently used window.
Command Description
Window Window#,X, Y, Width, Heigh t, Flags, Title$, Dpen, Spen[,
Window opens an Intuition window on the currently used screen. Window# is a
unique object number for the new window. X and Y refer to the offset from
the top left of the screen the window is to appear at. Width and Height are
the size of the window in pixels.
Flags are the special window flags that a window can have when opened.
These flags allow for the inclusion of a sizing gadget, dragbar and many
other things. The flags are listed as followed, with their corresponding
values. To select more than one of these flags, they must be logically Or'd
together using the'l ' operator.
For example, to open a window with dragbar and sizing gadget which is active
once opened, you would specify a Flags parameter of $11 $21 $1000.
Title$ is a BASIC string, either a constant or a variable, that you want to
be the title of the window.
Dpen is the colour of the detail pen of the window. This colour is used for
the window title.
BPen is the block pen of the window. This pen is used for things like the
border around the edge of the window.
The optional GadgetList# is the number of a gadgetlist object you have may
want attached to the window.
After the window has opened, it will become the currently used window.
The Window library has been extended to handle super bitmap windows.
SuperBitMap windows allow the window to have it's own bitmap which can
actually be larger than the window. The two main benefits of this feature
are the window's ability to refresh itself and the ability to scroll around
a large area "inside" the bitmap.
To attach a BitMap to a Window set the SuperBitMap flag in the flags field
and include the BitMap# to be attached.
Page 176
Window Flag Value Description
WINDOWSIZING $0001 Attaches sizing gadget to bottom right corner
of window and allows it to be sized.
WINDOWDRAG $0002 Allows window to be dragged with the
mouse by it's title bar.
WINDOWDEPTH $0004 Lets windows be pushed behind or pulled in
front of other windows.
WINDOWCLOSE $0008 Attaches a closegadget to the upper left
corner of the window.
WINDOWSIZING set, this will leave the
right hand margin, the width of the sizing
gadget, clear, and any drawing to the
window will not extend over this right
SIZEBBOTTOM $0020 Same as SIZEBRIGHT except it leaves a
margin at the bottom of the window, the
width of the sizing gadget.
BACKDROP $0100 This opens the window behind any other
window that is already opened. It cannot
have the WINDOWDEPTH flag set also, as
the window is intended to stay behind all
GIMME00 $0400 This flag keeps the windows border separate
from the rest of the windows area. Any
drawing on the window, extending to the
borders, will not overwrite the border.
NOTE: Although convevient, this does take
up more memory than usual.
BORDERLESS $0800 Opens a window without any border on it at
ACTIVATE $1000 Activates the window once opened.
Use Window Window#
Use Window will cause the specified window object to become the currently
used window. Use Window also automatically performs a WindowInput and
WindowOutput on the specified window.
Free Window Window#
Free Window closes down a window. This window is now gone, and can not be
accessed any more by any statements or functions. Once a window is closed,
you may want to direct the input and output somewhere new, by calling Use
Window on another window, DefaultOutput/DefaultInput, or by some other
appropriate means. Window# is the window object number to close.
Page 177
Windowinput Window#
Windowinput will cause any future executions of the Inkey$, Edit$ or Edit
functions to receive their input as keystrokes from the specified window
WindowInput is automatically executed when either a window is opened, or
Use Window is executed.
After a window is closed (using Free Window), remember to tell Blitz to get
it's input from somewhere else useful (for example, using another
WindowInput command) before executing another Inkey$, Edit$ or Edit
WindowOutput Window#
WindowOutput will cause any future executions of either the Print or NPrint
statements to send their output as text to the specified window object.
WindowOutput is automatically executed when either a window is opened, or
Use Window is executed.
After a window is closed (using Free Window), remember to send output
somewhere else useful (for example, using another WindowOutput command)
before executing another Print or NPrint statement.
DefaultlDCMP IDCMP_Flags
DefaultIDCMP allows you to set the IDCMP flags used when opening further
windows. You can change the flags as often as you like, causing all of your
windows to have their own set of IDCMP flags if you wish.
A window's IDCMP flags will affect the types of 'events' reportable by the
window. Events are reported to a program by means of either the WaitEvent or
Event functions.
To select more than one IDCMP Flag when using DefaultIDCMP, combine the
separate flags together using the OR operator ('I ').
Any windows opened before any DefaultIDCMP command is executed will be
opened using an IDCMP flags setting of:
$21 $41 $81 $201 $401 $1001 $2001 $4001 $400001 $80000.
This should be sufficient for most programs.
If you do use DefaultIDCMP for some reason, it is important to remember to
include all flags necessary for the functioning of the program. For
example, if you open a window which is to have menus attached to it, you
MUST set the $100 (menu selected) IDCMP flag, or else you will have no way
of telling when a menu has been selected.
Page 178
IDCMP FlagEvent
$2 Reported when a window has it's size changed.
$4 Reported when a windows contents have been
corrupted. This may mean a windows contents may
need to be re-drawn.
$8 Reported when either mouse button has been hit.
$10 Reported when the mouse has been moved.
$20 Reported when a gadget within a window has been
pushed 'down'.
$40 Reported when a gadget within a window has been
$100 Reported when a menu operation within a window has
$200 Reported when the 'close' gadget of a window has
been selected.
$400 Reported when a keypress has been detected.
$8000 Reported when a disk is inserted into a disk drive.
$10000 Reported when a disk is removed from a disk drive.
$40000 Reported when a window has been 'activated'.
$80000 Reported when a window has been 'de-activated'.
AddIDCMP allows you to 'add in' IDCMP flags to the IDCMP flags selected by
DefaultIDCMP. Please refer to DefaultIDCMP for a thorough discussion of
IDCMP flags.
SubIDCMP allows you to 'subtract out' IDCMP flags from the IDCMP flags
selected by DefaultIDCMP. Please refer to DefaultIDCMP for a thorough
discussion of IDCMP flags.
WaitEvent will halt program excution until an Intuition event has been
received. This event must be one that satisfies the IDCMP flags of any open
windows. If used as a function, WaitEvent returns the IDCMP flag of the
event (please refer to DefaultIDCMP for a table of possible IDCMP flags). If
used as a statement, you have no way of telling what event occured.
You may find the window object number that caused the event using the
EventWindow function.
In the case of events concerning gadgets or menus, further functions are
available to detect which gadget or menu was played with.
In the case of mouse button events, the MButtons function may be used to
discover exactly which mouse button has been hit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are assigning the result of WaitEvent to a variable,
MAKE SURE that the variable is a long type variable.
Page 179
For example: MyEvent.l=WaitEvent
Event works similarly to WaitEvent in that it returns the IDCMP flag of any
outstanding windows events. However, Event will NOT cause program flow to
halt. Instead, if no event has occured, Event will return 0.
EventWindow may be used to determine in which window the most recent window
event occured. Window events are detected by use of either the WaitEvent or
Event commands.
EventWindow returns the window object number in which the most recent
window event occured
Flush Events [IDCMP_Flag]
When window events occur in Blitz, they are automatically 'queued' for you.
This means that if your program is tied up processing one window event while
others are being created, you wont miss out on anything. Any events which
may have occured between executions of WaitEvent or Event will be stored in
a queue for later use. However, there may be situations where you want to
ignore this backlog of events. This is what FlushEvents is for.
Executing FlushEvents with no parameters will completely clear Blitz's
internal event queue, leaving you with no outstanding events. Supplying an
IDCMP_Flag parameter will only clear events of the specified type from the
event queue.
GadgetHit returns the identification number of the gadget that caused the
most recent 'gadget pushed' or 'gadget released' event.
As gadgets in different windows may possibly posess the same identification
numbers, you may also need to use EventWindow to tell exactly which gadget
was hit.
MenuHit returns the identification number of the menu that caused the last
menu event. As with gadgets, you can have different menus for different
windows with the same identification number. Therefore you may also need to
use EventWindow to find which window caused the event. If no menus have yet
been selected, Menuhit will return - l.
ItemHit returns the identification number of the menu item that caused the
last menu event.
SubHit returns the identification number of the the menu subitem that caused
the last menu event. If no subitem was selected, SubHit will return -l.
Page 180
MButtons returns the codes for the mouse buttons that caused the most recent
'mouse buttons' event. If menus have been turned off using Menus Off, then
the right mouse button will also register an event and can be read with
RawKey returns the raw key code of a key that caused the most recent 'key
press' evens.
Qualifier will return the qualifier of the last key that caused a'key
press' event to occur. A qualifier is a key which alters the meaning of
other keys; for example the 'shift' keys. Here is a table of qualifier
values and their equivalent keys:
Key Left. Right
UnQualified $8000 $8000
Shift $8001 $8002
Caps Lock Down $8004 $8004
Control $8008 $8008
Alternate $8010 $8020
Amiga $8040 $8080
A combination of values may occur, if more that one qualifier key is being
held down. The way to filter out the qualifiers that you want is by using
the logical AND operator.
WPlot X, Y,Colour
WPlot plots a pixel in the currently used window at the coordinates X,Y in
the colour specified by Colour.
WBox X1, Y1,X2, Y2,Colour
WBox draws a solid rectangle in the currently used window. The upper left
hand coordinates of the box are specified with the Xl and Yl values, and the
bottom right hand corner of the box is specified by the values X2 and Y2.
WCircle X,Y,Radius,Colour
WCircle allows you to draw a circle in the currently used window. You
specify the centre of the circle with the coordinates X,Y. The Radius value
specifies the radius of the circle you want to draw. The last value, Colour
specifies what colour the circle will be drawn in.
Page 181
WEllipse X, Y,X Radius, Y Radius,Colour
WEllipse draws an ellipse in the currently used window. You specify the
centre of the ellipse with the coordinates X,Y. X Radius specifies the
horizontal radius of the ellipse, Y Radius the vertical radius.
Colour refers to the colour in which to draw the ellipse.
WLine X1, Y1,X2, Y2[,Xn, Yn..],Colour
Wline allows you to draw a line or a series of lines into the currently used
window. The first two sets of coordinates Xl,Yl,X2,Y2, specify the start and
end points of the initial line. Any coordinates specified after these
initial two, will be the end points of another line going from the last set
of end points, to this set. Colour is the colour of the line(s) that are to
be drawn.
WCls [Colour]
WCls will clear the currently used window to colour O, or a colour is
specified, then it will be cleared to this colour. If the current window
was not opened with the GIMMEZEROZERO flag set, then this statement will
clear any border or title bar that the window has. The InnerCls statement
should be used to avoid these side effects..
InnerCls [Colour]
InnerCls will clear only the inner portion of the currently used window. It
will not clear the titlebar or borders as WCls would do if your window was
not opened with the GIMMEZEROZERO flag set. If a colour is specified, then
that colour will be used to clear the window.
WScroll X1, Y1,X2, Y2,Delta X,Delta Y
WScroll will cause a rectangular area of the currently used window to be
moved or 'scrolled'. Xl and.YI specify the top left location of the
rectangle, X2 and Y2 the bottom right. The Delta parameters determine how
far to move the area. Positive values move the area right/down, while
negative values move the area left/up.
Cursor Thickness
Cursor will set the style of cursor that appears when editing strings or
numbers with the Edit$ or Edit functions. If Thickness is less than 0, then
a block cursor will be used. If the Thickness is greater then 0, then an
underline Thickness pixels high will be used.
After executing an Edit$ or Edit function, Editat may be used to determine
the horizontal character position of the cursor at the time the function
was exited.
Through the use of Editat, EditExit, EditFrom and Edit$, simple full screen
editors may be put together.
Page 182
EditFrom [Characterpos]
EditFrom allows you to control how the Edit$ and Edit functions operate when
used within windows.
If a Characterpos parameter is specified, then the next time an edit
function is executed, editing will commence at the specified character
position (0 being the first character position).
Also, editing may be terminated not just by the use of the 'return' key, but
also by any non printable character (for example, 'up arrow' or 'Esc') or a
window event. When used in conjunction with Editat and EditExit, this allows
you to put together simple full screen editors.
If Characterpos is omitted, Edit$ and Edit return to normal - editing always
beginning at character postition 0, and 'return' being the only way to exit.
EditExit returns the ASCII value of the character that was used to exit a
window based Edit$ or Edit function. You can only exit the edit functions
with keypresses other than 'return' if EditFrom has been executed prior to
the edit call.
WindowFont IntuiFont#
WindowFont sets the font for the currently used window. Any further printing
to this window will be in the specified font. IntuiFont# specifies a
previously initialized intuifont object created using LoadFont.
WColour Foreground Colour[,Background Colour]
WColour sets the foreground and background colour of printed text for the
currently used window. Any further text printed on this window will be in
these colours.
WJam Jammode
WJam sets the text drawing mode of the currently used window. These drawing
modes allow you to do inverted, complemented and other types of graphics.
The drawing modes can be OR'ed together to create a combination of them.
This draws only the foreground colour and leaves the background transparent.
Eg For the letter O, any empty space (inside and outside the letter) will be
This draws both the foreground and background to the window. Eg With the
letter O again, the O will be drawn, but any clear area (inside and
outside) will be drawn in the current background colour.
This will exlusive or (XOR) the bits of the graphics. Eg Drawing on the same
Page 183
place with the same graphics will cause the original display to return.
Inversvid =4
This allows the display of inverse video characters. If used in conjunction
with Jam2, it behaves like Jam2, but the foreground and background colours
are exchanged.
Activate Window#
Activate will activate the window specified by Window#.
Menus OnlOff
The Menus command may be used to turn ALL menus either on or off. Turning
menus off may be useful if you wish to read the right mouse button.
WPointer Shape#
WPointer allows you to determine the mouse pointer imagery used in the
currently used window. Shape# specifies an initialized shape object the
pointer is to take it's appearance from, and must be of 2 bitplanes depth
(4 colours).
WMove X,Y
WMove will move the current window to screen position X,Y.
WSize Width,Height
WSize will alter the width and height of the current window to the values
specified by Width and Height.
WMouseX returns the horizontal x coordinate of the mouse relative to the
left edge of the current window. If the current window was opened without
the GIMMEZEROZERO flag set, then the left edge is taken as the left edge of
the border around the window, otherwise, if GIMMEZEROZERO was set, then the
left edge is the taken from inside the window border.
WMouseY returns the vertical y coordinate of the mouse relative to the top
of the current window. If the current window was opened without the
GIMMEZEROZERO flag set, then the top is taken as the top of the border
around the window, otherwise, if GIMMEZEROZERO was set, then the top is
taken trom inside the window border.
EMouseX will return the horizontal position of the mouse pointer at the time
the most recent window event occured. Window events are detected using the
WaitEvent or Event commands.
Page 184
EMouseY will return the vertical position of the mouse pointer at the time
the most recent window event occured. Window events are detected using the
WaitEvent or Event commands.
WCursX returns the horizontal location of the text cursor of the currently
used window. The text cursor position may be set using WLocate.
WCursY returns the vertical location of the text cursor of the currently
used window. The text cursor position may be set using WLocate.
WLocate X, Y
WLocate is used to set the text cursor position within the currently used
window. X and Y are both specified in pixels as offsets from the top left
of the window. Each window has it's own text cursor position, therefore
changing the text cursor position of one window will not affect any other
window's text cursor position.
WindowX returns the horizontal pixel location of the top left corner of the
currently used window, relative to the screen the window appears in.
WindowY returns the vertical pixel location of the top left corner of the
currently used window, relative to the screen the window appears in.
WindowWidth returns the pixel width of the currently used window.
WindowHeight returns the pixel height of the currently used window.
InnerWidth returns the pixel width of the area inside the border of the
currently used window.
InnerHeight returns the pixel height of the area inside the border of the
currently used window.
Page 185
WTopOff returns the number of pixels between the top of the current window
border and the inside of the window.
WLeftOff returns the number of pixels between the left edge of the current
window border and the inside of the window.
SizeLimits Min Width,Min Height,Max Width,Max Height
SizeLimits sets the limits that any new windows can be sized to with the
sizing gadget. After calling this statement, any new windows will have
these limits imposed on them.
RastPort (Window#)
RastPort returns the specified Window's RastPort address. Many commands in
the graphics.library and the like require a RastPort as a parameter.
PositionSuperBitMap x,y
PositionSuperBitMap is used to display a certain area of the bitmap in a
super bitmap window.
After rendering changes to a superbitmap window the bitmap attached can
also be updated with the GetSuperBitMap. After rendering changes to a
bitmap the superbitmap window can be refreshed with the PutSuperBitMap
command. Both commands work with the currently used window.
See GetSuperBitmap description.
WTitle windowtitle$,screentitle$
WTitle is used to alter both the current window's title bar and it's
screens title bar. Useful for displaying important stats such as program
status etc.
CloseWindow Window#
CloseWindow has been added for convenience. Same as Free Window but a
little more intuitive (added for those that have complained about such
WPrintScroll will scroll the current window upwards if the text cursor is
below the bottom of the window and adjust the cursor accordingly. Presently
WPrintScroll only works with windows opened with the gimmeO0 flag set
Page 186
WBlit Shape#,x,y
WBlit can be used to blit any shape to the current window. Completely system
friendly this command will completely clip the shape to fit inside the
visible part of the window Use GimmeZeroZero windows for clean clipping when
the window has title/sizing gadgets.
BitMaptoWindow Bitmap#,Window#tsrox,srcy,destx,desty,wid,height]
BitMaptoWindow will copy a bitmap to a window in an operating system
friendly manner (what do you expect). The main use of such a command is for
programs which use the raw bitmap commands such as the 2D and Blit
libraries for rendering bitmaps quickly but require a windowing environment
for the user inyerface.
EventCode returns the actual code of the last Event received by your
program, EventQualifier returns the contents of the Qualifier field. Of use
with the new GadTools library and some other low level event handling
EventCode returns the actual code of the last Event received by your
program, EventQualifier returns the contents of the Qualifier field. Of use
with the new GadTools library and some other low level event handling
WindowTags Window#,Flags, Title$,[&TagList]l [[Tag,Data]...]
Similar to ScreenTags, WindowTags allows the advanced user to open a Blitz
window with a list of OS Tags as described in the documentation for the
operating system prior to 2.0.
LoadFont IntuiFont#,Fontname.font$, Y Size [,style]
LoadFont is used to load a font from the fonts: directory. Unlike BlitzFonts
any size IntuiFont can be used. The command WindowFont is used to set text
output to a certain IntuiFont in a particular Window.
The LoadFont command has been extended with an optional style parameter.
The following constants may be combined:
#underl ined= I
#bold=2 #italic=4 #extended=8 ;wider than normal #colour=64 ;hmm use colour
version I suppose
Page 187
Blitz provides extensive support for the creation and use of Intuition
gadgets. This is done through the use of GadgetList objects. Each
gadgetlist may contain one or more of the many types of available gadgets,
and may be attached to a window when that window is opened using the Window
The following is a table of the gadget flags and the gadget types which
they are relevant to:
Bit# Meaning Text String Prop Shape
0 Toggle On/Off yes no no yes
I Relative to Right Side of Window yes yes yes yes
2 Relative to Bottom of Window yes yes yes yes
3 Size Relative to Width of Window no no yes no
4 Size Relative to Height of Window no no yes no
0 Box Select yes yes yes yes
6 Prop Gadget has Horizontal Movement no no yes no
7 Prop Gadget Has Vertical Movement no no yes no
8 No Border around Prop Gadget no no yes no
9 Mutually Exclusive yes yes no no
10 Attach to Window's Right Border yes yes yes yes
11 Attach to Window's Left Border yes yes yes yes
12 Attach to Window's Top Border yes yes yes yes
13 Attach to Window's Bottom Border yes yes yes yes
14 Use GimmeZeroZero Border yes yes yes yes
If Relative Right is set the gadgets X should be negative, as should it's Y
if Relative to Bottom is set. When relative Width or Height flags are set
negative Width and/or Height parameters should be specified as Intuition
calculates actual witdh as WindowWidth+GadgetWidth as it does height when
relative size flags are set.
Mutually exclusive radio button type gadgets DO NOT require WorkBench 2.0 to
operate, see ButtonGroup for more information.
The attach flags are for attaching the gadget to one of the windows
borders, the GZZGADGET flag is for attaching the gadget to the "outer"
rastport/ layer of a gimme zero zero window.
Here is an example of setting up some radio button style text gadgets:
TextGadget 0,16,16,512,1,"0PTION l":Toggle 0,1,0n TextGadget
0,16,32,512,2,"OPTION 2" TextGadget 0,16,48,512,3,"0PTION 3"
Text Gadgets may now be used to create 'cycling' gadgets. Again, these
gadgets DO
Page 188
NOT require kickstart 2.0 to work.
If you create a text gadget which contains the 'l ' character in the
gadget's text, Blitz will recognize this as a 'cycling' gadget, using the
'l ' character to separate the options - like this:
TextGadget 0, l 6, l 6,0, l ," HELLO l GOODBYEI SEEYA l "
Now, each time this gadget is clicked on, the gadgets text will cycle
through 'HELLO', 'GOODBYE' and 'SEEYA'. Note that each option is spaced out
to be of equal length. This feature should not be used with a GadgetJam
mode of 0.
TextGadget GadgetList#,X, Y, F/ags, /d, Text$
The TextGadget command adds a text gadget to a gadgetlist. A text gadget is
the simplest type of gadget consisting of a sequence of characters
optionally surrounded by a border.
Flags should be selected from the table at the start of the chapter.
Boolean gadgets are the simplest type of gadget available. Boolean gadgets
are 'off' until the program user clicks on them with the mouse, which turns
them 'on'. When the mouse button is released, these gadgets revert back to
their 'off' state. Boolean gadgets are most often used for 'Ok' or 'CANCEL'
type gadgets.
Toggle gadgets differ in that each time they are clicked on they change
their state between 'on' and 'off'. For example, clicking on a toggle
gadget which is 'on' will cause the gadget to be turned 'off, and vice
X and Y specify where in the window the gadget is to appear. Depending upon
the Flags setting, gadgets may be positioned relative to any of the 4 window
edges. If a gadget is to be positioned relative to either the right or
bottom edge of a window, the appropriate X or Y parameter should be
Id is an identification value to be attached to this gadget. All gadgets in
a gadgetlist should have unique Id numbers, allowing you to detect which
gadget has been selected. Id may be any positive, non-zero number.
Text$ is the actual text you want the gadget to contain.
ButtonGroup Group -
ButtonGroup allows you to determine which 'group' a number of button type
gadgets belong to. Following the execution of ButtonGroup, any button
gadgets created will be identified as belonging to the spiecified group. The
upshot of all this is that button gadgets are only mutually exclusive to
other button gadgets within the same group.
'Group' must be a positive number greater than 0. Any button gadgets created
before a'ButtonGroup' command is executed will belong to group l.
SetGadgetStatus GadgetList#,/d,Va/ue
SetGadgetStatus is used to set a cycling text gadget to a particular value,
once set ReDraw should be used to refresh the gadget to reflect it's new
Page 189
GadgetPens Foreground Colour[,Background Colour]
GadgetPens determines the text colours used when text gadgets are created
using the TextGadget command. The default values used for gadget colours
are a foreground colour of I, and a background colour of 0.
GadgetJam Jammode
GadgetJam allows you to determine the text rendering method used when
gadgets are created using the TextGadget command. Please refer to the WJam
command in the windows chapter for a full description of jam modes
SelectMode mode
SelectMode is used to predefine how gadget rendering will show a gadget
.selection, modes are I for box and O for inverse. Use prior to creation of
ShapeGadget GadgetList#,X,Y,Flags,ld,Shape#LShape;#]
The ShapeGadget command allows you to create gadgets with graphic imagery.
The Shape# parameter refers to a shape object containing the graphics you
wish the gadget to contain.
The ShapeGadget command has been extended to allow an alternative image to
be displayed when the gadget is selected.
All other parameters are identical to those in TextGadget.
StringGadget GadgetList#,X, Y,Flags,ld,Maxlen, Width
StringGadget allows you to create an Intuition style 'text entry' gadget.
When clicked on, a string gadget brings up a text cursor, and is ready to
accept text entry trom the keyboard.
X and Y specifies the gadgets, position, relative to the top left of the
window it is to appear in. See the beginning of the chapter for the
relevant Flags tor a string gadget.
Id is an identification value to be attached to this gadget. All gadgets in
a gadgetlist should have unique Id numbers, allowing you to detect which
gadgets has been selected. Id may be any positive, non-zero number.
Maxlen refers to the maximum number of characters which may appear in this
Width refers to how wide, in pixels, the gadget should be. A string gadget
may have a width less than the maximum number of characters it may contain,
as characters will be scrolled through the gadget when necessary.
You may read the current contents of a string gadget using the StringText
StringText$ (GadgetList#,ld)
The Stringtext$ function allows you to determine the current contents of a
string gadget. StringText$ will return a string of characters representing
the string gadgets contents.
Page 190
ActivateString Window#,ld
ActivateString may be used to 'automatically' activate a string gadget.
This is identical to the program user having clicked in the string gadget
themselves, as the string gadget's cursor will appear, and further
keystrokes will be sent to the string gadget.
It is often nice of a program to activate Important string gadgets, as it
saves the user the hassle of having to reach t'or the mouse before the
ResetString GadgetList#,ld
ResetString allows you to 'reset' a string gadget. This will cause the
string gadget's cursor position to be set to the leftmost position.
ClearString GadgetList#,ld
ClearString may be used to clear, or erase, the text in the specified string
gadget. The cursor position will also be moved to the leftmost position in
the string gadget.
If a string gadget is cleared while it is displayed in a window, the text
will not be erased from the actual display. To do this, ReDraw must be
SetStri ng GadgetList#, ID, String$
SetString may be used to initialize the contents of a string gadget created
with the StringGadget command. If the string gadget specified by
GadgetList# and Id is already displayed, you will also need to exeucte
ReDraw to display the change.
PropGadget GadgetList#,X, Y,Flags,ld, Width,Height
The PropGadget command is used to create a 'proportional gadget'.
Proportional gadgets present a program user with a 'slider bar', allowing
them to adjust the slider to achieve a desired effect. Proportional gadgets
are commonly used for the 'R G B' sliders seen in many paint packages.
Proportional gadgets have 2 main qualities - a 'pot' (short for
potentiometer) setting, and a'body' setting.
The pot setting refers to the current position of the slider bar, and is in
the range O through I. For example, a proportional gadget which has been
moved to 'half way' would have a pot setting of '.5'.
The body setting refers to the size of the units the proportional gadget
represents, and is again in the range O through 1. Again taking the RGB
colour sliders as an example, each slider is intended to show a particular
value in the range O through 15 - giving a unit size, or body setting, of
1/16 or '.0625'.
Put simply, the pot setting describes 'where' the slider bar is, while the
body setting describes 'how big' it is.
Proportional gadgets may be represented as either horizontal slider bars,
vertical slider bars, or a combination of both.
See the beginning of the chapter for relevant Flags settings for prop
X and Y refer to the gadgets position, relative to the top left of the
window it is opened in. Width and Height refer to the size of the area the
slider should be allowed to
Page 191
move in.
Id is a unique, non zero number which allows you to identify when the gadget
is mampulated.
Proportional gadgets may be altered using the SetVProp and SetHProp
commands, and read using the VPropPot, VPropBody, HPropPot and HPropBody
SetHProp GadgetList#,ld,Pot,Body
SetHProp is used to alter the horizontal slider qualities of a proportional
gadget. Both Pot and Body should be in the range O through l.
If SetHProp is executed while the specified gadget is already displayed,
execution of the ReDraw command will be necessary to display the changes.
For a full discussion on proportional gadgets, please refer to the
PropGadget command.
SetVProp GadgetList#,ld,Pot, Body
SetVProp is used to alter the vertical slider qualities of a proportional
gadget. Both Pot and Body should be in the range O through l.
If SetVProp is executed while the specified gadget is already displayed,
execution of the ReDraw command will be necessary to display the changes.
HPropPot (GadgetList#,ld)
The HPropPot function allows you to determine the current 'pot' setting of a
proportional gadget. HPropPot will return a number from O up to, but not
including, l, reflecting the gadgets current horizontal pot setting.
HPropBody (GadgetList#,ld)
The HPropBody function allows you to determine the current 'body' setting of
a proportional gadget. HPropBody will return a number from O up to, but not
including, l, reflecting the gadgets current horizontal body setting.
VPropPot (GadgetList#,ld)
The VPropPot function allows you to determine the current 'pot' setting of a
proportional gadget.
VPropPot will return a number from O up to, but not including, l, reflecting
the gadgets current vertical pot setting.
VPropBody (GadgetList#,ld)
The VPropBody function allows you to determine the current 'body' setting of
a proportional gadget.
VPropBody will return a number from O up to, but not including, l,
reflecting the gadgets current vertical body setting.
Redraw Window#,id
ReDraw will redisplay the specified gadget in the specified window. This
command is mainly of use when a proportional gadget has been altered using
SetHProp or SetVProp and needs to be redrawn, or when a string gadget has
Page 192
been cleared using ClearString, and, likewise, needs to be redrawn.
Borders [Onl Off]l [Width, Height]
Borders serves 2 purposes. First, Borders may be used to turn on or off the
automatic creation of borders around text and string gadgets. Borders are
created when either a Textgadget or StringGadget command is executed. If
you wish to disable this, Borders Off should be executed before the
appropriate TextGadget or StringGadget command.
Borders may also be used to specify the spacing between a gadget and it's
border, Width referring to the left/right spacing, and Height to the
above/below spacing.
BorderPens Highlight Colour,Shadow Colour
BorderPens allows you to control the colours used when gadget borders are
created. Gadget borders may be created by the TextGadget, StringGadget and
GadgetBorder commands.
HighLight Colour refers to the colour of the top and left edges of the
border, while Shadow Colour refers to the right and bottom edges.
The default value for HighLight Colour is l. The default value for Shadow
Colour is 2.
Gadget Bo rde r X, Y, Width, Heigh t
The GadgetBorder command may be used to draw a rectangular border into the
currently used window.
Proportional gadgets and shape gadgets do not have borders automatically
created tor them. The GadgetBorder command may be used, once a window is
opened, to render borders around these gadgets.
X,Y, Width and Height refer to the position of the gadget a border is
required around. GadgetBorder will automatically insert sapces between the
gadget and the border. The Borders command may be used to alter the amount
of spacing. Of course, GadgetBorder may be used to draw a border around any
arbitary area, regardless of whether or not that area contains a gadget.
GadgetStatus (GadgetList#,ld)
GadgetStatus may be used to determine the status of the specified gadget. In
the case of toggle' type gadget, GadgetStatus will return true (-l) if the
gadget is currently on, or false (O) if the gadget is currently off.
In the case of a cycling text gadget, GadgetStatus will return a value of l
or greater representing the currently displayed text within the gadget.
Buttonid (GadgetList#,ButtonGroup)
ButtonId may be used to determine which gadget within a group of button
type gadgets is currently selected. The value returned will be the GadgetId
of the button gadget currently selected.
Page 193
Enable GadgetList#,ld
A gadget when disabled is covered by a "mesh" and can not be accessed by the
user. The commands Enable and Disable allow the programmer to access this
feature of Intuition.
Disable GadgetList#,ld
A gadget when disabled is covered by a "mesh" and can not be accessed by the
user. The commands Enable and Disable allow the programmer to access this
feature of Intuition.
Toggle GadgetList#,ld [,On| Off]
The Toggle command in the gadget library has been extended so it will
actually toggle a gadgets status if the On| Off parameter is missing.
Page 194
Blitz supports many commands for the creation and use of Intuition menus.
Menus are created through the use of MenuList objects. Each menulist
contains an entire set of menu titles, menu items and possibly sub menu
Menulists are attached to windows through the SetMenu command.
Each window may use a separate menulist, allowing you to attach relevant
menus to different windows.
MenuTitle Menulist#,Menu,Title$
MenuTitle is used to add a menu title to a menulist. Menu titles appear when
the right mouse button is held down, and usually have menuitems attached to
Menu specifies which menu the title should be used for. Higher numbered
menus appear further to the right along the menu bar, with O being the
leftmost menu. Menutitles should be added in left to right order, with menu
O being the first created, then I and so on...
Title$ is the actual text you want to appear when the right mouse button is
Menultem MenuList#, Flags, Menu,ltem,ltemtext$[, Shortcut$]
Menultem is used to create a text menu item. Menu items appear vertically
below menu titles when the mouse is moved over a menu title with the right
mouse button held down.
Flags affects the operation of the menu item. A value of O creates a stand
'seleect' menu item.
A value of I creates a 'toggle' menu item. Toggle menu items are used for
'on/off' type options. When a toggle menu item is selected, it will change
state between on and off. An 'on' toggle item is identified by a 'tick' or
check mark.
A value of 2 creates a special type of toggle menu item. Any menu items
which appear under the same menu with a Flags setting of 2 are said to be
mutually exclusive. This means that only I of them may begin the 'on' state
at one time. If a menu item of this nature is toggled into the 'on' state,
any other mutually exclusive menu items which may have previously been 'on'
will be automatically turned 'off'.
Flags values of 3 and 4 correspond to values I and 2, only the item will
initially appear in the 'on' state.
Menu specifies the menu title under which the menu item should appear.
Item specifies the menu item number this menu item should be referenced as.
Higher numbered items appear further down a menu item list, with O being the
topmost item. Menu items should be added in 'top down' order, with menu
item O being the first item created.
Itemtext$ is the actual text for the menu item.
An optional Shortcut$ string allows you to select a one character 'keyboard
Page 195
shortcut' for the menu item.
Shapeltem MenuList#, Flags,Menu, Item, Shape#
ShapeItem is used to create a graphical menu item.
Shape# refers to a previously initialized shape object to be used as the
menu item's graphics. All other parameters are identical to those for
Subitem Men uList#, Flags, Menu, ltem, Subitem, Subitem text$t Shortcut$]
All menu items may have an optional list of sub menu items attached to them.
To attach a sub menu item to a menu item, you use the SubItem command.
Item specifies the menu item to attach the sub item to.
Subitem refers to the number of the sub menu item to attach. Higher numbered
sub items appear further down a sub item list, with 0 being the topmost sub
item. Sub items should be added in 'top down' order, with sub item 0 being
created first.
. Subitemtext$ specifies the actual text for the sub item. As with menu
items, sub items may have an optional keyboard shortcut character,
specified using the Shortcut$ parameter.
All other parameters are identical to the MenuItem command.
ShapeSub MenuList#,Flags,Menu,ltem,Subitem,Shape#
ShapeSub allows you to create a graphic sub menu item. Shape# specifies a
previously created shape object to be used as the sub item's graphics.
All other parameters are identical to those in SubItem.
SetMenu MenuList#
SetMenu is used to attach a menulist to the currently used window. Each
window may have only one menulist attached to it.
MenuGap X Gap, Y Gap
Executing MenuGap before creating any menu titles, items or sub items,
allows you to control the layout of the menu.
X Gap refers to an amount, specified in pixles, to be inserted to the left
and right of all menu items and sub menu items. Y Gap refers to an amount,
again in pixels, to be inserted above and below all menu items and sub menu
SubitemOff X Offset, Y Offset
SubItemOff allows you to control the relative position of the top of a list
of sub menu items, in relation to their associated menu item.
Whenver a menu item is created which is to have sub menu items, it's a good
idea to append the name of the menu item with the '>>' character. This may
be done using Chr$(187). This gives the user a visual indication that more
options are available. To position the sub menu items correctly so that they
appear after the '>>' character, SubItemOff should be used.
Page 196
MenuState MenuList#t Menu[, Item[, Subitem]]], Onl Off
The MenuState command allows you to turn menus, or sections of menus, on
or off.
MenuState with just the MenuList# parameter may be used to turn an entire
menu list on or off.
MenuState with MenuList# and Menu parameters may be used to turn a menu
on or off.
Similarly, menu items and sub items may be turned on or off by specifying
the appropriate parameters.
MenuColour Colour
MenuColour allows you to determine what colour any menu item or sub item
text is rendered in. MenuColour should be executed before the approprate
menu item commands.
Men uChecked (MenuList#, Menu,ltem[, Subitemp
The MenuChecked function allows you to tell whether or not a 'toggle' type
menu item or menu sub item is currently 'checked' or ton'. If the specified
menu item or sub item is in fact checked, MenuChecked will return 'true' (-
l). If not, MenuChecked will return 'false' (O).
Page 197
GadTools are a new system of Gadgets added to the Amiga's operating system
in version 2.0. They are Improved in both looks and performance over the
older standard Gadgets.
In order for certain GadTools gadgets to tunction correctly the first thing
to make sure is that the Window has the correct IDCMP flags set:
#MOUSEMOVE=$10 ;needed when user drags a slider #INTUITICKS=$400000 ;needed
when user holds down an arrow AddIDCMP#MOWSEMOVE+#INTUITICKS
To add GadTools Gadgets to the window simply create a list from the commands
listed below and use the AttachGTList command to add them to the window.
For most GTGadgets your program should only act on a #GadgetUp message. The
GadgetHit function will return the ID of the gadget the user has just hit
and the EventCode function will contain it's new value.
Use GTGetString and GTGetInteger functions to read the contents of the
GadTools string gadgets after a #GadgetUp message.
GTadgetFlag Value
#_LEFT = I ;position of text label
#_RIGHT = 2
#_ABOVE = 4
#_BELOW = 8
#_IN = $10
#_Highlight = $20 ;gadget is highlighted initially
#_Disable = ,$40 ;gadget is disabled initially
#_Immediate = $X0 ;report GadgetDown flag
# BoolValue = $100 ;gadget is on initially
#_Scaled = $200 ;scale arrowsize on scroller gadget
# Vertical = $400 ;make GTPropGadget vertical
GTButton GTList#, id,x,y, w,h, Text$, flags
Same as Blitz's TextGadget but with the added flexibility of placing the
label Text$ above, below to the left or right of the button (see flags).
GTCheckBox GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$,flags
A box with a check mark that toggles on and off, best used for options that
are either enabled or disabled.
GTCycle GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$,flags, Options$
Used for offering the user a range of options, the options string should be
a list
Page 198
of options separated by the l character ea. "HIRES l LORES l SUPER HIRES "
GTlnteger GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$,flags,default
A string gadget that allows only numbers to be entered by the user.See
GTSetInteger and GTGetInteger for information about accessing the contents
of a GTInteger gadget.
GTListView GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$,f/ags,/istO
The ListView gadget enables the user to scroll through a list of options.
These options must be contained in a string field of a Blitz linked list.
Currently this string field must be the second field, the first being a
word type. *See the GTChangeList command for more details.
GTMX GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$,f/ags, Options$
GTMX is an exclusive selection gadget, the Options$ is the same as GTCycle
in format, GadTools then displays all the options in a vertical list each
with a hi-light beside them.
GTNumber GTList#,id,x,y, w, h, Text$, f/ags, va/ue
This is a readonly gadget (user cannot interact with it) used to display
numbers. See GTSetInteger to update the contents of this read only "display"
GTPalette GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$, f/ags, depth
Creates a number of coloured boxes relating to a colour palette,
GTSc roller GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$, f/ags, Visib/e, Tota/
A prop type gadget tor the user to control an amount or level, is
accompanied by a set of arrow gadgets
GTSlider GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$,f/ags,Min,Max
Same as Scroller but for controlling the position of the display inside a
larger view.
GTString GTList#,id,x,y,w,h,Text$,flags,MaxChars
A standard string type gadget. See GTSetString and GTGetString for
accessing the contents of a GTString gadget.
GTText GTList#,id,x,y, w,h, Text$,f/ags,Disp/ay$
A read only gadget (see GTNumber) for displaying text messages. See
GTSetString for updating the contents of this read only "display" gadget.
GTShape GTList#, id,x,y, f/ags,Shape#[, Shape#] Similar to the Blitz
ShapeGadget allowing IFF graphics that are loaded into
Page 199
Blitz shape objects to be used as gadgets in a window.
AttachGTList GTList#, Window#
The AttachGTList command is used to attach a set of GadTools gadgets to a
Window after it has been opened.
GTTags Tag, Value 1,Tag, Value...]
The GTTags command can be used prior to initialisation of any of the 12
gadtools gadgets to preset any relevant Tag fields. The following are some
useful Tags that can be used with GTTags:
#GTCB Checked=#tag+4 ; State of checkbox
#GTLV_Top=#tag+5 ; Top visible item in listview
#GTLV_ReadOnly=#tag+7 ; Set TRUE if lisiview is ReadOnly
#GTMX_Active=#tag+ 10 ; Active one in mx gadget
#GTTX_Text=#tag+l ] ; Text to display
#GTNM_Number=#tag+ 13 ; Number to display
#GTCY_Active=#tag+ 15 ; The active one in the cycle gad
#GTPA_Color=#tag+ 17 ; Palette color
#GTPA ColorOffset=#tag+ 18 ; First color to use in palette
#GTSC_Top=#tag+21 ; Top visible in scroller
#GTSC_Total=#tag+22 ; Total in scroller area
#GTSC_Visible=#tag+23 ; Number visible in scroller
#GTSL_Level=#tag+40 ; Slider level
#GTSL_MaxLevelLen=#tag+41 ; Max length of printed level
#GTSL_LevelFormat=#tag+42 ;* Format string for level
#GTSL_LevelPlace=#tag+43 ;* Where level should be placed
#GTLV_Selected=#tag+54 ; Set ordinal number of selected
#GTMX_Spaci ng=#tag+61 ;* Added to font height
All of the above except for those marked * can be set after initialisation
of the Gadget using the GTSetAttrs command.
The following is an example of creating a slider gadget with a numeric
f$="%21d " GTTags #GTSLLevelFormat,&f$,#GTSLMaxLevelLen,4 GTSlider
GTGadPtr (GTList#,id)
GTGadPtr returns the actual location of the specified GadTools gadget in
GTBevelBox GTList#,x,y,w,h,flags
GTBevelBox is the GadTools library equivalent of the Borders command and
can be used to render frames and boxes in the currently used Window.
Page 200
GTChangeList GTList#,id [,List() ]
GTChangeList must be used whenever a List attached to a GTListView needs to
be modified. Call GTChangeList without the List() parameter to free the
List, modify it then reattach it with another call to GTChangeList this time
using the List() parameter.
GTSetAttrs GTList#,id [, Tag, Value...]
GTSetAttrs can be used to modify the status of certain GadTools gadgets with
the relevant Tags. See GTTags for more information.
GTSetString GTList#,id,string$
Used with both GTString and GTText gadgets, GTSetString will not only
update the contents of the gadget but redraw it also.
GTSetinteger GTList#,id,value
Used with both GTInteger and GTNumber gadgets, GTSetInteger will not only
update the contents of the gadget but redraw it also.
GTGetString GTList#,id
Used to read the contents from a GTString gadget.
GTGetinteger GTList#,id
Used to read the contents from a GTlnteger gadget.
GTGetAttrs (GTList#,id, Tag)
A 3.0 specific command. See C= documentation for more information.
GTEnable GTList#,ld
Allows GTGadgets to be enabled and disabled.
GTDisable GTList#,ld
Allows GTGadgets to be enabled and disabled.
GTToggle GTList#,ld[,Onl Off]
GTToggle allows the programmer to set Boolean gadgets such as GTButton and
GTCheckbox to a desired state.
GTStatus (GTList#,ld)
GTStatus returns the status of the gadtools toggle gadgets, a value of ]
means the the gadget is selected, O deselected.
Page 201
The ASL Library features several friendly requesters that programs can use
on machines equipped with WorkBench 2.0 and above.
ASLFileRequest$ (Title$,Pathname$,Filename$ tPattern$] [,x,y, w,h] )
The ASL File Requester is nice. Except tor the highlight bar being
invisible on directories you get to use keyboard for everything, stick in a
pattern$ to hide certain files and of course you get what ever size you
want. I made it call the Blitz file requester if the program is running
under 1.3 (isn't that nice!). There is a fix that patches the ReqTools file
requester but that doesn't have the date field.
I couldn't get the Save-Only tag or the "Create Directory" option working
maybe next upgrade.
ASLPathRequest$ (Title$,Pathname$ [,x,y, w,h] )
Same as ASLFileRequest$ except will just prompt the user for a path name
(directory) rather than an actual file.
ASLFontRequest (enable flags)
The ASL Font Requester is also pretty useful. The flags parameter enables
the user to modify the following options:
#pen=1 :#bckgrnd=2:#style=4:#drawmode=8:#fixsize=16
It doesn't seem to handle colour fonts, no keyboard shortcuts so perhaps
patching ReqTools is an option for this one. The following code illustrates
how a .fontinfo structure is created by a call to ASLFontRequest (just like
programming in a high level language man!).
ASLScreenRequest (enable flags)
Those who are just getting to grips with 2.0 and above will find this
command makes your programs look really good, however I haven't got time to
explain the difficulties of developing programs that work in all screen
resolutions (what are ya?).
NEWTYPE .fontinfo
FindScreen O
If *f
NPrint *f\name
NPrint *f\ysize
NPrint *f\penl
NPrint *f\pen2
NPrint 8f\drawmode
NPrint "cancelled"
Page 202
ARexx allows communication between different Amiga applications allowing for
some extensive and powerful control over applications by the programmer.
CreateMsgPort ("Name")
CreateMsgPort is a general Function and not specific to ARexx.
CreateMsgPort opens an intuition PUBLIC message port of the name supplied
as the only argument. If all is well the address of the port created will be
returned to you as a LONGWORD so the variable that you assign it to should
be of type long.
If you do not supply a name then a private MsgPort will be opened for you.
Port. I =CreateMsgPort( " PortName" )
It is important that you check you actually succeeded in opening a port in
your program. The following code or something similar will suffice.
Port. I=CreateMsgPort( "Name" ) IF Port=0 THEN Error_Routine{ }
The name you give your port will be the name that Arexx looks for as the
HOST address,(and is case sensitive) so take this into consideration when
DeleteMsgPort() is used to remove the port later but this is not entirely
necessary as Blitz will clean up for you on exit if need be.
DeleteMsgPort (Port)
DeleteMsgPort deletes a MessagePort previously allocated with
CreateMsgPort(). The only argument taken by DeleteMsgPort is the address
returned by CreateMsgPort(). If the Port was a public port then it will be
removed from the public port list.
Port. l=CreateMsgPort( "Name") IF Port=0 Then End DeleteMsgPort Port
Error checking is not critical as if this fails we have SERIOUS PROBLEMS.
CreateRexxMsg (ReplyPort,"exten' "HOST")
CreateRexxMsg() allocates a special Message structure used to communicate
with Arexx. If all is successful it returns the LONGWORD address of this
rexxmsg structure.
The arguments are ReplyPort which is the long address returned by
CreateMsgPort(). This is the Port that ARexx will reply to after it has
finished with the message.
Page 203
EXTEN which is the exten name used by any ARexx script you are wishing to
run. i.e. if you are attempting to run the ARexx script test.rexx you would
use an EXTEN of "rexx".
HOST is the name string of the HOST port. Your program is usually the HOST
and so this equates to the name you gave your port in CreateMsgPort().
As we are allocating resources error checking is important and can be
achieved with the following code:
msg.l=CreateRexxMsg(Port, "rexx","HostName" ) IF msg=0 THEN Error_Routine{ }
DeleteRexxMag rexxmsg
DeleteRexxMsg simply deletes a RexxMsg Structure previously allocated by
CreateRexxMsg(). It takes a single argument which is the long address of a
RexxMsg structure such as returned by CreateRexxMsg().
msg.l=CreateRexxMsg(Port, "rexx ","HostName") IF msg=0 THEN Error Routine( }
DeleteRexxMsg msg
Again if you neglect to delete the RexxMsg structure Blitz will do this for
you on exit of the program.
ClearRexxMsg Arexxmsg
ClearRexxMsg is used to delete and clear an ArgString from one or more of
the Argument slots in a RexxMsg Structure. This is most useful for the more
advanced programmer wishing to take advantage of the Arexx #RXFUNC
The arguments are a LONGWORD address of a RexxMsg structure. ClearRexxMsg
will always work from slot number I forward to 16.
FillRexxMsg ( rexxmsg,&FillStruct)
FillRexxMsg allows you to fill all 16 ARGSlots if necessary with either
ArgStrings or numerical values depending on your requirement. FillRexxMsg
will only be used by those programmers wishing to do more advanced things
with Arexx, including adding libraries to the ARexx library list, adding
Hosts,Value Tokens etc. It is also needed to access Arexx using the #RXFUNC
flag. The arguments are a LONG Pointer to a rexxmsg. The LONG address of a
FillStruct NEWTYPE structure. This structure is defined in the Arexx.res
and has the following form.
NEWTYPE .FillStruct
Flags.w ;Flag block
ArgsO.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Argsl.l ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args2.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args3.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args4.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args5.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args6.1 , argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args7.1 , argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args8.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Page 204
Args9.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Argsl O.l ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Argsl 1.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Argsl2.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Argsl3.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Argsl4.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
Args 1 5.1 ; argument block (ARG0-ARG15)
EndMark.l ; End of the FillStruct
The Args?.l are the 16 slots that can possibly be filled ready for
converting into the RexxMsg structure. The Flags.w is a WORD value
representing the type of LONG word you are supplying for each ARGSLOT
Each bit in the Flags WORD is representative of a single Args?.l, where a
set bit represents a numerical value to be passed and a clear bit
represents a string argument to be converted into a ArgString before
installing in the RexxMsg. The Flags Value is easiest to supply as a binary
number to make the bits visible and would look like this.
%0000000000000000 ;represents that all Arguments are Strings.
%0110000000000000 ;represent second&third as being integers.
FillRexxMsg expects to find the address of any strings in the Args?.l slots
so it is important to remember when filling a FillStruct that you must pass
the string address and not the name of the string. This is acomplished
using the '&' address of operand.
So to use FillRexxMsg we must do the following things in our program:
1. Allocate a FillStruct 2. Set the flags in the FillStruct\Flags.w
3. Fill the FillStruct with either integer values or the addresses of our
string arguments.
4. Call FillRexxMsg with the LONG address of our rexxmsg and the LONG
address of our FillStruct.
To accomplish this takes the following code:
;Allocate our FillStruct (called F)
DEFTYPE.FillStruct F
;assign some string arguments
T$="open " :T1$="-0123456789"
;Fill in our FillStruct with flags and (&) addresses of our strings
F\Flags= %001 0000000000000,&T$,&T I $,4
;Third argument here is an integer (4).
Port.l=CreateMsgPort( "host")
FillRexxMsg msg,&F
;<-3 ergs see #RXFUNC
SendRexxCommand msg,"",#RXFUNCI #RXFF RESULTI 3
Page 205
CreateArgString ("this is a string")
CreateArgString() builds an ARexx compatible ArgString structure around the
provided string. All strings sent to, or received from Arexx are in the
form of ArgStrings. See the TYPE RexxARG.
If all is well the return will be a LONG address of the ArgString
structure. The pointer will actually point to the NULL terminated String
with the remainder of the structure available at negative offsets.
DeleteArgString ArgString
DeleteArgString is designed to Delete ArgStrings allocated by either Blitz
or ARexx in a system friendly way. It takes only one argument the LONGWORD
address of an ArgString as returned by CreateArgString().
SendRexxCom mend rexxmsg, "commands/ring ",#RXCOMMI #RXFF RESUL T
SendRexxCommand is designed to fill and send a RexxMsg structure to ARexx
inorder to get ARexx to do something on your behalf. The arguments are as
rexxmsg: the LONGWORD address of a RexxMsg structure as returned by
commands/ring: the command string you wish to send to ARexx. This is a
string as in "this is a string" and will vary depending on what you wish to
do with ARexx. Normally this will be the name of an ARexx script file you
wish to execute. ARexx will then look for the script by the name as well as
the name with the exten added.(this is the exten you used when you created
the RexxMsg structure using CreateRexxMsg()). This could also be a string
file. That is a complete ARexx script in a single line.
ActionCodes: the flag values you use to tell ARexx what you want it to do
with the commandstring you have supplied.
The command codes that are currently implemented in the resident process are
described below. Commands are listed by their mnemonic codes,followed by
the valid modifier flags. The final code value is always the logical OR of
the code value and all of the modifier flags selected. The command code is
installed in the rm_Action field of the message packet.
This code specifies an entry to be added to the Clip List. Parameter slot
ARGO points to the name string,slot ARGI points to the value string,and slot
ARG2 contains the length of the value string.
The name and value arguments do not need to be argstrings,but can be just
pointers to storage areas. The name should be a null-terminated string,but
the value can contain arbitrary data including nulls.
Page 206
This action code specifies a function host to be added to the Library List.
Parameter slot ARGO points to the (null-terminated) host name string,and
slot ARG I holds the search priority for the node. The search priority
should be an integer between 100 and -100 inclusive;the remaining priority
ranges are reserved for future extensions. If a node already exists with
the same name,the packet is returned with a warning level error code.
Note that no test is made at this time as to whether the host port exists.
This code specifies an entry to be added to the Library List. Parameter slot
ARGO points to a null-terminated name string referring either to a function
library or a function host. Slot ARG I is the priority for the node and
should be an integer between 100 and -100 inclusive;the remaining priority
ranges are reserved for future extensions. Slot ARG2 contains the entry
Point offset and slot ARG3 is the library version number. If a node already
exists with the same name,the packet is returned with a warning level error
code. Otherwise,a new entry is added and the library or host becomes
available to ARexx programs. Note that no test is made at this time as to
whether the library exists and can be opened
Specifies a command-mode invocation of an ARexx program. Parameter slot
ARGO must contain an argstring Pointer to the command string. The RXFB
TOKEN flag specifies that the command line is to be tokenized before being
passed to the invoked program. The RXFB_STRING flag bit indicates that the
command string is a "string file." Command invocations do not normally
return result strings,but the RXFB_RESULT flag can be set if the caller is
prepared to handle the cleanup associated with a returned string. The
RXFB_NOIO modifier suppresses the inheritance of the host's input and
output streams.
This command code specifies a function invoction. Parameter slot ARGO
contains a pointer to the function name string,and slots ARGI through ARG15
point to the argument strings,all of which must be passed as argstrings. The
lower byte of the command code is the argument count;this count excludes the
function name string itself. Function calls normally set the RXFB_RESULT
flag,but this is not mandatory. The RXFB_STRING modifier indicates that the
function name string is actually a "string file". The RXFB_NOIO modifier
suppresses the inheritance of the host's input and output streams.
RXREMCON: This code requests that an entry be removed from the Clip List.
Parameter slot ARGO points to the null-terminated name to be removed. The
Clip List is searched for a node matching the supplied name,and if a match
is tound the list node is removed and recycled. If no match is found the
packet is returned with a warning error code.
RXREMLIB: This command removes a Library List entry. Parameter slot ARGO
points to the null terminated string specifying the library to be removed.
The Library List is searched for a node matching the library name,and if a
match is found the node is removed and released. If no match is found the
packet is returned with a warning error code. The libary node will
Page 207
not be removed if the library is currently being used by an ARexx program.
This code requests that the global tracing console be closed. The console
window will be closed immediately unless one or more ARexx programs are
waiting for input from the console. In this event,the window will be closed
as soon as the active programs are no longer using it.
This command requests that the global tracing console be opened. Once the
console is open,all active ARexx programs will divert their tracing output
to the console. Tracing input(for interactive debugging)will also be
diverted to the new console. Only one console can be opened;subsequent
RXTCOPN requests will be returned with a warning error message.
Command codes may include modifier flags to select various processing
options. Modifier flags are specific to certain commands,and are ignored
This modifier is used with the RXCOMM and RXFUNC command codes to suppress
the automatic inheritance of the host's input and output streams.
Specifies that the message packet is to be recycled by the resident process
rather than being returned to the sender. This implies that the sender
doesn't care about whether the requested action succeeded,since the
returned packet provides the only means of acknowledgement. (RXFF_NONRET
This modifer is valid with the RXCOMM and RXFUNC commands,and requests that
the called program return a result string. If the program EXITs(or
RETURNs)with an expression,the expression result is returned to the caller
as an argstring. This ArgString then becomes the callers responsibility to
release. This is automatically accomplished by using GetResultString(). It
is therefore imperitive that if you use RXFF_RESULT then you must use
GetResultString() when the message packet is returned to you or you will
incure a memory loss equal to the size of the ArgString Structure.
This modifer is valid with the RXCOMM and RXFUNC command codes. It
indicates that the command or function argument(in slot ARGO)is a "string
file" rather than a file name.
This flag is used with the RXCOMM code to request that the command string
be completely tokenized before being passed to the invoked program.
Programs invoked as commands normally have only a single argument string.
The tokenization process uses "white space" to separate the tokens,except
within quoted strings. Quoted strings can use either single or double
quotes,and the end of the command string(a null character) is considered as
an implicit closing quote
ReplyRexxMsg ReplyRexxMsg rexxmsg, Resultl, Result2, "ResultString "
When ARexx sends you a RexxMsg (Other than a reply to yours i.e. sending
yours back to you with results) you must repl to the message before ARexx
will continue or free that memory associated with that RexxMsg.
ReplyRexxMsg accomplishes this for you. ReplyRexxMsg also will only reply
to message that requires a reply so you do not have to include message
checking routines in your source simply call ReplyRexxMsg on every message
you receive wether it is a command or not.
The arguments are:
rexxmsg is the LONGWORD address of the RexxMsg Arexx sent you as returned
by GetMsg_(Port).
Result1 is 0 or a severity value if there was an error.
Result2 is 0 or an Arexx error number if there was an error processing the
command that was contained in the message.
ResultString is the result string to be sent back to Arexx. This will only
be sent if Arexx requested one and Resultl and 2 are 0.
ReplyRexxMsg rexxmsg,0,0,"THE RETURNED MESSAGE"
GetRexxResult() Resultl=GetRexxResult(rexxmsg,ResultNum)
GetRexxResult extracts either of the two result numbers from the RexxMsg
structure. Care must be taken with this Function to ascertain wether you are
dealing with error codes or a ResultString address. Basically if result I
is zero then result 2 will either be zero or contain a ArgString pointer to
the ResultString. This should then be obtained using GetResultString().
The arguments to GetRexxResult are;
rexxmsg is the LONGWORD address of a RexxMsg structure returned from ARexx.
ResultNum is either I or 2 depending on wether you wish to check result I or
result 2. GetRexxCommand (rexxmsg,ARGnum)
GetRexxCommand allows you access to all 16 ArgString slots in the given
RexxMsg. Slot I contains the command string sent by ARexx in a command
message so this allows you to extract the Command.
Arguments are:
Page 209
rexxmsg is a LONGWORD address of the RexxMsg structure as returned by
AFGNum is an integer from I to 16 specifying the ArgString Slot you wish to
get an ArgString from.
GetResultString (rexxmag)
GetResultString allows you to extract the result string returned to you by
ARexx after it has completed the action you requested. ARexx will only send
back a result string if you asked for one (using the ActionCodes) and the
requested action was successful.
Wait halts all program execution until an event occurs that the program is
interested in. Any intuition event such as clicking on a gadget in a window
will start program execution again.
A message arriving at a MsgPort will also start program execution again. So
you may use Wait to wait for input from any source including messages from
ARexx to your program.
Wait should always be paired with EVENT if you need to consider intuition
events in your event handler loop.
RexxEvent (Port)
RexxEvent is our Arexx Equivalent of EVENT(). It's purpose is to check the
given Port to see if there is a message waiting there for us.
It should be called atter a WAIT and will either return a NULL to us if
there was no message or the LONG address of a RexxMsg Structure if there
was a message waiting.
Multiple Arexx MsgPorts can be handled using separate calls to RexxEvent():
Wait:Rmsg I .I=RexxEvent(Port I ):Rmsg2.1=RexxEvent(Port2):etc
RexxEvent also takes care of automatically clearing the rexxmsg if it is our
message being returned to us.
The argument is the LONG address of a MsgPort as returned by
IsRexxMsg (rexxmsg)
IsRexxMsg tests the argument (a LONGWORD pointer hopefully to a message
packet) to see if it is a RexxMsg Packet. If it is TRUE is returned (1) or
FALSE if it is not (0).
As the test is non destructive and extensive passing a NULL value or a
LONGWORD that does not point to a Message structure (Intuition or Arexx)
will safely return as FALSE.
RexxError() ErrorString$=RexxError(ErrorCode)
RexxError converts a numerical error code such as you would get from
GetRexxResult(msg,2) into an understandable string error message. If the
ErrorCode is not known to ARexx a string stating so is returned this ensures
that this function will always succeed.
Page 210
The Blitz BRexx commands allow you to take control of certain aspects of
Intuition. Through BRexx, your programs can 'fool' Intuition into thinking
that the mouse has been played with, or the keyboard has been used. This is
ideal for giving your programs the ability to perform 'macros' - where one
keystroke can set off a chain of pre-defined events.
The BRexx commands support tape objects. These are predefined sequences of
events which may be played back at any time. The convenient Record command
can be used to easily create tapes. Using the MacroKey command, tapes may
also be attached to any keystroke to be played back instantly at the push
of a button!
Please note that none of the BRexx commands are available in Blitz mode.
AbsMouse X,Y
AbsMouse allows you to position the mouse pointer at an absolute display
location. The X parameter specifies how far across the display the pointer
is to be positioned, while the Y parameter specifies how far down the
display. X must be in the range zero through 639. Y must be in the range
zero through 399 for NTSC machines, or zero through 511 for PAL machines.
RelMouse X Offset, Y Offset
RelMouse allows you to move the mouse pointer a relative distance from it's
current location. Positive offset parameters will move the pointer
rightwards and downwards, while negative offset parameters will move the
pointer leftwards and upwards.
MouseButton Button,Onl Off
MouseButton allows you to alter the status of the Amiga's left or right
mouse buttons. Button should be set to zero to alter the left mouse button,
or one to alter the right mouse button. On/Off refers to whether the mouse
button should be pressed (On) or released (Off).
ClickButton Button
ClickButton is identical to executing two MouseButton commands - one for
pressing the mouse button down, and one for releasing it. This can be used
for such things as gadget selection.
Type String$
Type causes Intution to behave exactly as if a certain series of keyboard
characters had been entered. These are normally sent to the currently active
Page 211
Record [Tape#]
Record allows you to create a tape object. Tape objects are sequences of
mouse and/or keyboard events which may be played back at any time.
When a tape# parameter is supplied to the Record command, recording will
begin. From that point on, all mouse and keyboard activity will be recorded
onto the specified tape.
The Record command with no parameters will cause any recording to finish.
PlayBack [Tape#]
PlayBack begins playback of a previously created tape object. When a Tape#
parameter is supplied, playback of the specified tape will commence. If no
parameter is supplied, any tape which may be in the process of being played
back will finish.
auickplay Onl Off
QuickPlay will alter the way tapes are played using the PlayBack command. If
QuickPlay is enabled by use of an On parameter, then all PlayBack commands
will cause tapes to be played with no delays between actions. This means any
pauses which may be present in a tape (for instance, delays between mouse
movements) will be ignored when it is played back. QuickPlay Off will return
PlayBack to it's default mode of including all tape pauses. This is
sometimes necessary when playing back tapes which must at some point wait
for disk access to finish before continuing.
PlayWait may be used to halt program flow until a PlayBack of a tape has
XStatus returns a value depending upon the current state of the BRexx
system. Possible return values and their meanings are as follows:
0 BRexx is currently inactive. No tapes are either being recorded or
played back.
l BRexx is currently in the process of recording a tape.
This may be due to either the Record or TapeTrap commands.
2 BRexx is currently playing a tape back.
SaveTape Tape#,Filename$
SaveTape allows you to save a previously created tape object out to disk.
This tape may later be reloaded using LoadTape.
LoadTape Tape#,Filename$
LoadTape allows you to load a tape object previously saved with SaveTape for
use with the PlayBack command.
Page 212
TapeTrap [Tape#]
TapeTrap allows you to record a sequence of AbsMouse, RelMouse, MouseButton
and ClickButton events to a tape object.
TapeTrap works similarly to Record, in that both commands are used to create
a tape. However, whereas Record receives information from the actual mouse
and keyboard, TapeTrap receives information from any AbsMouse, RelMouse,
MouseButton and ClickButton commands which may be executed. TapeTrap with
no parameter wil1 finish tape creation.
QuietTrap Onl Off
QuietTrap determines the way in which any TapeTrapping will be executed.
QuietTrap On will cause any AbsMouse, RelMouse, MouseButton and ClickButton
commands to be recorded to tape, but not to actually have any effect on the
porgram currently running.
QuietTrap Off will cause any AbsMouse, RelMouse, MouseButton and
ClickButton commands to be recorded to tape, AND to cause their usual
effects. QuietTrap Off is the default mode.
MacroKey Tape#,Rawkey,Qualifier
MacroKey causes a previously defined tape object to be attached to a
particular keyboard key. RawKey and Qualifier define the key the tape should
be attached to.
FreeMacroKey Rawkey, Qualifier
FreeMacroKey causes a previously defined macro key to be removed so that a
BRexx tape is no longer attatched to it.
Page 213
The following are a set of commands to drive both the single RS232 serial
port on an Amiga as well as supporting multiserial port cards such as the
A2232 card. The unit# in the following commands should be set to 0 for the
standard RS232 port, unit I refers to the default serial port set by the
advanced serial preferences program and unit 2 refer to any extra serial
ports available.
OpenSerial device$,unit#,baud,io_serfiags
OpenSerial is used to configure a Serial Port for use. As with OpenFile,
OpenSerial is a function and returns zero if it fails. If it succeeds
advanced users may note the return result is the location of the IOExtSer
structure. The device$ should be "serial.device" or compatible device
driver. The baud rate should be in the range of 110-292,000. The
io_serflags parameter can include the following flags:
#serf_xdisabled= 128 ;disable xon/xoff
#serf eofmode=64 ;enable eof checking
#serf_shared=32 ;set if you don't need exclusive use of port
#serf rad_boogie= 16 ;high speed mode
#serf_queuedbrk=8 ;if set a break command waits for buffer empty
#serf_7wire=4 ;if set use 7 wire RS232
#serf_parity_odd=2 ;select odd parity (even if not set)
#serf_parity_on= I ;enable parity checking
WriteSerial unit#,byte
WriteSerial sends one byte to the serial port. Unit# defines which serial
port is used. If you are sending characters use the Asc() function to
convert the character to a byte e.g. WriteSerial 0,asc("b").
WriteSerialString unit#,string
WriteSerialString is similar to WriteSerial but sends a complete string to
the serial port.
ReadSerial (unit#J
ReadSerial returns the next byte waiting in the serial port's read buffer.
If the buffer is empty it returns a -1. It is best to use a word type
(var.w=ReadSerial(0)) as a byte will not be able to differentiate between -1
and 255.
ReadSerialString (unit#)
ReadSerialString puts the serial port's read buffer into a string, if the
buffer is empty the function will return a null string (length=0).
Page 214
CloseSerial unit#
The CloseSerial command will close the port, enabling other programs to use
it. Note: Blitz will automatically close all ports that are opened when a
program ends.
SetSerialBuffer unit#,bufferlength
SetSerialBuffer changes the size of the ports read buffer. This may be
useful if your program is not always handling serial port data or is
receiving and processing large chunks of data. The smallest size for the
internal serial port (unit#0) is 64 bytes. The bufferlength variable is in
SetSerialLens unit#, readlen, writelen,stopOits
SetSerialLens allows you to change the size of characters read and written
by the serial device. Generally readlen=writelen and should be set to
either 7 or 8, stopbits should be set to I or 2. Default values are 8,8,1.
SetSerialParams unit#
For advanced users, SetSerialParams tells the serial port when parameters
are changed This would only be necesary if they were changed by poking
offsets from IOExtSer which is returned by the OpenSerial command.
SerialEvent (unit#)
SerialEvent is used when your program is handling events from more than I
source, Windows, ARexx etc. This command is currently not implemented
ReadSerialMem Unit#,Address,Length
ReadSerialMem will fill the given memory space with data from the given
serial port.
WriteSerial Mem Unit#,Address, Length
WriteSerialMem sends out the given memory space out the given serial port.
Page 215
The following is a list of all the Blitz 2 compile time errors. Blitz 2
will print these messages when unable to compile a line of your code and
fails. The cursor will be placed on the line with the offending error in
most cases.
Sometimes the cause of the error will not be directly related to where
Blitz 2 ceased compiling. Any reference to an include file or a macro could
mean the error is there and not on the line referenced.
General Syntax Errors
Syntax Error: Check for typing mistakes and check your syntax with the
reference manual.
Garbage at End of Line: A syntax error of sorts. Causes are usually typos
and missing semi colons from the beginning of Remarks. Also a .type suffix
when accessing NewType items will generate this error.
Numeric Over Flow: The signed value is too large to fit in the variable
space provided, if you need bytes to hold 0..255 rather than -128..127 etc
turn off Overflow checking in the runtime errors section of the Options
Bad Data: The values following the Data.type statement are not of the same
type as precedes the Data statement.
Procedure Related Errors
Not Enough Parameters: The command, statement or function needs more
parameters. Use the HELP key for correct number and meaning of parameters
with Blitz][ commands and check Statement and Function definitions in your
Duplicate parameter variable: Parmaters listed in statements and functions
must be unique.
Too many parameters: The statement or function was defined needing less
parameters than supplied by the calling routine.
Yllegal Parameter Type: NewTypes cannot be passed to procedures.
Illegal Procedure return: The statement or function return is syntatically
Illegal End Procedure: The statement or function end is syntatically
Shared outside of Procedure: Shared variables are only applicable to
Page 217
Variable already Shared: Shared variables must be unique in name.
Can't Nest Procedures: Procedures may NOT be defined within procedures, only
from the primary code.
Can't Dim Globals in Procedures: Global arrays may be only defined from the
pumary code.
Can't Goto/Gosub a Procedure: Goto and Gosub must always point to an
existing part of the primary code.
Duplicate Procedure name: A procedure (statement or function) of the same
name has been defined previously in the source.
Procedure not found: The statement or function has not previously been
defined in the source code.
Unterminated Procedure: The End Function or End Statement commands must
terminate a procedure definition.
Illegal Procedure Call: The statement or function call is syntatically
Illegal Local Name: Not a valid variable name.
Constants Related Errors
Can't Assign Constant: Constant values can only be assigned to constants, no
variables please.
Constant not defined: A constant (such as #num) has been used in an
expression without first being defined
Constant already defined: Constants can only be defined once, i.e. cannot
change their value through the code.
Illegal Constant: Same as can't assign constant
Fractions Not allowed in Constants: Blitz 2 constants can only contain
absolute values, they are usually rounded and no error is generated.
Can't Use Constant: Caused by a clash in constant name definitions.
Constant Not Found: The Constant has not been defined previously in the
source code.
Illegal Constant Expression: A constant may only hold whole numbers, either
a decimal place, text or a variable name has been included in the constant
Page 218
Expression Evaluation Errors
Can't Assign Expression: The expression cannot be evaluated or the
evaluation has generated a value that is incompatible with the equate.
No Terminating Quote: Any text assigns should start and end with quotes.
Precedence Stack Overflow: You have attained an unprecedented level of
complexity in your expression and the Blitz 2 evaluation stack has
overflowed. A rare beast indeed!
Illegal Errors
Illegal Trap Vector: The 68000 has only 16 trap vectors.
Illegal Immediate Value: An immediate value must be a constant and must be
in range. See the 68000 appendix for immediate value ranges.
Iligeal Absolute: The Absolute location specified must be defined and in
Illegal Displacement: The Displacement location specified must be defined
and in range.
Illegal Assembler Instruction Size: The Intstruction size is not available,
refer to the 68000 appendix for relevant instruction sizes.
Illegal Assembler Addressing Mode: The addressing mode is not available for
that opcode, refer to the 68000 appendix for relevant addressing modes.
Library Based Errors
Illegal TokeJsr token number: Blitz 2 cannot find the library routine
referred to by the TokeJsr command, usually caused by the library not being
included in DefLibs, not present in the BlitzLibs: directory or the
calculation being wrong (token number = libnumber* 128 + token offset).
Library not Found: 'library number': Blitz2 cannot find the library routine
referred to by a Token, usually caused by the library not being'included in
DeflLibs or the library not present in the BlitzLibs: directories.
Token Not Found: 'token number': When loading source, Blitz 2 replaces any
unfound tokens with ?????, compiling your code with these unknown tokens
present will generate the above error.
Page 219
Include Errors
Already Included: The same source code has already been included previously
in the code.
Can't open Include: Blitz 2 cannot find the include file, check the
Error Reading File: DOS has generated an error during an include.
Program Flow Based Errors
Illegal Else in While Block: See the reference section for the correct use
of the Else command with While..Wend blocks.
Until without Repeat: Repeat..Until is a block directive and both must be
Repeat Block too large: A Repeat..Until block is limited to 32000 bytes in
Repeat without Until: Repeat..Until is a block directive and both must be
If Block too Large: Blitz 2 has a limit of 32K for any blocks of code such
as IF..ENDIF blocks.
If Without End If: The IF statement has two forms, if the THEN statement is
not present then and END IF statment must be present to specify the end of
the block.
Duplicate For...Next Error: The same variable has been used for a For..Next
loop that is nested within another For..Next loop.
Bad Type for For...Next: The For..Next variable must be of numeric type.
Next without For: FOR..NEXT is a block directive and both commands must be
For...Next Block to Long: Blitz 2 restricts all blocks of code to 32K in
For Without Next: FOR..NEXT is a block directive and both commands must be
Page 220
Type Based Errors
Can't Exchange different lopes: The Exchange command can only swap two
variables of the same type.
Can't Exchange NewTypes: The Exchange command can not handle NewTypes at
Type too Big: The unsigned value is too large to fit in the variable space
Mismatched Types: Caused by mixing different types illegaly in an
[ype Mismatch: Same as Mismatched Types.
Can't Compare Types: Some Types are incompatible with operations such as
Can't Convert Types: The two Types are incompatible and one can not be
converted to the other.
Duplicate Offset (Entry) Error: The NewType has two entries of the same
Duplicated Type: A Type already exists with the same name.
End NewType without NewType: The NewType..End NewType is a block directive
and both must be present.
Type Not Found: No Type definition exists for the type referred to.
Illegal Type: Not a legal type for that function or statement.
Offset not Found: The offset has not been defined in the NewType definition.
Element isn't a pointer: The variable used is not a *var type and so cannot
point to another variable.
Illegal Operator for Type: The operator is not suited for the type used.
Too many comma's in Let: The NewType has less entries than the number of
values listed after the Let.
Can't use comma in Let: The variable you are assigning multiple values is
either not a NewType and cannot hold multiple values or the NewType has
only one entry.
Illegal Function Type: A function may not return a NewType.
Page 221
Conditional Compiling Errors
CNIF/CSIF without CEND: CNIF and CSIF are block directives and a CEND must
conclude the block.
CEND without CNIF/CSIF...: CNIF..CEND is a block directive and both
commands must be present.
Resident Based Errors
Clash in Residents: Residents being very unique animals, must not include
the same Macro and Constant definitions.
Can't Load Resident: Blitz 2 cannot find the Resident file listed in the
Options requester. Check the pathname.
Macro Based Errors
Macro Buffer Overflow: The Options requester in the Blitz 2 menu contains a
macro buffer size, increase if this error is ever reported. May also be
caused by a recursive macro call which generates endless code.
Macro already Defined: Another macro with the same name has already been
defined, may have been defined in one of the included resident files as
well as somewhere in the source code.
Can't create Macro inside Macro: Macro definitions must occur in the primary
Macro without End Macro: End Macro must end a Macro definition.
Macro too Big: Macro's are limited to the buffer sizes defined in the
Options requester.
Macros Nested too Deep: Eight levels of macro nesting is available in Blitz
2. Should never happen ! !
Macro not Found: The macro has not been defined previous to the !macroname{
} call.
Array Errors
Illegal Array type: Should never happen.
Array not found: A variable name followed by parenthises has not been
previously defined as an array. Other possible mistakes may be the use of
brackets instead of curly brackets for macro and procedure calls, Blitz 2
thinking instead you are referring to an array name.
Page 222
Array is not a List: A List function has been used on an array that was not
dimensioned as a List Array.
Illegal number of Dimensions: List arrays are limited to single dimensions.
Array already Dim'd: An array may not be re-dimensioned.
Can't Create Variable inside Dim: An undefined variable has been used for a
dimension parameter with the Dim statement.
Array not yet Dim'd: See Array not found.
Array not Dim'd: See Array not found.
Interupt Based Errors
End SetInt without SetInt: Setlnt..End SetInt is a block directive and both
commands must be present.
SetInt without End SetInt: SetInt..End SetInt is a block directive and both
commands must be present.
Can't use SeVClrInt in Local Mode: Error handling can only be defined by the
primary code.
SetErr not allowed in Procedures: Error handling can only be defined by the
primary code.
Can't use SeVClrlat in Local Mode: Error handling can only be defined by the
primary code.
End Setlnt without SetInt: SetInt..End SetInt is a block directive and both
commands must be present.
Setlut without End SetInt: Setlnt..End SetInt is a block directive and both
commands must be present.
Illegally nested Interrupts: Interrupt handlers can obviously not be nested.
Can't nest SetErr: Interrupt handlers can obviously not be nested.
End SetErr without SetErr: SetErr..End SetErr is a block directive and both
must be present.
Illegal Interrupt Number: Amiga interrupts are limited from O to 13. These
interrupts are listed in the Amiga Hardware reference appendix.
Page 223
Label Errors Label reference out of context: Should never happen
Label has been used as a Constant: Labels and constants cannot share the
same name.
Illegal Label Name: Refer to the Programming in Blitz2 chapter for correct
variable nomenclature.
Duplicate Label: A label has been defined twice in the same source code.
May also occur with macros where a label is not preceded by a \@.
Label not Found: The label has not been defined anywhere in the source code.
Can't Access Label: The label has not been defined in the source code.
Direct Mode Errors
Cont Option Disabled: The Enable Continue option in the Runtime errors of
the Options menu has been disabled.
Cont only Available in Direct Mode: Cont can not be called from your code
only from the direct mode window.
Library not Available in Direct Mode: The library is only available from
within your code.
Illegal direct mode command: Direct mode is unable to execute the command
Direct Mode Buffer Overilow: The ( )ptions menu contains sizes of all
buffers, if make smallest code is in effect extra buffer memory will not be
available for direct mode.
Can't Create in Direct Mode: Variables cannot be created using direct mode,
only ones defined by your code are available.
Select... End Select Errors
Select without End Select: Select is a block directive and an End Select
must conclude the block.
End Select without Select: Select..End Select is a block directive and both
must be present.
Default without Select: The Default command is only relevant to the
Select..End Select block directive.
Previous Case Block too Large: A Case section in a Select block is larger
than 32K.
Page 224
Case Without Select: The Case command is only relevant to the Select..End
Select block directive.
Blitz Mode Errors
Only Available in Blitz mode: The command is only available in Blitz mode,
refer to the reference section for Blitz/Amiga valid commands.
Only Available in Amiga mode: The command is only available in Amiga mode,
refer to the reference section for Blitz/Amiga valid commands.
Strange Beast Errors
Optimizer Error! - $': This should never happen. Please report.
Expression too Complex: Should never happen. Contact Mark directly.
Not Supported: Should never happen.
Illegal Token: Should never happen.
Page 225
and DISKFONT amiga libraries. Parameter details for each command are given
in brackets and are also available via the Blitz 2 keyboard help system.
Each call may be treated as either a command or a function. Functions will
always return a long either containing true or false (signifying if the
command was successful or failed) or a value relevant to the routine.
The relative offsets from the library base and 68000 register parameters
are included for the convenience of the assembler programmer. When using
library calls an underscore character (_) should follow the token name.
An asterisk (*) precedinu routine names specifies that the calls are
private and should not be called trom Blitz 2.
-30 Supervisor(userFunction)(a5)
---- special patchable hooks to internal exec activity ---
-36 *execPrivate1()()
-42 *execPrivate2()()
-48 *execPrivate3()()
-54 *execPrivate4()()
-60 *execPrivate5()()
-66 *execPrivate6()()
--- module creation ---
-72 InitCode(startClass,version)(dO/d1)
-78 InitStruct(initTable,memory,size)(a1/a2,dO)
-84 MakeLibrary(funcl nit,structl nit,libl nit,dataSize,segList)(aO/a1 /a2,dO/d 1)
-sO MakeFunctions(target,functionArray,funcDispBase)(aO/a1/a2)
-96 FindResident(name)(a1)
-102 InitResident(resident,segList)(a1,d1)
--- diagnoshcs ---
-108 Alert(alertNum)(d7)
-114 Debug(flags)(dO)
--- interrupts ---
-120 Disable()()
-126 Enable()()
-132 Forbid()()
-138 Permit()()
-144 SetSR(newSR,mask)(dO/d1)
-150 SuperState()()
-156 UserState(sysStack)(dO)
-162 SetlntVector(intNumber,interrupt)(dO/a1)
-168 AddlntServer(intNumber,interrupt)(dO/a1)
-174 RemintServer(intNumber,interrupt)(dO/a1)
-180 Cause(interrupt)(a1)
--- memory allocation ---
-186 Al locate (freeList, byteSize ) (aO, dO )
-192 Deallocate(freeList,memoryBlock byteSize)(aO/a1,dO)
-198 AllocMem(byteSize,requirementsj(dO/d1)
-204 AllocAbs(byteSize,location)(dO/a1)
-210 FreeMem(memoryBlock,byteSize)(a1,dO)
-216 AvailMem(requirements)(d1)
-222 AllocEntr,v(entr,v)(aO)
Page 227
-228 FreeEntry(entry)(aO)
--- lists ---
-234 Insert(list,node,pred)(aO/a1/a2)
-240 AddHead(list,node)(aO/a1)
-246 AddTail(list,node)(aO/a1)
-252 Remove(node)(a1)
-258 RemHead(list)(aO)
-264 RemTail(list)(aO)
-270 Enqueue(list,node)(aO/a1)
-276 FindName(list,name)(aO/a1)
--- tasks ---
-282 AddTask(task,initPC,finalPC)(a1/a2/a3)
-288 RemTask(task)(a1)
-294 FindTask(name)(a1)
-300 SetTaskPri(task,priority) (a 1,dO)
-306 SetSignal(newSignals,signalSet)(dO/d1)
-312 SetExcept(newSignals,signalSet)(dO/d1)
-318 Wait(signalSet)(dO)
-324 Signal(task,signalSet)(a1,dO)
-330 AllocSignal(signalNum)(dO)
-336 FreeSignal(signalNum)(dO)
-342 AllocTrap(trapNum)(dO)
-348 FreeT rap (trapN u m) (dO)
--- messages ---
-354 AddPort(port)(a1)
-360 RemPort(port)(a1)
-366 PutMsg(port,message)(aO/a1)
-372 GetMsa(port)(aO)
-378 ReplyMsg(message)(a1)
-384 WaitPort(port)(aO)
-390 FindPort(name)(a1)
--- libraries ---
-396 AddLibrary(library)(a1)
-402 RemLibrary(library)(a1)
-408 OldOpenLibrary(libName)(a1)
-414 CloseLibrary(library)(a1)
-420 SetFunction(library,funcOffset,newFunction)(a1,aO,dO)
-426 SumLibrary(library)(a1)
--- devices ---
-432 AddDevice(device)(a1)
-438 RemDevice(device)(a1)
-444 OpenDevice(devName,unit,ioRequest,flags)(aO,dO/a1,d1)
-450 CloseDevice(ioRequest)(a1)
-456 DolO(ioRequest)(a1)
-462 SendlO(ioRequest)(a1)
-468 ChecklO(ioRequest)(a1)
-474 WaitlO(ioRequest)(a1)
-480 AbortlO(ioRequest)(a1)
--- resources---
-486 AddResource(resource)(a1)
-492 RemResource(resource)(a1)
-498 OpenResource(resName)(a1)
--- private diagnostic support ---
-504 *execPrivate7()()
-510 *execPrivate8()()
-516 *execPrivate9()()
--- misc ---
-522 RawDoFmt(formatString,dataStream,putChProc, putChData)(aO/a1 /a2/a3)
-528 GetCC()()
-534 TypeOfMem(address)(a1)
-540 Procure(semaport,bidMsg)(aO/a1)
-546 Vacate(semaport)(aO)
-552 OpenLibrary(libName,version)(a1,dO)
*** functions in Release 1.2 or higher *^^
--- signal semaphores (note funny registers found in 1.2 or higher)---
Page 228
-558 InitSemaphore(sigSem)(aO)
-564 ObtainSemaphore(sigSem)(aO)
-570 Release Se maphore (si gSem) (aO)
-576 AttemptSemaphore(siqSem)(aO)
-582 ObtainSemaphoreListtsigSem)(aO)
-588 ReleaseSemaphoreList(sigSem)(aO)
-594 FindSemaphore(sigSem)(a1)
-600 AddSemaphore(sigSem)(a1)
-606 RemSemaphore(sigSem)(al)
--- kickmem support ---
-612 SumKickData()()
--- more memory support---
-618 AddMemList(size,attributes,pri,base,name)(dO/d1/d2/aO/al )
-624 CopyMem(source dest,size)(aO/a1 dO)
-630 CopyMemQuick(source,dest,size)(aO/a1,dO)
*** functions in Release 2.0 or higher'''
--- cache ---
-636 CacheClearU()()
-642 CacheClearE(address,length,caches)(aO dO/d1)
-648 CacheControl(cacheBits,cacheMask)(dOid1)
--- misc ---
-654 CreatelORequest(port,size)(aO,dO)
-660 DeletelORequest(iorequest)(aO)
-666 CreateMsgPort()()
-672 DeleteMsgPort(port)(aO)
-678 ObtainSemaphoreShared(sigSem)(aO)
--- even more memory support ---
-684 AllocVec(byteSize,requirements)(dO/d1)
-690 FreeVec(memoryBlock)(a1)
-696 CreatePrivatePool(requirements,puddleSize,puddleThresh)(dO/d1/d2)
-702 Delete Private Pool ( pool H ead er) (aO)
-708 AllocPooled(memSize,poolHeader)(dO/aO)
-714 FreePooled(memory,poolHeader)(a1,aO)
--- misc ---
-720 AttemptSemaphoreShared(sigSem)(aO)
-726 ColdReboot()()
-732 StackSwap(newStack)(aO)
--- task trees ---
-738 ChildFree(tid)(dO)
-744 ChildOrphan(tid)(dO)
-750 ChildStatus(tid)(dO)
-756 ChildWait(tid)(dO)
--- future expansion ---
-762 CachePreDMA(address,length,flags)(aO/a1,d1)
-768 CachePostDMA(address,length,flags)(aO/a1,d1)
-774 *execPrivate10()()
-780 *execPrivate11 ()()
-786 *execPrivate12()()
-792 *execPrivate13()()
-30 Open(name,accessMode)(d1/d2)
-36 Close(file)(d1)
-42 Read(file,buffer,length)(d1/d2/d3)
-48 Write(file,buffer,length)(d 1 /d2/d3)
-54 input()()
-60 Output()()
-66 Seek(file,position ,offset)(d 1 /d2/d3)
-72 DeleteFile(name)(d1)
-78 Rename(oldName,newName)(d1/d2)
-84 Lock(name,type)(d1/d2)
-90 UnLock(lock)(d1)
-96 DupLock(lock)(d1)
-102 Examine(lock,filelnfoBlock)(d1/d2)
Page 229
-108 ExNext(lock,filelnfoBlock)(d1 /d2)
-114 Info(lock,parameterBlock)(dl/d2)
-120 CreateDir(name)(d1)
-126 CurrentDir(lock)(d1)
-132 loErr()()
-138 CreateProc(name,pri,segList,stackSize)(d1/d2/d3/d4)
-144 Exit(returnCode)(d1)
-150 LoadSeg(name)(d1)
-156 UnLoadSeg(seglist)(d1)
-162 *dosPrivatel ()()
-168 *dosPrivate2()()
-174 DeviceProc(name)(d1)
-180 SetComment(name,comment)(d1/d2)
-186 SetProtection(name,protect)(d1/d2)
-192 DateStamp(date)(d1)
-198 Delay(timeout)(d1)
-204 WaitForChar(file,timeout)(d1/d2)
-210 ParentDir(lock)(d1)
-216 Isinteractive(file)(dl)
-222 Execute(string,file,file2)(d1/d2/d3)
***functions in Release 2.0 or higher'''
---DOS Object creation/deletion---
-228 AllocDosObject(type,tags)(d1/d2)
-234 FreeDosObject(type,ptr)(d 1 /d2)
---Packet Level routines---
-240 DoPkt(port,action,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)(d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7)
-246 SendPkt(dp,port,replyport)(d1/d2/d3)
-252 WaitPkt()()
-258 ReplyPkt(dp,res1 res2)(d1 /d2/d3)
-264 AbortPkt(port,pktj(d1/d2)
---Record Locking---
-270 LockRecord(fh,offset,length,mode,timeout)(d1/d2/d3/d4/d5)
-276 LockRecords(recArray,timeout)(d1/d2)
-282 UnLockRecord(fh,offset,length)(d1/d2/d3)
-288 UnLockRecords(recArray)(d1)
---Buffered File l/O---
-294 Selectlnput(fh)(d1)
-300 SelectOutput(fh)(d1)
-306 FGetC(fh)(d1)
-312 FPutC(fh,ch)(d1/d2)
-318 UnGetC(fh,character) (d 1 /d2)
-324 FRead(fh,block,blocklen,number)(d1/d2/d3/d4)
-330 FWrite(fh,block,blocklen,number)(d1/d2/d3/d4)
-336 FGets(fh,buf,buflen)(d1/d2/d3)
-342 FPuts(fh,str)(d1/d2)
-348 VFWritef(fh,format,argarray)(d 1 /d2/d3)
-354 VFPrinff(fh,format,argarray)(d 1 /d2/d3)
-360 Flush(fh)(d1)
-366 SetVBuf(fh,buff,type,size) (d 1 /d2/d3/d4)
---DOS Object Management---
-372 DupLockFromFH(fh)(d1)
-378 OpenFromLock(lock)(d1)
-384 ParentOfFH(fh)(d1)
-390 ExamineFH(fh,fib)(d1/d2)
-396 SetFileDate(name,date)(d1/d2)
-402 NameFromLock(lock,buffer,len)(d 1 /d2/d3)
-408 NameFromFH(fh,buffer,len)(d1/d2/d3)
-414 SplitName(name,seperator buf,oldpos,size)(d1/d2/d3/d4/d5)
-420 SameLock(iock1,iock2)(d1id2)
-426 SetMode(fh,mode)(d1/d2)
-432 ExAll(lock,buffer,size,data,control)(d1/d2/d3/d4/d5)
-438 Read Li nk(port, lock , path , buffe r,size) (d 1 Id21d31d41d5 )
-444 MakeLink(name,dest,soft) (d 1 /d21d3)
-450 ChangeMode(type,fh,newmode)(d1/d2/d3)
-456 SetFileSize(f h,pos,mode)(d 1 /d2/d3)
Page 230
---Error Handling---
-462 SetloErr(result)(d1)
-468 Fault(code,header,buffer,len)(d 1 /d21d3/d4)
-474 PrintFault(code,header)(d1/d2)
-480 ErrorReport(code,type,arg 1,device)(d 1 /d2/d3/d4)
---Process Management---
-492 Cli()()
-498 CreateNewProc(tags)(d1)
-504 RunCommand(seg,stack,paramptr,paramlen)(d1/d2/d3/d4)
-510 GetConsoleTask()()
-516 SetConsoleTask(task)(d1)
-522 GetFileSysTask()()
-528 SetFileSysTask(task)(d1)
-534 GetArgStr()()
-540 SetArgStr(string)(d1)
-546 FindCliProc(num)(d1)
-552 MaxCli()()
-558 SetCurrentDirName(name)(d1)
-564 GetCurrentDirName(buf,len)(d1/d2)
-570 SetProgramName(name)(d1)
-576 GetProgramName(buf,len)(d 1 /d2)
-582 SetPrompt(name)(d1)
-588 GetPrompt(buf,len)(d1/d2)
-594 SetProgramDir(lock)(d1)
-600 GetProgramDir()()
---Device List Management---
-606 SystemTaqList(command tags)(d1/d2)
-612 AssignLock(name,lock)(di /d2)
-618 AssignLate(name,path)(d1 /d2)
-624 AssignPath(name,path)(d1/d2)
-630 AssignAdd(name,lock)(d1/d2)
-636 RemAssignList(name,lock)(d1/d2)
-642 GetDeviceProc(name dp)(d1/d2)
-648 Free Device Proc(dp)(di )
-654 LockDosList(flags)(d1)
-660 UnLockDosList(flags)(d1)
-666 AttemptLockDosList(flags)(d1)
-672 RemDosEntry(dlist)(d1)
-678 AddDosEntry(dlist)(d1)
-684 FindDosEntry(dlist,name,flags)(d1/d2/d3)
-690 NextDosEntry(dlist,flags)(d1/d2)
-696 MakeDosEntry(name,type)(d1/d2)
-702 FreeDosEntry(dlist)(d1)
-708 IsFileSystem(name)(d1)
---Handler Interface---
-714 Format(filesystem,volumename,dostype)(d1/d2/d3)
-720 Relabel(drive,newname)(d1/d2)
-726 Inhibit(name onoff)(d1/d2)
-732 AddBuffers(name,number)(d 1 /d2)
---Date, Time Routines---
-738 CompareDates(date1,date2)(d1/d2)
-744 DateToStr(datetime)(d1)
-750 StrToDate(datetime)(d1)
---Image Management---
-756 InternalLoadSeg(f h ,table,funcarray,stack)(dO/aO/a1 /a2)
-762 InternalUnLoadSeg(seglist,freefunc)(d1/a1)
-768 NewLoadSeg(fiie,tags)(d1/d2)
-774 Add Segment(name, seg, system ) (d 1 /d2/d3)
-780 FindSegment(name,seg,system)(d1/d2/d3)
-786 RemSegment(seg)(d1)
---Command Support----
-792 CheckSignal(mask)(d1)
-798 ReadArgs(template,array,args)(d1/d2/d3)
-804 FindArg(keyword,template)(d1/d2)
Page 231
-810 Readltem(name,maxchars,cSource)(d1/d2/d3)
-816 StrToLong(string,value)(d1 /d2)
-822 MatchFirst(pat,anchor)(d1/d2)
-828 MatchNext(anchor)(d1)
-834 MatchEnd(anchor)(d1)
-840 Parse Patte rn (pat, buf, bufl en ) (d 1 /d 2/d3)
-846 Match Patte rn (pat, str) (d 1 /d2)
-852 * Not currently implemented.
-858 FreeArgs(args)(d1)
-864'--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---
-870 FilePart(path)(d1)
-876 PathPart(path)(d1)
-882 AddPart(dirname,filename,size)(d1/d2/d3)
-888 StartNotify(notify)(d1)
-894 EndNotify(notify)(d1)
---Environment Variable functions---
-900 SetVar(name buffer,size,flags)(d1/d2/d3/d4)
-906 GetVar(name buffer,size,flags)(d1/d2/d3/d4)
-912 DeleteVar(name,flags)(d1/d2)
-918 FindVar(name,type)(d1/d2)
-924 *dosPrivate4()()
-930 ClilnitNewcli(dp)(aO)
-936 ClilnitRun(dp)(aO)
-942 WriteChars(buf,buflen)(d 1 /d2)
-948 PutStr(str)(d1)
-954 VPrinff(format,argarray)(d 1 /d2)
-960 *--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---
-966 ParsePatternNoCase(pat,buf,buflen)(d1/d2/d3)
-972 MatchPatternNoCase(pat,str)(d1/d2)
-978 dosPrivate5()()
-984 SameDevice(lock1,1Ock2)(d1/d2)
-30 BltBitMap
(aO,dO/d 1 /a1,d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a2)
BltTemplate(source,xSrc,srcMod,destRP,xDest,yDest,xSizelySize)(aO,dO/d1 /a1,d2/d3/d4/dS)
--- Text routnes ---
-42 ClearEOL(rp)(a1)
-48 ClearScreen(rp)(a1)
-54 TextLength(rp,string,count)(a1,aO,dO)
-60 Text(rp,string,count)(a1,aO,dO)
-66 SetFont(rp,textFont)(a1,aO)
-72 OpenFont(textAttr)(aO)
-78 CloseFont(textFont)(a1)
-84 AskSoflStyle(rp)(a1)
-90 SetSoffStyle(rp,style,enable)(a1,dO/d1)
--- Gels routnes ---
-96 AddBob(bob,rp)(aO/a1)
-102 AddVSprite(vSprite,rp)(aO/a1)
-108 DoCollision(rp)(a1)
-114 DrawGList(rp,vp)(a1,aO)
-120 InitGels(head,tail,gelsinfo)(aO/a1/a2)
-126 initMasks(vSprite)(a0)
-132 RemlBob(bob,rp,vp)(aO/a1/a2)
-138 RemVSprite(vSprite)(aO)
-144 SetCollision(num,routine,gelsinfo)(dO/aO/a1)
-150 SortGList(rp)(a1)
-156 AddAnimOb(anOb,anKey,rp)(aO/a1 /a2)
-162 Animate(anKey,rp)(aO/a1)
-168 GetGBuffers(anOb,rp,flag)(aO/a1,dO)
Page 232
-174 InitGMasks(anOb)(aO)
--- General graphics routines ---
-180 DrawEllipse(rp,xCenter,yCenter,a,b)(a1,dO/d1/d2/d3)
-186 AreaEllipse(rp,xCenter,yCenter,a,b)(a1,dO/d1 /d2/d3)
-192 LoadRGB4(vp,colors,count)(aO/a1,dO)
-198 InitRastPort(rp)(a1)
-204 InitVPort(vp)(aO)
-210 MrgCop(view)(a1)
-216 MakeVPort(view,vp)(aO/a1)
-222 LoadView(view)(a1)
-228 WaitBlit()()
-234 SetRast(rp,pen)(a1,dO)
-240 Move(rp,x,y)(a1,dO/d1)
-246 Draw(rp,x,y)(a1,dO/d1)
-252 AreaMove(rp x y)(a1 dO/d1)
-258 AreaDraw(rp x y)(a1 dO/d1)
-264 AreaEnd(rp)(a1)
-270 WaitTOF()()
-276 QBlit(blit)(al )
-282 InitArea(arealnfo,vectorBuffer maxVectors)(aO/al,dO)
-288 SetRGB4(vp,index,red,green,blue)(aO,dOld11d21d3)
-294 QBSBlit(blit)(a1)
-300 BltClear(memBlock,byteCount,flags)(a1,dO/d1)
-306 RectFill(rp,xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)(a1,dO/d1/d2/d3)
-312 BltPattern(rp,mask xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax,maskBPR)(a1,aO,dO/d1 /d2/d3/d4)
-318 ReadPixel(rp,x,y)(a1,dO/d1)
-324 WritePixel(rp,x,y)(a1,dO/d1)
-330 Flood(rp,mode,x,y)(a1,d2,dO/d1)
-336 PolyDraw(rp,count,polyTable)(al,dO/aO)
-342 SetAPen(rp,pen)(al,dO)
-348 SetBPen(rp,pen)(a1,dO)
-354 SetDrMd(rp,drawMode)(a1,dO)
-360 InitView(view)(a1)
-366 CBump(copList)(a1)
-372 CMove(copList,destination,data)(a1,dO/d1)
-378 CWait(copList v,h)(a1,dO/d1)
-384 VBeamPos()(j
-390 InitBitMap(bitMap,depth,width,height)(aO,dO/d1/d2)
-396 ScrollRaster(rp,dx,dy,xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)(a1,dO/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5)
-402 WaitBOVP(vp)(aO)
-408 GetSprite(sprite,num)(aO,dO)
-414 FreeSprite(num)(dO)
-420 ChanueSprite(vp,sprite,newData)(aO/a1/a2)
-426 MoveSprite(vp,sprite,x,y)(aO/a1,dO/d1)
-432 LockLayerRom(layer) (a5)
-438 UnlockLayerRom(layer)(a5)
-444 SyncSBitMap(layer)(aO)
-450 CopySBitMap(layer)(aO)
-456 OwnBlitter()()
-462 DisownBlitter()()
-468 InitTmpRas(tmpRas,buffer,size)(aO/al,dO)
-474 AskFont(rp ,textAttr) (al ,aO)
-480 AddFont(textFont)(a1)
-486 RemFont(textFont)(a1)
-492 AllocRaster(width,height) (dO/d 1)
-498 FreeRaster(p,width,height)(aO,dO/d1)
-504 AndRectRegion(region,rectangle)(aO/a1)
-510 OrRectRegion(region,rectangle)(aO/a1)
-516 NewRegion()()
-522 ClearRectRegion(region,rectangle)(aO/a1)
-528 ClearRegion(region)(aO)
-534 Di spos e Reg i on ( region ) (aO)
-540 FreeVPortCopLists(vp)(aO)
-546 FreeCopList(copList)(aO)
Page 233
-558 XorRectRegion(region,rectangle)(aO/a1)
-564 FreeCprList(cprList)(aO)
-570 GetColorMap(entries)(dO)
-576 FreeColorMap(colorMap)(aO)
-582 GetRGB4(colorMap,entry)(aO,dO)
-588 ScrollVPort(vp)(aO)
-594 UCopperListlnit(uCopList,n)(aO dO)
-600 FreeGBuffers(anOb,rp,flag)(aOial,dO)
-606 BltBitMapRastPort(stcBM,x,y,destRP,x,y,Wld,Height,minterm)(aO,dO/d1/al,d2/d3/d4/d5/d6)
-612 OrRegionRegion(srcRegion,destRegion)(aO/a1)
-618 XorRegionRegion(srcRegion,destRegion)(aO/a1)
-624 AndRegionRegion(srcRegion,destRegion)(aO/a1)
-630 SetRGB4CM(colorMap,index,red,green,blue)(aO,dO/d1/d2/d3)
-636 BltMaskBitMapRastPort
-654 AttemptLockLayerRom(layer)(a5)
*** functions in Release 2.0 or higher *-A
-660 GfxNew(gfxNodeType)(dO)
-666 GfxFree(gfxNodePtr)(aO)
-672 GfxAssociate(associateNode,gfxNodePtr)(aO/a1)
-678 BitMapScale(bitScaleArgs)(aO)
-684 ScalerDiv(factor,numerator,denominator)(dO/d1/d2)
-690 TextFit
-30 Openintuition()()
-36 Intuition(iEvent)(aO)
-42 AddGadget(window,gadget,position)(aO/a1,dO)
-48 ClearDMRequest(window)(aO)
-54 ClearMenuStrip(window)(aO)
-60 ClearPointer(window) (aO)
-66 CloseScreen(screen)(aO)
-72 CloseWindow(window)(aO)
-78 CloseWorkBench()()
-84 CurrentTime(seconds,micros)(aO/a1)
-90 DisplayAlert(alertNumber,string,height)(dO/aO,d1)
-96 DisplayBeep(screen)(aO)
-102 DoubleClick(sSeconds,sMicros,cSeconds,cMicros)(dO/d1/d2/d3)
- 108 DrawBorder(rp, border,leftOffset,topOffset)(aO/a 1,dO/d 1)
-114 Drawlmage(rp,image,leftOffset topOffset)(aO/a1,dO/d1)
-120 EndRequest(requester,windowj(aO/a1)
-126 GetDefPrefs(preferences,size)(aO,dO)
-132 GetPrefs(preferences,size)(aO,dO)
-138 InitRequester(requester)(aO)
-144 ItemAddress(menuStrip,menuNumber)(aO,dO)
-150 ModifylDCMP(window,flags)(aO,dO)
-156 ModifyProp
(gadget,window, requester,flags,horizPot, vertPot,horizBody,vertBody)(aO/a1 /a2,dO/d 1 /d2/d3/d4)
-162 MoveScreen(screen,dx dy)(aO,dO/d1)
-168 MoveWindow(window,dx,dy)(aO,dO/d1)
-174 OffGadget(gadget,window,requester)(aO/a1 /a2)
-180 OffMenu(window,menuNumber)(aO,dO)
-186 OnGadget(gadget,window,requester)(aO/a1 /a2)
-192 OnMenu(window,menuNumber)(aO,dO)
-198 OpenScreen(newScreen)(aO)
-204 OpenWindow(newWindow) (aO)
-210 OpenWorkBench()()
Page 234
-216 PrintlText(rp,iText,left,top)(aO/a1,dO/d1)
-222 RefreshGadgets(gadgets,window,requester)(aO/a1/a2)
-228 RemoveGadget(window,gadget)(aO/a1 )
-234 ReportMouse(flag,window)(dO/aO)
-240 Request(requester,window)(aO/a1 )
-246 ScreenToBack(screen)(aO)
-252 ScreenToFront(screen)(aO)
-258 SetDMRequest(window,requester) (aO/a1 )
-264 SetMenuStrip(window,menu)(aO/a1 )
-270 SetPointer(window,pointer,height,width,xOffset,yOffset)(aO/al,dO/d1/d2/d3)
-276 SetWindowTitles(window,windowTitle,screenTitle) (aO/a1 /a2)
-282 ShowTitle(screen showlt)(aO,dO)
-288 SizeWindow(winjow,dx,dy)(aO,dO/d1)
-294 ViewAddress()()
-300 ViewPortAddress(window)(aO)
-306 WindowToBack(window)(aO)
-812 WindowToFront(window)(aO)
-318 WindowLimits(window,widthMin,heightMin,widthMax,heightMax)(aO,dO/d1/d2/d3)
-324 SetPrefs(preferences size,inform)(aO,dO/d1 )
-330 I ntuiTextLength(iTextj(aO)
-336 WBenchToBack()()
-342 WBenchToFront()()
AutoRequest(window, body, posText,negText, p Flag,nFlag,width,height) (aO/a1 la2/a3,dO/d 1 /d2/d3)
-354 BeginRef resh(window)(aO)
-360 BuildSysRequest(window,body,posText,negText,flags,width,height)(aO/a1/a2/a3,dO/d1/d2)
-366 End Refresh (wi ndow , complete) (aO , dO)
-372 FreeSvsRequest(window)(aO)
-378 MakeScreen(screen)(aO)
-384 RemakeDisplay()()
-390 RethinkDisplay()()
-396 AllocRemember(rememberKey,size,flags)(aO,dO/d1)
-402 AlohaWorkbench(wbport)(aO)
-408 FreeRemember(rememberKey,reallyForget)(aO,dO)
-414 Lock l Base (dontknow) (dO )
-420 UnlocklBase(ibLock)(aO)
*** functions in Release 1.2 or higher ***
-426 GetScreenData(buffer,size,type,screen)(aO,dO/d1/a1)
-432 RefreshGList(gadgets,window,requester,numGad)(aO/a1/a2,dO)
-438 AddGList(window,gadget,position,numGad,requester)(aO/a1,dO/d1/a2)
-444 RemoveGList(remPtr,gadget,numGad)(aO/a1,dO)
-450 ActivateWindow(window)(aO)
-456 RefreshWindowFrame(window)(aO)
-462 ActivateGadget(gadgets,window,requester)(aO/a1/a2)
-468 NewModifyProp
(aO/a1 /a2,dO/d1 Id21d31d41d5)
*** functions in Release 2.0 or higher *'*
-474 QueryOverscan(displaylD,rect,oScanType)(aO/a1,dO)
-480 MoveWindowlnFrontOf(window,behindWindow)(aO/a1)
-486 ChangeWindowBox(window, left,top,width, height)(aO,dO/d 1 /d2/d3)
-492 SetEditHook(hook)(aO)
-498 SetMouseQueue(window,queueLength)(aO,dO)
-504 ZipWindow(window)(aO)
--- public screens ---
-510 LockPubScreen(name)(aO)
-516 UnlockPubScreen(name,screen)(aO/a1)
-522 LockPubScreenList()()
-528 UnlockPubScreenList()()
-534 NextPubScreen(screen,namebuf)(aO/a1)
-540 SetDefaultPubScreen(name)(aO)
-546 SetPubScreenModes(modes)(dO)
-552 PubScreen Status (screen , status Flags) (aO , dO)
-558 ObtainGIRPort(ginfo)(aO)
-564 ReleaseGIRPort(rp)(aO)
Page 235
-570 GadgetMouse(gadget,ginfo,mousePoint)(aO/a1/a2)
-576 *intuitionPrivatel ()()
-582 GetDefaultPubScreen(nameBuffer)(aO)
-588 EasyRequestArgs(window,easyStruct,idcmpPtr,args)(aOlal/a21a3)
-594 BuildEasyRequestArgs(window,easyStruct,idcmp args)(aO/al,dO/a3)
-600 SysReqHandler(window,idcmpPtr,waitinput)(aO/a;,dO)
-606 OpenWindowTaaList(newWindow,tagList) (aO/al )
-612 OpenScreenTagtist(newScreen,tagList)(aO/a1)
---new Image functions---
-618 DrawimageState(rplimage,leftOffset,topOffset,state,drawinfo)(aO/a1,dO/d1 Id21a2)
-624 Pointinimage(point,image)(dO/aO)
-630 Erasel mage( rp, image, leftOffset,topOffset) (aO/a 1,dO/d 1)
-636 NewObjectA(classPtr classlD,tagList)(aO/a1/a2)
-642 DisposeObject(objectj(aO)
-648 SetAttrsA(object,tagList)(aO/a1)
-654 GetAttr(attrlD,object,storagePtr)(dO/aO/a1)
---special set attribute call for gadgets---
-660 SetGadgetAttrsA(gadget,window, requester,tagList)(aO/a1 /a2/a3)
-666 NextObject(objectPtrPtr)(aO)
-672 *intuitionPrivate2()()
-678 MakeClass(classlD,superClasslD,superClassPtr,instanceSize,flags)(aO/a1/a2,dO/d1)
-684 AddClass(classPtr)(aO)
-690 GetScreenDrawinfo(screen)(aO)
-696 FreeScreenDrawinfo(screen,drawinfo)(aO/a1)
-702 ResetMenuStrip(window menu)(aO/a1)
-708 RemoveClass(classPtr)(aO)
-714 FreeClass(classPtr)(aO)
-720 *intuitionPrivate3()()
-726 *intuitionPrivate4()()
-30 OpenDiskFont(textAttr)(aO)
-36 AvailFonts(buffer,bufBytes,flags)(aO,dO/d1)
***functions in Release 1.2 or higher'''
-42 NewFontContents(fontsLock,fontName) (aO/a 1)
-48 DisposeFontContents(fontContentsHeader)(a1)
*** functions in Release 2.0 or higher'''
-54 N ewScal ed Di sk Font(sou rce Font, destTe xtAttr) (aO/a 1)
Page 236
The following are a list of memory locations where direct access to the Agnus, Denise
and Paula chips is possible. It is illegal to access any of these registers if you wish
your program to behave correctly in the Amiga environment. However in BlitzMode
most of these registers may be accessed taking into consideration the accompanying
An * next to any description states that the option is available only with the new ECS
(Enhanced Chip Set). Also note that any reference to memory pointers MUST point
to chip rnem as the Amiga Chip Set is NOT capable of accessing FAST mem. This
includes BitPlane data, copper lists, Sprite Data, Sound DATA etc. etc.
BitPlane & Display Control
The Amiga has great flexibility in displaying graphics at different resolutions and
positions on the monitor. The hardware registers associated with the display are
nearly always loaded by the copper and not with the 68000 processor.
#BPLCONO=$1 oo
#BPLCON 1=$1 02
#BPLCON2=$1 04
#BPLCON3=$106 ;(ECS only)
#BPLCON4=$10c ;(AGA only)
BPUn = number of bitplanes
PFnHn = playfield horizontal positioning
ZD... = genlock enable bits
PFnPn = Playfield priorities
COLBANKn = active color bank in AGA
PF20Fn = color offset for playfield 2 in dpf mode
LOCT = hi/lo nibble select for 24 bit color access
SPRESn = Sprite resolution
BRD... = Border settings
BPLAMx = xor mask for bitplane fetch
ESPRMn = color offset for even sprites
Page 237
#BPLOPTH= $E0 ;BitPlane Pointer 0 High Word
#BPLOPTL= $E2 ;BitPlane Pointer 0 Low Word
#BPL1 PTL= $E6
Each pair of registers contain an 18 bit pointer to the address of
BitPlanex data in chip memory. They MUST be reset every frame usually by
the copper.
#BPL1MOD=$108 ;BitplaneModulo for Odd Planes #BPL2MOD=$1 OA ;Bitplane
Modulo for EvenPlanes
At the end of each display line, the BPLxMODs are added to the the BitPLane
Pointers so they point to the address of the next line.
#DIWSTOP=$090 ; display window stop
#DIWSTRT=$08E ; display window start
These two registers control the display window size and position. The
following bits are assigned
BIT# 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1 H0
For DIWSTRT V8=0 & H8=0 restricting it to the upper lett of the screen. For
DIWSTOP V8=1 & H8=1 restricting it to the lower right of the screen.
#DDFSTOP=$094 ; data fetch stop
#DDFSTRT= $092 ; data fetch stant
The two display data fetch registers control when and how many words are
fetched from the bitplane for each line of display.
Typical values are as follows:
lores 320 pixels, DDFSTRT & DDFSTOP = $38 & $D0
hires 640 pixels, DDFSTRT & DDFSTOP = $3C & $d4
If smooth scrolling is enabled DDFSTRT should be 2 less than above.
#BPL1 DAT $110 ; BitPlane Data parallel to serial converters
#BPL2DAT $112
#BPL3DAT $114
#BPL4DAT $116
#BPL5DAT $118
These 6 registers receive the DMA data fetched by the BitPlane engine, and
output it serially to the Amiga DACS, triggered by writing to BPLIDAT. Not
intended for programmer access.
Page 238
The Copper
The Copper is found on the Agnus chip, it's main job is to 'poke' values
into the hardware registers in sync with the video beam. The main registers
it updates are BitPlane ptrs, Sprites and other control words that HAVE to
be reset every frame. It's also used to split the screen vertically as it
is capable of waiting for certain video beam positions before writing data.
Its also capable of waiting for the blister to finish as well as skipping
instructions if beam position is equal to certain values.
#COP1 LCH=$080
#COP1 LCL=$082
Each pair of registers contain an 18 bit pointer to the address of a Copper
List in chip mem. The Copper will automatically jump to the address in COPI
at the beginning of the frame and is able to jump to COP2 if the following
strobe is written to.
#COPJMP1 =$88
When written to these addresses cause the copper to jump to the locations
held in COP I LC & COP2LC. The Copper can write to these registers itself
causing its own indirect jump.
By setting bit I of this register the copper is allowed to access the
blister hardware.
The copper fetches two words for each instruction from its current copper
list. The three instructions it can perform and their relevant bits are as
15 x RD15 VP7 BFD VP7 BFD
14 x RD14 VP6 VE6 VP6 VE6
13 x RD13 VP5 VE5 VP5 VE5
12 x RD12 VP4 VE4 VP4 VE4
11 x RD11 VP3 VE3 VP3 VE3
10 x RD10 VP2 VE2 VP2 VE2
09 x RD09 VP1 VE1 VP1 VE1
08 DAB RD08 VP0 VE0 VP0 VE0
07 DA7 RD07 HP8 HE8 HP8 HE8
06 DA6 RD06 HP7 HE7 HP7 HE7
05 DA5 RD05 HP6 HE6 HP6 HE6
04 DA4 RD04 HP5 HE5 HP5 HE5
03 DA3 RD03 HP4 HE4 HP4 HE4
02 DA2 R D02 HP3 HE3 HP3 HE3
01 DA1 RD01 HP2 HE2 HP2 HE2
00 0 RD00 1 0 1 1
The MOVE instruction shifts the value held in RD15-0 to the destination
address calculated by $DFF000 +DA8- 1.
The WAIT UNTIL instruction places the copper in a wait state until the
video beam position is past HP,VP (xy coordinates). The Copper first
logical AIDS (masks) the
Page 239
video beam with HE,VE before doing the comparison. If BFD is set then the
blister must also be finished before the copper will exit its wait state.
The SKIP IF instruction is similar to the WAIT UNTIL instruction but
instead of placing the copper in a wait state if the video beam position
fails the comparison test it skips the next MOVE instruction.
Colour Registers
The following 32 color registers can each represent one of 4096 colors.
#COLO R00=$ 180 #COLO R08=$ 190 #CO LOR 16=$ 1 A0 #COLO R24=$ 1 B0
#COLOR01=$182 #COLOR09=$192 #COLOR17=$1A2 #COLOR25=$1B2
#COLO R02=$184 #COLOR 10=$ 194 #COLOR 18=$1 A4 #COLOR26=$ 1 B4
#COLOR03=$186 #COLOR11=$196 #COLOR19=$1A6 #COLOR27=$1B6
#COLOR04=$ 188 #COLO R 12=$ 198 #COLOR20=$1 A8 #COLOR28=$ 1 B8
#COLO R05=$ 18A #COLOR 13=$ 19A #COLOR21 =$1 AA #COLO R29=$ 1 BA
#COLOR06=$18C #COLOR14=$19C #COLOR22=$1AC # COLOR30=$1BC
#COLOR07=$18E #COLO R 15=$ 19E #COLOR23=$1 AE #COLO R31 =$ 1 BE
The bit usage for each of the 32 colors is:
BIT# 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
x x x x R3 R2 R1 R0 G3 G2 G1 G0 B3 B2 B1 B0
This represents a combination of 16 shades of red, green and blue.
glitter Control
The glitter is located on the Agnus, it's main function is to move blocks
of data around chip mem. It has 3 input channels A,B & C and I output
channel D. A simple block move would use I input channel and the I output
channel, taking 4 clock ticks per cycle. A complex move such as a moving a
shape to a destination with a cookie cut would use all 3 input channels and
the output channel taking 8 clock ticks per cycle.
The main parameters of the blister include the width and height of the
block to be moved (width is in multiples of words), a start address for
each channel, a modulo for each channel that is added to their address at
the end of each line so they point to the next line, a logic function that
specifies which input channels data will be sent to the destination channel.
The following is a table to work out the logic tunction (known as the
minterm) for a blister operation.
O O 0 LF0
O O 1 LF1
0 1 0 LF2
O 1 1 LF3
1 0 0 LF4
1 0 1 LF5
1 1 0 LF6
1 1 1 LF7
Page 240
If the glitter is set up so that channel A points to the cookie, B points
to the shape to be copied and C&D point to the destination bitplane (such
as how Blitz 2 uses the blister) we would specify the following conditions:
When A is I then make D=B When A is O then make D=C
Using the above table we calculate the values of LFO-LF7 when these two
conditions are met. The top line has A=0 so LFO becomes the value in the C
column which is a 0. A is O in the first 4 rows so LFO-LF3 all reflect the
bits in the C column (0l0l) and A= l in the lower 4 rows so LF4-LF7 reflect
the bits in the B column (001 I ).
This generates a minterm LFO-LF7 of % l O I O I l 00 or in hex $AC.
Note: read the values of LF7 to LFO from bottom to top to calculate the
correct hexadecimal minterm.
Each pair of registers contain an 18 bit pointer to the start address of
the 4 blister channels in chip mem.
The 4 modulo values are added to the blister pointers at the end of each
If a blister channel is disabled the BLTxDAT register can be loaded with a
constant value which will remain unchanged during the blit operation.
#BLTAFWM=$44 ; glitter first word mask for source A
#BLTALWM=$46 ; glitter last word mask for source A
During a glitter operation these two registers are used to mask the
contents of BLTADAT for the first and last word of every line.
Page 241
The following bits in BLTCONO & BLTCON I are as follows.
15 ASH3 BSH3
14 ASH2 BSH2
13 ASH1 BSH1
11 USEA x
10 USEB x
09 USEC x
08 USED x
07 LF7 x
06 LF6 x
05 LF5 x
04 LF4 EFE
03 LF3 IFE
02 LF2 FCI
00 LFO 0 (1=line mode)
ASH is the amount that source A is shifted (barrel rolled) USEX enables
each of the 4 blitter channels LF holds the logic function as discussed
previously in this section BSH is the amount that source B is shifted
(barrel rolled) EFE is the Exclusive Fill Enable flag IFE is the Inclusive
Fill Enable flag FCI is the Fill Carry Input DESC is the descending flag
(blitter uses decreasing addressing) #BLTSIZE=$58 By writing the height and
width of the blit operation to BLTSIZE the blitter will start the
operation. Maxiiiiutii size is 1024 hi-h and 64 words (1024 bits) wide. The
followingdefines bits in BLTZSIZE
BIT#15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
h9 h8 h7 h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 hl hO w5 w4 w3 w2 wl wO
With the new ECS writing to BLTSIZV first and then BLTSZH the blitter can
operate on blocks as large as 32K x 32K pixels in size.
The Blitter is also able to perform linedrawing and filled polygon
functions. Details about using the blitter for these functions can be found
on the exai-nples disk included with Blitz 2.
Page 242
Audio Control
The Amiga has 4 channels of 8 bit audio, each with their own memory access,
period and volume control. The following are a list of the applicable
hardware registers.
#AUDOPER=$A6 ;period
Sprite Control
; pairs of 24 bit memory pointers to audio data in chip mem
;volume registers (0-63)
The Amiga hardware is capable of displaying eight 4 colour sprites or four
16 colour sprites. Standard control of sprites is done by using the copper
to setup the 8 sprite pointers at the beginning of each frame.
;pairs of 24 bit memory pointers to sprite data in chip mem
The pointers should point to data that begins with two words containing the
SPRPOS & SPRCTL values tor that sprite, followed by its image data and with
two null words that terminate the data.
Page 243
#SPR2POS=$150 #SPR2CTL=$152 #SPR2DATA=$154 #SPR2DATB=$156
#SPR4POS=$160 #SPR4CTL=$162 #SPR4DATA=$164 #SPR4DATB=$166
#SPR6POS=$170 #SPR6CTL=$172 #SPR6DATA=$174 #SPR6DATB=$176
Using standard sprite DMA the above registers are all loaded from the
sprite data pointed to in chip mem by the sprite pointers. These registers
are only of interest to people wanting to 'multiplex' sprites by using the
copper to load these registers rather than sprite DMA,
The t'ollowing is bit definitions of both SPRPOS and SPRCTL.
BiT# 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
SV is the vertical start position of the sprite SH is the horizontal
position of the sprite (calulated in lores pixels only) EVis the end
vertical position ATTis the sprite attached bit (connects odd sprites to
their predecessors)
Interupt Control
#INTENA=$9A ;interupt enable write address
#INTENAR=$1C ;interupt enable read address
#INTREQ=$9C ;interupt request write address
#INTREQR=$1E ;interupt request read address
INTENA is used to enable or disable interupts. If the value written to
INTENA has bit 15 set any other of the bits enable their corresponding
interupts. If bit 15 is clear any of the other bits set will disable their
corresponding interupts.
INTENAR will return which interupts are currently enabled.
INTREQ is used to initiate or clear an interupt. It is mostly used to clear
the interupt by the interupt handler. Again Bit# 15 states whether the
corrsponding interupts will be requested or cleared.
INTREQR returns which interupts are currently requested.
Page 244
The following bit definitions relate to the 4 interupt control registers.
15 SET/CLR determines if bits written with 1 are set or cleared
14 INTEN master interupt enable
13 EXTER 6 external interupt
12 DSKSYN 5 disk sync register (same as DSKSYNC)
11 RBF 5 serial port Receive Buffer Full
10 AUD3 4 audio channel 3 finished
09 AUD2 4 audio channel 2 finished
08 AUDI 4 audio channel 1 finished
07 AUD0 4 audio channel 0 finished
06 BLIT 3 blister finished
05 VERTB 3 start of vertical blank interupt
04 COPER 3 copper
03 PORTS 2 I/O ports and timers
02 SOFT 1 reserved for software initiated interupts
01 DSKBLK 1 disk block finished
00 TBE 1 serial port Transmit Buffer Empty
The following locations hold the address of the 68000 interupt handler code
in memory for each level of interupt.
LEVEL 68000 Address
6 $78
5 $74
4 $70
3 $6c
2 $68
1 $64
DMA Control
DMA stands for direct memory access. Chip mem can be accessed by the
display, blister, copper, audio, sprites and diskdrive without using the
68000 processor. DMACON enables the user to lock out any of these from
havidg direct memory access (DMA) to chipmem.
As with INTENA bit l S of DMACON signals whether the write opertaion should
clear or set the relevant bits of the DMA control.
DMACONR will not only return which channels have DMA access but has flags
BBUSY which return true if the blister is in operation and BZERO which
return if the glitter has generated any l's from it logic function (useful
for collision detection etc.)
#DMACON=$96 ;DMA control write (dear or set) #DMACONR=$02 ;DMA control read
(and blister status) read
Page 245
The following are the bits assigned to the two DMACON registers:
15 SET/CLR determines if bits written with 1 are set or cleared
14 BBUSY blister busy flag
13 BZERO blister logic zero
12 X
11 X
10 BLTPRI "blister nasty" signals blister has DMA priority over CPU
09 DMAEN enable all DMA below
08 BPLEN BitPlane DMA enable
07 COPEN Copper DMA enable
06 BLTEN glitter DMA enable
05 SPREN Sprite DMA enable
04 DSKEN Disk DMA enable
03 AUD3EN Audio channel 3 DMA enable
02 AUD2EN Audio channel 2 DMA enable
01 AUDI EN Audio channel 1 DMA enable
00 AUDOEN Audio channel 0 DMA enable
Amiga ClAs
The Amiga has two 8520 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA) which handle most of
the Amiga I/O activities. Note that each register should be accessed as a
byte and NOT a word. The following is an address map of both Amiga CIAs.
CIA-A Address Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 bO
$BFE101 prb Parallel Port
$BFE201 ddra Direction for Port A (1=output)
$BFE301 ddrb Direction for Port B (1=output)
$BFE401 talo Timer A High Byte
$BFE501 tahi Timer A High Byte
$BFE601 thlo Timer B Low Byte
$BFE701 tbhi Timer B High Byte
$BFE801 todlo 50/60 Hz Event Counter bits 7-0
$BFE901 todmid 50/60 Hz Event Counter bits 15-8
$BFEA01 todhi 50/60 Hz Event Counter bits 23-16
$BFEB01 not used
$BFEC01 sdr Serial Data Register (connected to keyboard)
$BFED01 icr Interrupt Control Register
$BFEE01 cra Control Register A
$BFEF01 crb Control Register B
CIA-B Address Register b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 bO
$BFD200 ddra Direction for Port A (1=output)
$BFD300 ddrb Direction for Port B (1=output)
$BFD400 talo Timer A High Byte
$BFD500 tahi Timer A High Byte
$BFD600 tblo Timer B Low Byte
$BFD700 tbhi Timer B High Byte
$BFD800 todlo Horizontal Sync Event Counter bits 7-0
$BFD900 todmid Horizontal Sync Event Counter bits 15-8
$BFDA00 todhi Horizontal Sync Event Counter bits 23-16
$BFDB00 not used
$BFDC00 sdr Serial Data Register (connected to keyboard)
$BFDD00 icr Interrupt Control Register
$BFDE00 cra Control Register P
$BFDF00 crb Control Register E
Page 246
Although Blitz 2 is a BASIC compiler, it also has an 'inline assembler' and
can be used as a fully fledged assembler. Assembly language is the language
of the microprocessor, in the case of the Amiga, the 68000 microprocessor.
The following is a brief description of the Motorola 68000 microprocessor
and its instruction set, for more information we recommend the data books
published by Motorola themselves as the best source of reference material.
The 68000 has 1 6 internal registers, these may be thought of as high speed
variables each capable of storing a long word (32 bits). The 8 data
registers are used mainly for calculations while the 8 address registers
are mostly used for pointing to locations in memory.
The registers are named DO-D7 and AO-A7. The 68000 also has several
speciaiised registers, the program counter (PC) and the status register
(SR) The program counter points to the current instruction that the
microprocessor is executing, while the status register is a bunch of flags
with various meanings.
The main job of the microprocessor is to read information from memory,
perform a calculation and then write the result back to memory.
For the processor to access memory it has to generate a memory address for
the location it wishes to access (read or write to) The foiiowing are the
different ways the 68000 can generate addresses.
Register Direct: MOVE d 1,dO The actual value in the register d I is copied
into dO
Address Register Indirect: MOVE (aO),dO aO is a pointer to somewhere in
memory. The value at this location is copied into the register dO.
Address Register Indirect with Postincrement: MOVE (aO)+,dO The value at
the location pointed to by aO is copied into the register dO, then aO is
incremented so it points to the next memory location.
Address Register Indirect with Predecrement: MOVE -(aO),dO aO is first
decremented to point to the memory location before the one it currently
points to then the value at the new memory location is copied into dO.
Address Register Indirect with Displacement: MOVE I 6(aO),dO The memory
location located 16 bytes after that which is pointed to by address
register aO is copied to dO.
Page 247
Address Register Indirect with Index: MOVE I 6(aO,d 1 ),dO The memory
location is calculated by adding the contents of aO with d I plus 16.
Absolute Address: MOVE $dff'096,dO The memory location $dff'096 is used.
Program Counter with Displacement: MOVE label(pc),dO This is the same as
absolute addressing but because the memory address is an offset from the
program counter (no bigger than 32000 bytes) it is MUCH quicker.
Program Counter with Index: MOVE label(pc,d I ),dO The address is calulated
as the location of label plus the contents of data register d 1.
Immediate Data: MOVE #20,dO The value 20 is moved to the data register.
Program Flow
As mentioned previously the microprocessor has a special register known as
the program counter that points to the next instruction to be executed. By
changing the value in the program counter a 'goto' can be performed. The
JMP instruction load the program counter with a new value, it supports most
of the addressing modes.
A branch is a program counter relative form of the JMP instruction.
Branches can also be performed on certain conditions such as BCC which will
only cause the program flow to change if the Carry flag in the status
register is currently set.
A 'Gosub'' can be performed using the JSR and BSR commands. The current
value of the program counter is remembered on the stack before the jump or
branch is performed. The RTS command is used to return to the original
program location.
The Stack
The Amiga sets aside a certain amount of memory for each task known as a
stack. The address register A7 is used to point to the stack and should
never be used as a general purpose address register.
The 68000 uses predicament addressing to push data onto the stack and
postincrement addressing to pull information off the stack.
JSR is the same as MOVE.I pc,-(a7) and then JMP
RTS is the same as MOVE.I (a7)+,pc
The stack can be used to temporarily store internal registers. To save and
restore all the 68000 registers the following code is often used
ASubroutine: MOVEM.I dO-d7/aO-a6,-(a7) ,push all register on stack ;main
subroutine code here which can stuff up registers without worrying MOVEM.I
(a7)+,dO-d7/aO-a6 ;pull registers off stack
RTS ;returnfrom subroutine
Page 248
Condition Flags
The status register is a special 68000 register that holds, besides other
things all the condition codes. The following are a list of the condition
Code Name Meaning
N negative reflects the most significant bit of the result of the last operation.
Z zero is set if the result is zero, cleared otherwise.
C carry is set when an add, subtract or compare operation generate a carry
X extend is a mirror of the carry flag, however its not affected by data movement.
V overf ow is set when an arithmetic operation causes an overflow, a situation where
the operand is not large enough to represent the result.
Conditional Tests
Branches and Sets can be performed conditionally. The following is a list
of the possible conditions that can be tested before a branch or set is
cc condition coding test
T true 0000 0
F false 0001 1
HI high 0010 not C & not Z
LS lowsam 0011 C | Z
CC carry clr 0100 not C
CS carry set 0101 C
NE not equal 0110 not Z
EQ equal 0111 Z
VC overflow clr 1000 not V
VS overflow set 1001 V
PL plus 1010 not N
MI minus 1011 N
GE greater equal 1100 N&V | notN¬V
LT less than 1101 N¬V I notN&V
GT greater than 1110 N&V¬Z I notN¬V¬C
LE less or equal 1111 Z I N¬V I notN&V
Operand Sizes
The 68000 can perform operations on bytes, words and long words. By adding
a suffix .b .w or .l to the opcode, the assembler knows which data size you
wish to use, if no suffix is present the word size is default. There is no
speed increase using bytes instead of words as the 68000 is a 16 bit
microprocessor and so no overhead is needed for 16 bit operations. However
32 bit long words do cause overhead with extra read and write cycles needed
to perform operations on a bus that can only handle 16 bits at a time.
Page 249
The 68000 Instruction Set
The following is a brief description of the 68000 instruction set.
Included with each are the addressing mode combinations available with each
opcode. Their syntax are as follows:
Dndata register
Anaddress register
Dy, Dxdata registers source & destination
Rx,Ryregister source & destination (data & address registers)
<ea>effective address - a subset of addressing modes
#<data>numeric constant
Special notes:
The address register operands ADDA, CMPA, MOVEA and SUBA are only word and
long word data sizes. The last'A'of the operand name is optional as it is
with the immediate operands ADDI, CMPI, MOVE], SUBI, ORI, EORI and ANDI.
The ADDQ and SUBQ are quick forms of their immediate cousins. The immediate
data range is 1 to 8. The MOVEQ instruction has a data range of -128 to
127, the data is sign extended to 32 bits, and long is the only data size
The <ea> denotes an effective address, not all addressing modes are
available with each effective address form of the instruction, as a rule
program counter relative addressing is only available for the source
operand and not the destination.
The Blitz2 compiler will signal any illegal forms of the instruction during
the compile stage.
ABCD Add with extend using BCD
ABCD -(Ay),-(Ax)
ADD Add binary
ADD <ea>,Dn
ADD Dn,<ea>
ADDA <ea>,An
ADDI #<data>,<ea>
ADDO #<data>,<ea>
ADDX Add with Extend
ADDX -(Ay),-(Ax)
AND AND logical
AND <ea>,Dn
AND Dn,<ea>
ANDI #<data>,<ea>
ASL Arithmetic Shift Left
ASL #<data>,Dy
ASL <ea>
ASR Arithmetic Shift Pight
ASR #<data>,Dy
ASR <ea>
Bcc Branch Conditionally
Bcd <label>
BCHG Test a Bit & Change
BCHG Dn,<ea>
BCHG #<data>,<ea>
BCLR Test a Bit & Clear
BCLR Dn,<ea>
BCLR #<data>,<ea>
BRA Branch Always
BRA <label>
BSET Test a Bit & Set
Page 250
BSET Dn,<ea>
BSET #<data>,<ea>
BTSTTest a Bit
BTST Dn,<ea>
BTST #<data>,<ea>
CHKCheck Register Against Bounds
CHK <ea>,Dn
CLRClear an Operand
CLR <ea>
CMP <ea>,Dn
CMPA <ea>,An
CMPI #<data>,<ea>
CMPMCompare Memory
CMPM (Ay)+,(Ax)+
DBccTest Condition, Decrement, and Branch
DBcc Dn,<Iabel>
DIVSSigned Divide
DIVS <ea>,Dn Data
DIVUUnsigned Divide
DIVU <ea>,Dn
EORExclusive OR Logical
EOR Dn,<ea>
EORI #<data>,<ea>
EXGExchange Registers
EXTSign Extend
EXT Dn Data
ILLEGALIllegal Instruction
JMP <ea>
JSRJump to Subroutine
JSR <ea>
LEALoad Effective Address
LEA <ea>,An
LINKLink and Allocate
LINK An,#<displacement>
LSLLogical Shift Left
LSL #<daia>,Dy
LSL <ea>
LSRLogical Shift Right
LSR #<data>,Dy
LSR <ea>
MOVEMove Data from Source to Destination
MOVE <ea>,<ea>
MOVEA <ea>,An
MOVEO #<data>,Dn
MOVEMMove Multiple Registers
MOVEM <register list>,<ea>
MOVEM <eg&,<register llst>
MOVEPMove Paiipheral
7 6 x
M VEP d(A '
MULS Sipgngd ult I
MULS ea> @D
MULUUnsigned Multiple
MULTJ <ea>,Dn
NBCDNegate Decimal with Extend
NBCD <ea>
NEG <ea>
NEGX Negate with Extend
Page 251
NEGX <ea>
NOPNo Operation
NOTLogical Complement
NOT <ea>
OR lnclusive OR Logical
OR <ea>, Dn
OR Dn,<ea>
ORI #<data>,<ea>
PEAPush Effective Address
PEA <ea>
RESETReset External Device
ROLRotate Left (without Extend)
ROL #<data>,Dn
ROL <ea>
RORRotate Right (without Extend)
ROR #<data>, Dn
ROR <ea>
ROXLRotate Left with Extend
ROXL #<data>,Dn
ROXL <ea>
ROXRRotate Right with Extend
ROXR #<data>, Dn
ROXR <ea>
RTEReturn from Exception
RTE Data
RTRReturn and Restore Condition Codes
RTSReturn from Subroutine
SBCDSubtract Decimal with Extend
SBCD -(Ay),-(Ax)
SccSet according to Condition
Scc <ea>
STOPLoad Status Register and Stop
STOP #xxx
SUBSubtract Binary
SUB <ea>,Dn
SUB Dn,<ea>
SUBA <ea>,An
SUBI #<data>,<ea>
SUBQ #<data>,<ea>
SUBXSubtract with Extend
SUBX -(Ay),-(Ax)
SWAPSwap Register Halves
TASTest & Set an Operand
TAS <ea>
TRAP #<vector>
TRAPVTrap an Overflow
TSTTest an Operand
TST <ea>
UNLK An Data
Page 252
ACos 115 Borders 193 Cvi 117 Enable 194
AGABlue 165 Box 146 Cvl 117 End 100
AGAGreen 165 Boxf 146 Cvq 117 End 123
AGAPalRGB 165 Buffer 156 Cycle 166 End 95
AGARGB 165 ButtonGroup 189 CyclePalette 164 End 97
AGARed 165 Buttonid 193 End Function 99
ALibJsr 126 DCB 125 End Setint 100
AMIGA 121 CELSE 122 DEFTYPE 101 End Statement 98
ASLFileRequest$ 202 CEND 122 Data 106 Endlf 96
ASLFontRequest 202 CERR: 123 Date$ 119 Eof 110
ASLPathRequest$ 202 CNIF 122 DateFormat 119 EraseMode 154
ASLScreenRequest 202 CSIF 122 Days 119 ErrFail 100
ASin 115 Call 127 DecodelLBM 145 Event 180
ASyncFade 166 Case 96 DecodeMedModule 172 EventCode 187
ATan 115 CaseSense 118 DecodePalette 164 EventQualifier 187
Abs 113 CatchDosErrs 111 DecodeShapes 152 EventWindow 180
Activate 184 Centre$ 118 DecodeSound 170 Exchange 101
ActivateString 191 Chr$ 116 Default 97 ExecVersion 120
AddFirst 102 Circle 146 DefaultlDCMP 178 Exists 111
AddlDCMP 179 Circlef 147 Defaultinput 107 Exp 115
Addltem 103 ClearList 102 DefaultOutput 107
AddLast 102 ClearRexxMsg 204 DeleteArgString 206 Fadeln 166
Addr 123 ClearString 191 DeleteMsgPort 203 FadeOut 166
AllocMem 128 ClickButton 211 DeleteRexxMsg 204 FadePalette 164
Asc 116 ClipBlit 158 Dim 102 FadeStatus 166
AsmExit 126 ClipBlitMode 158 Disable 194 False 113
AttachGTList 200 CloseEd 129 DiskBuffer 170 Fields 109
AutoCookie 150 CloseFile 109 DiskPlay 170 Filelnput 110
CloseScreen 174 DispHeight 113 FileOutput 110
BBlit 156 CloseSerial 214 Display 134 FileRequest$ 107
BBlitMode 156 CloseWindow 186 DisplayAdjust 137 FileSeek 110
BLITZ 121 ClrErr 100 DisplayBitMap 136 FillRexxMsg 204
BLibJsr 126 Clrlnt 100 DisplayControls 137 Filter 170
Bank 128 Cls 146 DisplayDblScan 138 FindScreen 173
BankSize 128 CludgeBitMap 145 DisplayPalette 136 Firstitem 103
BeepScreen 174 ColSplit 133 DisplayRGB 138 FloatMode 106
Bin$ 116 Colour 142 DisplayRainbow 138 FloodFill 147
BitMap 144 CookieMode 154 DisplayScroll 139 FlushBuffer 156
BitMapinput 143 CopLen 134 DisplaySprite 136 FlushEvents 180
BitMapOrigin 145 CopLoc 134 DisplayUser 139 FlushQueue 155
BitMapOutput 142 CopyBitMap 144 DoColl 161 For 97
BitMapWindow 145 CopyShape 150 DoFade 166 Forever 98
BitMaptoWindow 187 Cos 114 DosBuffLen 111 Format 105
BitPlanesBitMap 145 CreateArgString 206 DuplicatePalette 167 Frac 113
Blit 153 CreateDisplay 136 Frames 148
BlitColl 157 CreateMsgPort 203 EMouseX 184 Free 123
BlitMode 153 CreateRexxMsg 203 EMouseY 185 Free BitMap 144
BlitzKeys 140 CursX 142 EVEN 125 Free BlitzFont 142
BlitzQualifier 140 CursY 143 Edit 107 Free Module 170
BlitzRepeat 140 Cursor 182 Edit$ 106 Free Palette 163
Block 157 CustomColors 138 EditExit 183 Free Window 177
BlockScroll 158 CustomCop 133 EditFrom 183 FreeBank 128
Blue 165 CustomSprites 138 Editat 182 FreeFill 147
BorderPens 193 CustomString 138 Else 96 FreeMacroKey 213
FreeMem 128 HTan 115 LoadPalette 163 OpenSerial 214
FreeSlices 133 Handle 150 LoadScreen 174
FromCLI 130 Hex$ 116 LoadShape 149 PColl 162
Function 99 HideScreen 174 LoadShapes 149 PalRGB 164
Function Return 99 Hours 119 LoadSound 168 PaleneRange 167
LoadSprites 160 Par$ 129
GTBevelBox 200 ILBMDepth 112 LoadTape 212 ParPath$ 130
GTButton 198 ILBMHeight 112 Loc 111 Peek 113
GTChangeList 201 ILBMlnfo 112 Locate 142 Peek 127
GTCheckBox 198 ILBMViewMode 112 Lof 110 PeekSound 169
GTCycle 198 ILBMWidth 112 Log 115 Peeks$ 127
GTDisable 201 INCBIN 122 Log10 115 PhoneticSpeak 172
GTEnable 201 INCDIR 122 LoopSound 169 PlayBack 212
GTGadPtr 200 INCLUDE 121 PlayMed 171
GTGetAttrs 201 If 96 MButtons 181 PlayModule 170
GTGetinteger 201 InFront 160 Macro 123 PlayWait 212
GTGetString 201 InFrontB 160 MacroKey 213 Plot 146
GTlnteger 199 InFrontF 160 MakeCookie 150 Point 146
GTListView 199 InitAnim 148 MaxLen 101 Pointer 140
GTMX 199 InitBank 128 Maximum 123 Poke 127
GTNumber 199 InitCopList 135 MenuChecked 197 Poly 147
GTPalette 199 InitPalette 164 MenuColour 197 Polyf 147
GTScroller 199 InitShape 152 MenuGap 196 PøP 98
GTSetAttrs 201 InitSound 169 MenuHit 180 Popinput 107
GTSetinteger 201 Inkey$ 107 Menultem 195 Popitem 103
GTSetString 201 InnerCls 182 MenuState 197 PopOutput 107
GTShape 199 InnerHeight 185 MenuTitle 195 PositionSuperBitMap 186
GTSlider 199 InnerWidth 185 Menus 184 Previtem 103
GTStatus 201 Instr 116 Mid$ 116 Print 105
GTString 199 Int 114 MidHandle 151 Processor 120
GTTags 200 InvMode 154 Mins 119 PropGadget 191
GTText 199 IsRexxMsg 210 Mki$ 116 Pushitem 103
GTToggle 201 ItemHit 180 Mkl$ 117 Put 110
GadgetBorder 193 ItemStackSize 104 Mkq$ 117 PutReg 125
GadgetHit 180 Months 119 PutSuperBitMap 186
GadgetJam 190 Joyb 108 Mouse 140
GadgetPens 190 Joyr 108 MouseArea 141 QAMIGA 121
GadgetStatus 193 Joyx 107 MouseButton 211 QAbs 114
GameB 108 JoYY 108 MouseWait 98 QAngle 115
Get 110 JumpMed 171 MouseX 141 QBlit 155
GetMedinstr 172 MouseXSpeed 141 QBlitMode 155
GetMedNote 171 KillFile 111 MouseY 141 QFrac 114
GetMedVolume 171 Kililtem 103 MouseYSpeed 141 QLimit 114
GetReg 125 MoveScreen 175 QWrap 114
GetResultString 210 LCase$ 118 Qualifier 181
GetRexxComrnand 209 LSet$ 117 NEWTYPE 102 Queue 154
GetRexxResult() 209 Lastitem 103 NPrint 105 QuickPlay 212
GetSuperBitMap 186 Left$ 115 NTSC 113 QuietTrap 213
GetaShape 150 Len 117 NewPaletteMode 163
GetaSprite 159 Let 101 Next 97 RGB Colour 164
Gosub 95 Line 146 NextFrame 148 RSet$ 118
Goto 95 LoadAnim 148 Nextitem 103 RastPort 186
Green 164 LoadBank 128 NoCli 129 RawKey 181
LoadBitMap 145 NumDays 119 RawStatus 140
HCos 115 LoadBlikFont 141 NumPars 129 ReMap 147
HPropBody 192 LoadFont 187 Read 106
HPropPot 192 LoadMedModule 171 On 95 ReadFile 109
HSin 11.s LoadModule 170 OpenFile 109 ReadMem 111
ReadSerial 214 SetMenu 196 Subitem 196 WMove 184
ReadSerialMem 215 SetPeriod 170 SubitemOff 196 WPlot 181
ReadSerialString 214 SetSerialBuffer 214 SysJsr 126 WPointer 184
Record 212 SetSerialLens 215 SystemDate 119 WPrintScroll 186
RectsHit 162 SetSerialParams 215 WScroll 182
Red 164 SetString 191 Tan 114 WSize 184
Redraw 192 SetVProp 192 TapeTrap 213 WTitle 186
RelMouse 210 SetVoice 172 TextGadget 189 WTopOff 186
Repeat 97 Sgn 114 Toggle 194 Wait 210
Replace$ 116 ShapeGadget 190 TokeJsr 126 WaitEvent 179
ReplyRexxMsg 209 ShapeHeight 150 Translate$ 172 WbToScreen 173
ResetList 102 Shapeltem 196 True 113 WeekDay 119
ResetString 191 ShapeSpriteHit 162 Type 211 Wend 96
Restore 106 ShapeSub 196 While 96
Return 95 ShapeWidth 150 UCase$ 118 Window 176
RexxError() 210 ShapesBitMap 145 USED 123 WindowFont 183
RexxEvent 210 ShapesHit 162 USEPATH 121 WindowHeight 185
Right$ 115 Shared 99 UStr$ 118 Windowloput 178
Rnd 114 Show 133 UnBuffer 156 WindowOutput 178
Rotate 151 ShowB 133 UnLeft$ 117 WindowTags 187
Runerrsoff 123 ShowBitMap 175 UnQueue 155 WindowWidth 185
Runerrson 123 ShowBlitz 134 UnRight$ 117 WindowX 185
ShowF 133 Until 97 WindowY 185
SBlit 157 ShowPalette 163 Use 123 WriteFile 109
SBlitMode 157 ShowScreen 173 Use BitMap 144 WriteMem 111
SColl 162 ShowSprite 159 Use BlitzFont 142 WriteSerial 214
SMouseX 174 ShowStencil 157 Use Palette 163 WriteSerialMem 215
SMouseY 174 Sin 114 Use Slice 132 WriteSerialString 214
SaveBank 128 SizeLimits 186 Use Window 177
SaveBitmap 145 SizeOf 102 XFlip 151
SavePalette 164 Slice 131 VPos 113 XINCLUDE 122
SaveScreen 174 SolidMode 154 VPropBody 192 XStatus 212
SaveShape 149 Sort 104 VPropPot 192 YFlip 151
SaveShapes 149 SortDown 104 VWait 98
SaveSprites 160 SortList 104 Val 118 Years 119
SaveTape 212 SortUp 104 ViewPort 174
Scale 151 Sound 168 VoiceLoc 172
Screen 173 SoundData 169 Volume 169
ScreenPens 174 Speak 172
ScreenTags 175 SpriteMode 160 WBDepth 120
ScreensBitMap 144 SpritesHit 162 WBHeight 120
Scroll 147 Sqr 115 WBStartup 129
Secs 119 StartMedModule 171 WBViewMode 120
Select 96 Statement 98 WBWidth 120
SelectMode 190 Statement 98 WBlit 187
SendRexxCommand 206 Stencil 157 WBox 181
SerialEvent 215 Stop 96 WCircle 181
SetBPLCON0 134 StopCycle 166 WCls 182
SetColl 161 StopMed 171 WColour 183
SetCollHi 161 StopModule 170 WCursX 185
SetCollOdd 161 Str$ 118 WCursY 185
SetCycle 165 String$ 116 WEllipse 182
SetErr 100 StringGadget 190 WJam 183
SetGadgetStatus 189 StringText$ 190 WLeftOff 186
SetHProp 192 StripLead$ 117 WLine 182
Setlnt 99 StripTrail$ 117 WLocate 185
SetMedMask 172 SubHit 180 WMouseX 184
SetMedVolume 171 SubiDCIP 179 WMouseY 184
Copyright 1994 by Acid Software, a division of Armstrong Communications
Limited, New Zealand. This document may not, in whole or in part, be
copied, photocopied, reproduced, translaled, or reduced to any electronic
medium without prior consent, in writing, from Acid Software.
The distribution and sale of this product are intended for the use of the
original purchaser only. Lawful users of this program are hereby licensed
only to read the program and its libraries from its medium into the memory
of the computer solely for the purpose of executing the program.
Duplicating. copying, selling or otherwise distributing this product is a
violation of the law.
Note: Acid Software claim no intellectual or any other copyright over
software developed in Blitz2 hy registered Blitz2 users.
Acid Sottware accept no responsibility for the performance of Blitz2 or
software developed with Blitz2. However. we wili endeavour to solve any
problems registered users have with the product and hope to support the
product to the best of our ability.
Developed hy Mark Sihly using HiSoft's Devpac2. Printed in the United
Kinydom by Guildhall Leisure Services ,Manual produced with SoJt Logik's
PageStream2 & PageLiner.
Technical Support
Users are not entitled to any support unless reyistration cards are
re(urned. Support is available via email from aCid@iCon.Co.nz. Acid
Software can also be contacted via fax in New Zealand on +649 35X 165X.
Alternatively mail any questions to the address that appeard on the
registration card enclosed in this pack.lge.
Blitz BASIC lor lhe Amica is continually heing improved. Updates are
provided free by subscrihing to thc Blitz User Magazine (BUM), details are
included on the registration card. Sio:nificant additions to the language
are planned for 1995 including Atari Jaguar support, 3D graphics support
for troth Amiga and Jaguar. as well as a powerful new editor.
-- THE END --